Joker is a SJW fighting the opressive Batman

>Joker is a SJW fighting the opressive Batman
How big of a shitstorm is this book going to cause here?

To be fair the joker serves as a inside view of how insane the sjws have become

I'll probably gawk at the first issue then drop it like a bad habit.

I could've stomached this due to art, BUT NOT LIKE THIS.

This is just your average example of Sean Murphy art, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Not the same user but his Batman looks retarded in the OP

Oh who gives a shit anymore?

I disagree, he actually looks cool and evil.

He looks better here

The people who aren't resigned to our hobby becoming a soapbox for identity politics.

On the one hand, the stuff that's been said about this comic by the writer makes it sound kind of dumb.

On the other hand, as a Superman fan I've had to sit through years and years and years and years of alternate universes where Superman is evil or psychotic or both. It's really amusing to see the shitstorm being caused by just ONE version of this with Batman. Basically I am going to enjoy the ride and drink the tears of Batfags like fine wine.

When people noticed that the announcement mentioned BLM, the thread overfilled and hit bump limit quickly due to outrage.

>Joker is a SJW fighting the opressive Batman
>tfw can't tell if this is tumblr or Sup Forums

Motherfucker is wearing thigh high boots

Hasn't it kinda been that way since, like, always?
At least since the 60s.

I don't care for Superman, but I share your sentimemt concerning Batman.

>caused by just ONE version of this with Batman
That's actually the only reason I'm going to look at the book when it comes out.
Joker goes sane and still wants to take down Batman? That sounds fascinating, even if the author was probably going for a "Batman is just a crazy as his Rogues" angle.

But Joker goes sane and wants to demolish the cis white heteronormative patriarchy embodied by Bruce Wayne?
Swap some names around and send that shit to Marvel, please.

>Tiny hands
>Thigh high boots>horrible posture
>No background
I miss the days of Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson.

It's the difference between Constantine having recurring jokes about Thatcher, and having a character monologue like this shit.

As a Batman fans I've had to suffer years of jealousy watching Superman fans get countless awesome stories with a cool bad ass evil Superman and am excited to finally see Batman get a turn after years of Superman hogging all the kick ass fun villain stories.

i mean, there was flashpoint

But that's just a typical rick and morty joke user, it's like that retard bit they did in season 1.



>How big of a shitstorm is this book going to cause here?
Depends on what it is. If he actually does KKK batman vs BLM, a lot, but it will take a hell of a lot to hit America Chavez's level.

I don't think he even looks evil. It looks like a natural extension of frank miller scowlly batman.

>flashpoint Batman
>a villain
Try again.

Where's his neck at

Whoops, wrong page

Lets say it has Joker lead a full SJW campaign after quitting crime. He joins BLM Antifa and others and unites thousands of other liberals against Batman.
Then at the end a surprise twist that he is still crazy evil and did all this as a way to fuck over Batman and all the sjws were unwittingly henchmen for his plan to take down Batman.
How would you react?

I dunno, man. It's still comic soapboxing.
I mean, yeah, Hellblazer is better, duh.
Still, comics always has been a place for artists/writers to soapbox.


So in the end the true villain was either side of politics but the one manipulating the masses through their political beliefs to achieve personal goals. Deep.

I-Is Batman in prison but still dressed like Batman, cowl and all?

Looks like yea

wasn't this dark knight rises?

Bane was openly a terrorist carrying out illegal activity with armed men.

Where did we learn the basis of the story?

Two kinds of people.

Thank Christ somebody knows how to differentiate between communists and fascists, it's been fucking awful seeing these dumbass conservative boomers like Dinesh D'Souza claim antifa are da real fascists when they're spray-painting Soviet iconography on the walls

So when does this release?

I don't understand how can it look so good & bad at the same time

October I think

Because that's so much better. Kys commie.

These days "center-left" translates to Bernie Sanders.

He's probably locked up in Arkham.

So SJW, and practically a communist?

It will tackle the toxic masculinity of Batman, who is a middle-aged, white, cis heterosexual male, and in the top 1% of income earners. Hopefully, everyone will see how terrible Batman truly is.

Thankfully, they are only acting like Pol Pot who murdered millions, instead of Hitler who murdered millions.

I bet you don't even know what toxic masculinity is.

DC changed their logo again?

Still glad to see the return of Elseworlds.

I do not care, the art is cool, evil batman is interesting, sane Joker is interesting, this book would have to be really SJW, like focusing the plot in gay rights or something to make me drop it.

October 4th.

when you put it like that, totally hyped.

It's a retailer exclusive variant dummy

Yes, it means "men are evil (and by men I mean "white men")", followed by some mental gymnastics as to how that's somehow not both racist and sexist.

I don't know if I would burn my copies but that's so stupid. The writer must be retarded.

>Thigh high boots

lol what a faggot


Don't they have Earth-3 for Evil Batman/Good Joker stories?

like 20 pages or so

Really? Are you telling me that anti-sjws are the sane ones? Aren't those the guys who were defending Milo Yiannopoulos when he was outed for being a pedophilia advocate?


Those are called "normal people".

