What is a Sup Forums approved alternative to playing video games?
What is a Sup Forums approved alternative to playing video games?
Reading, hunting, whittling, making instruments (or other crafts), woodworking in general, metalworking, gunsmithing/shooting.
not in the pursuit of vanity or looking yuge, but in the pursuit of self-fulfillment and accomplishment
voting for Trump
Video games can be acceptable as a downtime hobby, but really you need to better yourself every day or you're just wasting your life and potential.
A job.
Smashing gash
I agree. I spend hours a day on video games and I'm finally beginning to realize im just pissing my life away. The games are shit nowadays too.
still better than TV
Fishing. I don't know why people will play that Pokemon Go shit when you can throw a line/net in and literally try to catch them all.
The hardest part is just walking away from something thats become more habit than hobby.
A good suggestion to break the vidya choke-hold is get a pet that takes up at least some of your time to break you away from the vidya.
Dogs are good as they encourage being outside, walking and even talking to other dog owners and lovers. If however you do not wish to have a pet, then get a book on any subject at all, and read it, when you're done, get another, be unrelenting.
If you are not comfortable at a gym, or working out outdoors such as cycling, jogging or even going swimming, I suggest get a set of weights (100-150kg is a good startingg point), head over to /fit/, read the sticky, and look at what you are after. If you wish to 'cut fut and get lean' then cardio, if you wanna bulk up, deads, squats and oats.
After having a dog, reading all the time and working out your confidence will be on the rise, and you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Vidya does help people learn to proces things quicker and make choices much faster than average, so it's not all bad, but everything in moderation, mate.
not watching weird videos that make your head hurt
Play easy stuff like shooters or platformers as a leisurely activity. Nobody should be judged for the way they choose to spend their free time.
If you're like me and can't shake the addiction of a lifetime spent on the stuff, try to pick games that could arguably broaden your perspective on the world. Try strategy games like the Civilization series or a less casual equivalent and you may actually learn a little bit (emphasis on little, supplement this with reading). Sim games where you buil cities/railroads/rollercoasters can be an introduction to infrastructure and economy. Play some less fun but more philosophical titles like I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream and while it won't be the best game you've ever played nor the best story you've ever experienced you will still come away with new ideas to explore/refute at your own pace.
The key is to supplement gaming with books and film of similar themes. Don't just play Bioshock without at least reading one Ayn Rand book so that you have a more complete opinion on the philosophy.
fucking lol
it's hard to do it correctly with any kind of skill, so while you might not be all for it, or maybe even detest it, you've got a guy looking to better himself in some fashion, so to be a cunt and try to slander a completely valid option instead of helping your fellow man makes you no more than a filthy kike.
Hunting Jews.
Take a hobby in the arts
Fucking girls?
Are you a virgin? Quit playing with kids toys.
Whittling is for 8 year olds.
Half that other shit is cool but non-intellectual hillbilly stuff. >1% of your time should go to activities which don't involve abstract thinking
Siring offspring.
Any good man of Sup Forums in their mid 20s should already be planning children
>so woke you can't think for yourself
stop, you're embarrassing everyone
Literally anything.
If you're over 17 and still have an interest in video games, you fucked up somewhere.
Read a book a week and work out every day.
Expand your body and mind.
>not broadening your mind by appreciating the simpler things in life
Or Pakis
After you have mastered your profession spend time with your children however you want. The games these days build those synapses. Same with the old ones, actually.
Half the people here are unemployed and the ones who are employed work retail. Why would you wish to be like them? Video games are fine as long as you do other things as well.
You're a pathetic fucker, OP.
Sure, man.
video games are the only piece of media that is always free of propaganda in the form of gameplay. Any video game without gameplay isn't a video game.
Video Games are culture, they are the accumulation of all multimedia assets in a society. Video Games are the pinnacle of culture, the tip top height on the mountain. Aquinas spoke of the mythical city on the hill, well on top of that hill houses servers of multiplayer video games shared and enjoyed by its citizenry.
Any DIY stuff sounds good. Even making a fucking bird house would be better. I still play video games for entertainment,but I don't see why people make such a big fuss over them.