Wtf are these?

Wtf are these?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shields of God

Pornprompter, they let him relive his pussy grabbing days.

High albedo directed energy weapon defense plates. Stops laser-assassins.

polarized screen to deflect glare, kinda like how a football player wears eye black

It's a teleprompter retard

He can't go off script, he does it here and there in his speeches. He can't say stupid shit anymore, maybe when he's prez he won't use it.

face shield, dumbass
hurr durr let's just let the bullets fly unimpeded to his face

arcane condenser to funnel the meme magic.

You can't see the words unless you look from the right angle

Bulletproof deflection shields

He's actually been doing really well with them at the rallies, going on and off script with ease. Didn't take him very long to not be all wooden, either. I'm frankly a bit impressed.

Hyper gamalized anatomic subcensures conglomerating evanescence of memetic magicka

A component of his time machine.

>bulletproof glass
>some anti glare shit
So which is it Sup Forums? Does no one truly know? Could it be an implement of the jews?

force sensors that detect and disintegrates objects moving at certain speeds. it essentially stops shooting assassination attempts


only trump can see whats on there

Atom deactivators

A liberal grade tear deflector

It's a teleprompter you mong.

force field emitters, if they try and assassinate trump the bullet will be stopped by the shield

Ionized hyper God essence condenser

This, although I miss old Trump rallies sometimes


The wall of bullet shielding. Mexico paid for it btw.

Ronald Reagan's Greatest Ally.

almond activator

[citation needed]

Yep it's a teleprompter.

A shield.

It's there for the crowds safety though, not his.


>Wtf are these?

bullet proof glass window

Don't be dumb

X-ray glasses

Trump requested them specifically for his speeches because he wants to see the women at his audiences nude

He's that much of a pervert

What about all the uncovered space?

B8 R8 2/8

They know exactly where the shooter is.

>They know exactly where the shooter is.

>a mic stand, some shitty 4:3 monitor, and a 6''x6'' piece of acrylic

What the fuck?

kys little fucker