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How much worse can it be than "super predators brought to heel"?

He needs to release it next week to combat the Trump tape coming out then. Right after the Trump tape is released he should release it.

Them? You mean guys in Donald Duck suits? O'keefe tapes have been hyped up nothingness

>inb4 ctr shill

This guy is such a fucking tease
Just release it already you faggot.

What trump tape, the left doesnt need to play the media cycle game like the right does, they control the media. They could release the trump tape any time and tank his numbers if it exists

More than likely, if they do have anything, it'll be something really tame. Last time they dropped a tape it was Trump calling someone an uncle tom

>tfw "them" refers to Huma and Hillary

It's not going to be Hillary talking.


the tape is Hillary saying nigger when she is talking about Donna Brazile (or whatever the fuck you spell her name), right after that town hall thing where she was fed the questions

you'll see

I don't care really, the FBI scandal is 100x this and exactly what Trump needs.

it will probably be more duckmen


This country is truly pathetic. No matter how good of a candidate you are if you don't gargle nigger balls you will lose.



ITS JUST.......


We won. kek wills it.

I no longer follow this clickbait faggot.

Next week
>Hillary and MSM fabricate a scandal to distract from FBI investigation
Day later
>O'Keefe drops the DNC/Hillary disparaging some worthless nigger video

The last week of our lives

He better deliver. Geez. It's about time.

You are beyond retarded, that video proved that the Clinton campaign (Clinton herself, in fact) colluded with super PACs, which is a felony

I'll repeat

You're beyond retarded

Don't know what it's of, or if it's even real but this is what I've heard


>he thinks normies will give a shit and half of the electorate doesn't already think she's a criminal but will vote for her anyway

She was talking about thug hoodrats there, not all black people. Don't stoop to their level of intentionally distorting things.

LADS, REMEMBER. The last video left off with the Veritas team potentially gaining access to a meeting with Clinton. Don't give up hope yet.

but for real, if it's fuckin Scott Foval or Bobby Creamer that's gonna be a bit disappointing

So what if it's a felony?

It's not like she'll get arrested for it. They can commit all sorts of illegal shit and get away with it.

I see what you did there

>tfw total game changer
>trump and hillary on the vidya

pic related? but where does the black chick come from if the talk is just for donors? and who's filming it?

No he was referring to Trump. He said a couple of tweets earlier that Hillary just had to survive until next week when a another bomb will be dropped on Trump.

how the fuck would a pollster named frank luntz know??

the tape is Hillary saying nigger when she is talking about Barack Obama (or whatever the fuck you spell his name), right after that election thing where she lost the primary

you'll see

I'm not disputing any of that. I'm disputing that it's not just simply "ebic dugs on da ground xdddd"


it's just going to be bob creamer and that faggot with AIDS again.

>It's "there is some violence in the African American community t. hillari" tier

the tape is Hillary saying nigger when she is talking about Eric Holder (or whatever the fuck you spell his name), right after that gun running thing where that border control agent got killed

you'll see

It better be them calling blacks niggers. This guy talks up a lot of shit and delivery has been underwhelming after the first 2 vids.

Vertical boner

I feel like its related to that night, or related to the media matters ticket okeefe tweeted

wow its fucking no-

To be fair he never called it a nigger tape; thats the max damage scenario.

>get caught on video talking about doing highly illegal federal crimes
>Go on the air and basically admit to the crimes
>Nothing happens at all

Man working at the DNC must be the tits

the tape is nigger saying nigger when she is talking about nigger (or whatever the fuck you spell his name), right after that nigger thing where she lost the nigger

Nigger'll see

just go full nigger already

I know, what I said was O'Keefe should release the tape he has soon after the new bomb is released on Trump

Insider info maybe?

Thats why david brock switched teams and the GOPe plays nice

not Hillary

Nobody gives a shit if Bob Foval said nigger.

O'Keefe's videos would be more effective if he didn't overhype them.

It's from the same investigation. Probably Creamer or Foval being racist. Which is slightly disappointing. O'Keefe is a couple clicks behind wiki leaks, who is a couple clicks behind the FBI. Hillary will throw everyone under the bus to win. She's hoping that if she wins she can pardon everyone. It's her only hope. I hope she falls short and ends up in prison.

I don't see how it'll help unless it's Hillary herself or Bill talking shit about googles

If okeefe knows the tape is kinda weak he should release it soon.

If he knows its powerful he should wait and time it, assuming he even thinks there is something else against Trump.

Because if its weak and he releases it after a Trump surprise, it will be ignored.

>Don't stoop to their level of intentionally distorting things.

muh honor
end yourself
real winners do whatever is necessary

Lol. That fag with aids.
I read he had to flee his home because of death threats. He recanted everything the tapes saying it was him bragging. Probably thought he was going to pass the bug onto O'Keefe's undercover vaper.

He was on Hannity this week saying he has no footage of Hillary herself so it's going to be her staff again or Media Matters.
I mean it works indirectly, sure, but it's not going to be a direct blow.
It'll fit an angle for sure. Hype it, but don't put fucking words in his mouth that it's Hillary.

A felon candidate would get 100% of the nonwhite vote bro. this is the wrong thing to meme.


Actually O'Keefe has already delivered big time.

Shillery as per tapes released to date has already been caught hiring and funding people to incite violence at Trump rallies.

This is verified. In fact public election records even verify such payments.

