Are sex related jobs a thing in toon worlds? Is there a toon porn industry? How about prostitution

Are sex related jobs a thing in toon worlds? Is there a toon porn industry? How about prostitution

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oh baby oh baby oh baby

I know prostitution exists, because what else would your mom be?


That's a good question, let me put your arguments in my laptop.

I think it depends on the toon. I'm guessing realistic toons like Clarence have porn for his parents to watch while he's out having his adventures. But I'm thinking stuff like Arthur or Dexter exist in a porn-free world.

Depends on which ones. For gumball i remember there was a scene where banana joe was watching a fruit "get split open" so I'm assuming it was porn to him due to their reactions

That would imply you, OP, and OP's Mom are toons.

Post proof of this!

what is southpark?

What is it about the Gumball that attracts all sorts of autists?

the Gumball fandom*

Why can't I do anything right today?


Or as /tg/ might say: Depends on the setting.

Because you have autism.

>I am a toon but I want to be human
Man, that movie was fucking stupid

What a piece of shit movie. How did Bakshi drop the ball so hard? Even Space Jam was more believable than this shit. Chick was hot, tho.

Ehhh, you tried.
0/10 but I can give you a (You).

>Is there a toon porn industry?

That was not a toon. That was just fruit


It was in a toon world.

Really makes you think

Blame the studio executives. They kept fucking with his original concept. Even Kim Basinger tainted it with her "notes."

The original concept was shit too

>What is it about the Sup Forums that attracts all sorts of autists?
fix'd and why are you trying hard to exclude yourself from the rest?

>What is it about the internet that attracts all sorts of autists?
why stop there when you go deeper


Arthur world has porn. There is epiode of it. Same with gumball and braceface.

These are not toon worlds

Another great part is that toonforce makes it possible to take massive dildos. And cater to other fetishes, like vore.

Centerfolds seem to be pretty common in toon worlds, so as far as the softcore stuff goes, definitely a thing.

only in europe where everyones a degenerate

Would a figure like Christ actually be revered in a toon setting? In many of them literally anybody can turn water into wine if it's for a laugh, or instantly heal from their own wounds and even death. Comparatively the tales of the Bible wouldn't be very special to them.

Christ was revered for his subversive political and philosophical teachings.

Jesus can be funny, m8. Also this

Don't you mean prostitoontion?

where's this from?

You should ask ZONE about that.


>and then they continue

I don't watch them but just from the art style I could tell it was from Wakfu or Dofus.

And five seconds on google told me that little blue guy was in the cast of Dofus.

Depends on the setting.
I never thought I'd say that outside of /tg/.

>go to toon world for some "fun"
>your 3D money is useless. Girls don't want you because you aren't funny enough
It's not fair.


Ankama love their red light districts


>this lack of human women

All of those are human. Dofus/Wakfu is a strange, wonderful place.


>elves and furries

You don't know much about how that setting works do you? Everybody's a human, and when they choose a god to worship they become a subspecies of human, some of which are elves and furries.

Just because you say so?
They are all cartoons and could count as toons.

Not that user but a world without weirdness and/or toon force isn't a toon world.

So atheist master race?

Atheists turn themselves into pickles.

That is beautiful.

How about Foggernauts? Those are machines but have a soul.


>in a toon world where everyone is funny not being fun is attractive to some
>it's like having a foreign accent
>get all the girls

Nope. They get to stay regular humans, but get none of the power you get from worshiping a god. Like stopping time, living forever, insane luck, plant control, becoming stronger the more you're hit, super strength, beast control, etc.

I really need to watch Wakfu

t. unfunny virgin.

Daffy wasn't being funny there though. He was just singing a song.

Panda thing is top tier.

given the way she stares at you, she seems like she'd be a fury (single "r", pun not intended) in bed. Expect to leave with many claw marks and bruises

Well she douse work at the "Rainbow factory"


>where everyones a degenerate

you mean non-puritans who actually like sex?

I like to think that just like how the human world has furries, any cartoon that has anthropomorphic characters have "skinnies" and wear skinsuits to HomoCon or whatever.

The religion aspect never comes up in the show. They might as well be races. I think Ankama is trying to soft-retcon the religions into being races.

they can interbreed and the offsprings aren't sterile , hence they're all humans

I don't think you understand how fiction works.
Also, no one in either show changes class/race/religion, and they're just born with that specific class/race/religion

because 99% of the time, kids take from one of their parents
converts exist but are rare

>baby having religion

you can see toddlers already having one of their parent's budding physical traits

>they can interbreed hence they're all humans
Stop being retarded.

What did you mean by this?

>converts exist but are rare
I understand what you're trying to say, but in practice, that literally never happens.
Converts are rare? Can you name a single one? A single character in either show, or hell even any of the comics, that converted?

sounds like a reference to a meme grimdark fic from the fandom that must not be named

Pretty sure Nicole has had "sex related jobs". Where else could the wattersons house have come from?

>He was just singing a song
And it was funny

>be an entertaining human chad
>get all the cats

read "who censored roger rabbit" its a breeze and really a Duex Ex at the end but it was an amazing read.

I hate that picture