Then Pol Pot was mainly batshit in commie drag.

Wait a second... _bat_shit. Hold the presses DC, I've got a new origin story!

They also had Elseworlds for like 15 years, and I think that only produced one outright evil Batman story.

>outed for being a pedophilia advocate
>still pushing that narrative

Being an advocate for pedophilia makes you a normal person now? Dude seriously get out of your conservative echo chamber.

Because it's the truth. You guys are partisan hacks who are so obsessed with destroying multiculturalism and feminism you lack basic morals.

>implying that sjws don't do the same thing all the time

I have a feeling this is gonna backfire on the writer original intention. Just like American horror story cult trying to paint trump voter as psycho clowns. Yet all they do show liberals as crying pussies. If anything AMS cult is unintentionally pro trump.

Ah, yes, communism has never been done right. Millions killed by Stalin and Mao. Misery, poverty, starvation, and outright murder in every instance it has been tried.

There is no solace for the victims.

>he didn't read the rest of the comic
Morty uses Rick's "fascist detector" to go on a crusade to kill every single “fascist” in the multiverse. The climax happens when he runs into an identical version of himself doing the exact same thing, they detect each other as 100% fascists, but Morty-A kills Morty-B first.

>Sulu and Frodo talk about pedophilia in Hollywood
>no one cares
>a notorious critic of of "liberal" media talks about it
>only months later and after careful planning the media put out their smear campaign
>"it's t-the truth..."
double kek

I don't think you understand.

There's filthy SJWs, and normal people, who hate you for very valid reason. "anti-sjws" are not some kind of group.

It's "SJW faggots" and "everyone else".

I'm not even sure why you're bringing up that Milo guy, or intentionally misrepresenting what he said. If I recall correctly, -he- was the underaged one in a relationship with an older man, not the one diddling children.

Somebody besides Mark Millar should be writing that kind of story.

Why are rick and morty comics so based?

>literally unironically simplifying a complex issue into black and white us vs. them mentality

We've always been at war with Eurasia

You might have noticed that I specifically only mentioned Pol Pot there but I suppose you had that little tirade queued up.

>just ONE version of this with Batman

What do the Dark Judges have to do with anything?

They're written by a guy

Those aren't Batman.

I literally just did the opposite.

You're the retard talking about "anti-SJWs" as if they're some sort of opposing group.

Everybody hates SJWs. I'm terrified to think of the type of mentally ill, morbidly obese, dyed hair communists to surround yourself with if you somehow haven't found out that everyone hates SJWs.

You know I just caught a big problem with this. Fascist Superman usually has the whole world try and bring him down. Fascist Batman get's to stay safely tucked away in Gotham

I don't hate SJWs, they're annoying as fuck but they'll get a lot less so when society adapts to loud, constantly screeching, small minorities.

These people aren't well and I can't really hate them.

At the very least, you have a third group in "people who don't give a shit," ie, normalfags that wouldn't even recognize the term SJW without Google.

But you've spent so much time in online echo chambers that you've completely forgotten that people exist who don't care about the same shit you do. SAD!

If they don't know the term "SJW", then they know them by the older term, "cultural constructivists".

This shit isn't new, and was just as bad 30 years ago as it is today.

There's a difference between not liking SJWs, as any sane person does, and devoting every moment of your life to complaining about SJWs, "fighting" SJWs, and trying to turn every single fucking discussion into an excuse to bitch about SJWs.

Anti-SJWs are the latter. Normal people are the former. You can not like something without having your life revolve around bitching about that thing.

Sean Murphy is one of the best artists to never be on a well written story

Black Manta did this before and better as well.

I bet you think it's pedophilia until 18

With the sheer amount of trouble SJWs cause, that sounds like a pretty noble activity.

However, I don't think those people exist.

I've read so many 'classics' that Sup Forums gushes about and the topic of identity politics is insanely common.

Maybe you're just a disgusting, whiny manchild who shouldn't invest their efforts in protecting fiction.

>Misery, poverty, starvation, and outright murder in every instance it has been tried

How is that any different to capitalism?

>Was hoping to see preview material
>It's just Sup Forums pretending to be Sup Forums again
Do the whole world a favour and drown yourself in the chlorinated kiddy pool.

Because capitalism generally causes happiness, weath, a functional food program, and basic human rights.

So, it's both the opposite and better than communism in every way.

All forms of politics are cancer. I don't need that in my funny books.

>creates a broken classist system favoring monopoly and price fixing wherein the rich get richer slowly dissolving the middle class

Murphy's art is the victim of modern coloring. It would have been much better as B&W ink, as fellow anons have concluded.


I've never seen a better example of someone shooting themselves in the foot while claiming to be 'progressive'

>Joker is 'cured'

>Wow now he's not mentally ill he's actually super duper smart and not abusive at all

I feel like this is a shit excuse for the writer to put his corporate AU fanfic on paper and just tangentially tie it to left wing politics, not TOO left wing though because apparently the way to take down batman in the modern age is to make fun of him on twitter....because that always works in real life with media and political personalities.

I hate that I know who the cuck in this picture is

It's Sargon. Kind of hard not to know him.