Do you not grasp the significance of that? If Hillary did not have higher cups already bought of she'd be jailed for such conduct.

You try hiring me and paying people to go out and incite violence at political rallies.

The average guy like you or I would be locked up for 30 or 40 years yet Hillary is allowed to keep campaigning and ramping up war rhetoric against Russia.

O'Keefe also has them on tape saying they hire people to rig the elections.

Do you grasp the significance of that?

Hillary's crew openly says they are committing election fraud!

You clearly are unaware of what gas been released and you are your 360 wrong to say nothing of significance has cone out. O'Keefe has dropped Nixon is bombshells against Clinton.

Didn't he originally say the tape was Clinton herself? Now it's just "them".

This actually makes me less optimistic than before. I didn't doubt he would release it. If it's just fucking Creamer saying someone else said something
.. well alright I guess.

stay cool, pupper

Yeah but American people don't care about people doing illegal stuff or rigging elections, Watergate is so 1970s.

Nowadays it's all about race and feelings

Fuck this country

No it was always "them" but he was responding to someone and it was mentioned you have to get Hillary on tape or something so, mayyybe not her idk.. He seems to be holding this close to his chest, not like before where he kinda outs who exactly should worry ahead of time.

Sick of disinfo shills on the board putting words in peoples' mouths.
They did it to Assange and now it's happening to O'Keefe. His work is good. It's damning and real good, but spreading disinfo about it to hype shit up will make people call him a liar. Don't set that up for the CTR. They want him to look like a liar.

Here's his original tweet

the tape is Hillary saying robotic spic when she was watching the Republican Primary debate (or whichever the fuck one it was), right after that Chris Christie line

you'll see

>in the worst ways
no N-bomb probably, so he's probably overhyping it like usual

Proof that disinfo shills are trying to out him as a liar right fucking here.
He never said Hillary.
He's on the record on Hannity saying he doesn't have any footage of Hillary herself.

People want him to be seen as a liar, so overhyping his stuff + preying on ignorance and putting words in his mouth is a tactic to do accomplish this.

HE doesnt overhype shit.

Sup Forums is.

james_okeefe_iiiVerified • 15d
I know people want me to clarify that the footage directly involves HRC. Again, the answer is yes. And it's more than that. We've exposed the whole network. The dirty tricks, how they commit the voter fraud, illegal coordination -- is delegated from the top down. And we have all that on tape. And we're releasing different tapes everyday.

Oh.. not only is she a racist but is a stupid racist too. Does not know the difference in a nigger and a spic..

What? He overhypes the shit out of his gay videos.

Directly involves HRC could just mean Robert and his gang of thugs, which ARE directly involved. Not HRC herself.

He hasnt over hyped, we have, but we'll see.

shut the fuck up disinfo shill

Wonder how he defines "directly involves"

key word. THEM. not HILL DOG

He may have been referring to her name being invoked and them saying she is involved. Thats the worst case.

That is usually what he means

He's referring to Rubio

>Coming in October.
>It's basically November.

>You are beyond retarded, that video proved that the Clinton campaign (Clinton herself, in fact) colluded with super PACs, which is a felony

Oh fuck, better call the cops and tell them to arrest her. Record the call and share their reaction with us.

They're already fucking bussing the niggers. They're voting Hill.

Why didn't you release this earlier? Faggot.

Its still bad, dems are SO PC, and SO SJW, of its any major democrat shitting on blacks it will hurt, salt on the wounds.

Blacks are already getting woke more than ever, hopefully Carson will go on shows and mention it when okeefe drops it.

I really have hope it'll be Hillary or Huma saying nigger.

But I believe it's probably gonna be pretty meek.

When he says "demeaning and disparaging", we might get some low-level PAC employee say something like "these blacks have been voting Dems for 50 years and that's gonna keep happening, they're that dumb", or "we can get the stupid blacks to vote for us", etc.

I just don't see them catching anyone saying "nigger". Most Americans are psychologically programmed to be unable to even say that word, and Dems themselves probably won't use it at all in their lives.

Don't you realize the 31st is still technically October and the beginning of next week (monday)

this is happening on halloween

cap this

not just disinfo

they are setting up to slide of our board with disappoint threads once the video comes out and its not 'Hillary on video saying nigger' like trying to get out in every o'keefe thread.

It doesn't need to include the word nigger to lose a bunch of black votes

I think he would have dropped it, but paused for Trumps DC speech and now the FBI announcement. He wants to pick an emptyish news day

Just release it already ffs.

A million times this.
This tactic is so fucking overplayed now.
That is exactly what they are setting up.

kids here in AZ say nigger all the time

>real winners do whatever is necessary
that's what the marxist subversives say

You dont need to affect that many people, and it prevents it from being ignored/recoverable from.

>S-s-shut up! He's a very serious man showing very serious crimes!

Kek trick or treat, Hillary.

irrelevant if it's not Clinton herself

Her Muslim supporters are already grumbling about her involvement in the Palestine election, and not this...
Oh my

Reminder O'Keefe never said they were saying "nigger" either. That's a shitty Sup Forums meme that has been pushed to force disappointment slide threads when this drops.

Don't expect that word to be uttered at all.

>in AZ
well there you go.

Fuck they did that with Wikileaks 10th anniversary too. Can't believe I fell for the hype twice now. It's like I'm thinking with my dick and they know just what to say to get the blood flowing down there. SOB fucking shills.