Star Trek General
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what's the worst uniform design Trek had and why it is this one?
hope she undresses more in seasons 2 and 3.
my persis ;_;
It was the 70's, user.
but even what they are wearing at this pic looks more uniform-y and serious than those pastel pajamas
>showing off bones's sexy chest hair
Have I told you about Curzon today?
fake & gahy
yes, many times. move on now. i'm not in the mood.
daily reminder that Anjohl did nothing wrong
thats dukat as a bajoran
>goes to DS9 to convince the pope to turn to the pah wraiths and help him resurrect them or some stupid shit
>ends up accidentally seducing the pope and fucking her
how does he do it? are all Bajoran women just programmed to submit to (even undercover) Cardie cock?
very observant of you
could see are shatner doing this but not pat
>it's a chakotay episode
>it's a b'elanna episode
>it's a kes episode
>it's a neelix episode
>it's a kim episode
>it's a voyager episode
I love you, Star Trek. Do you love me? Check yes or no.
Come within ass slapping range you slow-brained ginger trollop!
Filter all std threads, your time is done jew cbs shill.
So much potential... and he wasted it all. Goddammit.
a show for 7 y olds
he needs a tiny piss spot on that bulge to complete the entourage
Cardies are just slutty. Cardie women included.
Old pulse phasers are best phasers.
You are now aware of how many episode plots would be solved immediately if the enterprise and ds9 just had CCTV
which would be so cheap and reasonable to have, all ships would have logically had them everywhere, especially in the future
Or in TNG if they had just listened to Worf more often. Samaritan Snare comes to mind.
Does anyone have that Porthos/Dukat greentext saved from a few threads ago?
Recommend firing a torpedo
>you can locate biosigns of everyone on the planet from the orbit
>as soon as any rewmember takes his badge off he's undetectable
must have been a child on set
Recommend having some goddamn common sense around strangers, Captain.
"No, I think not, Mr. Worf."
daily reminder Worf had no idea what he was doing
It was probably decided on long ago that mass surveillance was bad for morale, sort of like how eugenics was outlawed. That doesn't explain why the Cardassians didn't have CCTV installed on Terok Nor though. Odo could patch into the personal coms systems and as seen in 'Civil Defense' the doors have sensors that detect who is going through. It is curious as to why there is very little visual surveillance in the more sensitive areas of the station.
Second half?
How did they ever think that bringing the asian empress back from evil world would turn out fine? Did logic girl just forget that she was the leader of a despotic evil kill your way to the top galactic empire?
>70s was 50 years ago
>We don't even have a shuttle anymore
why live
They had it in TOS, but it was rarely needed and used
That's it
Nah, there was a second half where Porthos went into Daniels' quarters
If two nacelles are better than one nacelle, then surely three nacelles are better than two nacelles!
You're thinking of a different copypasta. Use the archive.
why not just have the entire ship be a nacelle
get a dictionary
>four nacelles are better than two
>double the amount of secondary hulls
>throw in a second warp reactor because why not
>double the amount of shit that can go wrong
Sadly STD did not introduce this magnificent dakka monster to the canon
>USS Mogadishu
Please fucking die already. So sick of this cocksucking queer.
Vulcans also taught us to follow the prime directive which is considered fascistic nowadays.
God I fucking hate celebrities who use their popularity to push their political agenda. You are a professional make believe guy. You play pretend for a living. What the fuck makes you qualified to comment on any political issue? Also he didn't say why giving everyone phasers would be a bad idea. Giving every single student and teacher a phaser that only has a stun setting is actually a pretty good idea. No one could use them to kill but they would still be fully able to defend against crazy shit, y'know like the crazy shit that happens all the fucking time in Star Trek.
Also despite being functionally retarded, and using tech decades behind everyone else, and favoring boarding parties in fucking space, and fucking discriminating against any and all scientists in their culture Klingons have managed to carve themselves a massive fucking empire. How long has the Klingon empire reigned? How many other races lie under their rule? If a plan has worked for hundreds if not thousands of years and continues to work then it is probably not a shit plan. If I had to put money on it I'd say the Federation would be more likely to fall and crumble before the Klingons do.
What a fuckin cunt.
Well it doesn't make any sense considering Star Fleet trains their students in hand to hand combat and phaser training
>Starfleet a military organization
>not teaching people to use phasers and shit
lmao stfu george
>every other week someone boards your ship uninvited
>not carrying even a pocket phaser at you at all times
There was a reason the Romans held actors in the same regard as prostitutes and latrine sweepers.
Late-Federation Uniform Master Race.
really inverts the polarity of my triphasic antipositron kiloquad module
Daily reminder that Shran did nothing wrong.
does he think the shooter was "allowed" to bring a gun into the school?
based Shran
>preferring the grey bullshit and colored undershirts to the elegant high collared uniforms of the 2360s
I like the piping in seasons 1-2.
yea those did have some key advantages
>I got to hear some very interesting dreams of yours
>a man cannot be held responsible for what his mind does while he's asleep
>what about when he's awake?
Doctor, my penis is expanding beyond its limitations. Please stop.
reminder that sisko is a literal rapist
Scotty getting an eyeful of those sweet Uhura titties.
>caring about the useless shuttle
that's kid shit. the usa is on to mars
>Worf in command of the Defiant
>finally gets to fire that full spread of torpedoes with no one to belay the order
>the ship he fired at was """"full"""" of refugees
Can he ever get a break?
>they're called "refugees"
>they're actually not
>praise T'Kuvma
give me one good reason you don't want an Andorian gf right now
>getting a fiery Latina to play a Klingon
was she even acting?
This but K'ehlyr is the exception.
Better than a Bajoran girl, at least
Literally the only cute Klingon : (
Because she's a halfie