'Black Panther' reaches $700 million in 9 days

Has a movie ever btfo Sup Forums this hard before? Every strawman they've had has been proven wrong in a few days. It had the biggest second weekend of any Marvel Movie and is also tracking to do great in China, possibly better than Homecoming

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Sup Forums BTFO!! LMABO!!

>expecting Sup Forums to be right about literally anything
so many people here are so deep in the Sup Forums kool-aid that they expected Black Panther to fail and start a race war or something. The kiddies here are fucking stupid.

>Has a movie ever btfo Sup Forums this hard before?
I think you mean Sup Forums. Real Sup Forums doesn't give a shit. I'm excited to see it t b h.

>Thinks he can get away with blaming Sup Forums for this

Bad guy in the film is basically a hotep. Nogs don’t get the irony...

post based countries

>56% domestic

China numbers are certainly surprising, they typically don't care for movies with Black leads

is this a sign of China progressing socially or Disney pushing Black Panther hard there?

i've seen hoteps getting mad at the movie tho

We all know the capeshit menace makes money. But do you remember literally anything about these movies? Any memorable characters? Any memorable music? No. These are movies made on an assembly line. They are fucking shitty and the fact they make money is the reason Sup Forums hates them. There hasn't been a good Hollywood movie in over a decade because of this shit. So go ahead, shitpost about it now while anyone can still remember the movie. It's not a movement, it's a way to line a fatass producer's pockets while he rapes some more women.

>is this a sign of China progressing socially or Disney pushing Black Panther hard there?
Disney paying for tickets there
chinks wont just wake up and flood to see an all black film overnight

> based
> 50 shades freed
you're just rooting for a different brand of degenerate


They don't mind blacks, China hating niggers is a meme created by /poltv/

they like fast and the furious and those movies are brown as fuck

the biggest non-chinese franchise is fast and furious, half of the cast in that is either black of mixed
"racist china" is a Sup Forumstard meme. Maybe they are racist in general but they're not Sup Forums-tier seething at the idea of a black protagonist

Paul Walker, Diesel, and The Rock carried those films for the chinks.
Theyre trying to get Scott Eastwood to replace Walker as well. he went on a good will mission to asia few weeks ago, endorsing their airlines

If it's not them spewing racist garbage, then who is it genius ?

You guys really think you're some kind of silent majority?

You think Disney will spend their money like that? You're delusional

diesel and the rock are half-black
and paul walker retired in furious 7 and furious 8 made more money than that in china

Can you support with archive evidence that Sup Forums has ever said that Black Panther was going to flop? Can you, you reddit/tumblr troll motherfucker? In any case, the contrary was true, as Sup Forums was very aware that white guilt + sjw + Marvel/Disney power = huge box office profit.

Fuck you.

It's supehero movie though. they may be racist, but I doubt that matters as long as there's some action

holy shit you're fucking red in the face from anger
breathe bro

It opened in Russia this weekend, not 15-18
This was probably some special screenings

chinks don't care abut them, they just want crazy car action

They may watch a movie, but that doesn’t mean that they believe nogs are human.

They honestly do. I have a buddy who went down the pol rabbithole after the election, and some of his opinions on the world are absolutely pathetic.
>”I genuinely think that millions of people browse pol but can’t admit it because liberals will fire them from their jobs.”
>”I’m genuinely worried that Black Panther is gonna start a social-Marxist uprising dude. Why would Disney make this movie without wanting to start trouble?”

It's a marvel movie about niggers made for niggers so of course it'll do well

I like the films but the car stuff is ridiculously forced now. Im glad they embraced their ridiculousness with The Rock and Vin Diesel practically playing superhumans

lmao look at you trying to defend the dignity of Sup Forums

Why are you lying?

Those posts are weeks apart you dumb shitskin

u mad white boi

>implying there’s not thousands of faggots on this very board who believe that kind of tinfoil-hat tier shit

I can spin it.

BP is riding the coattails of IW, which at this point won't make 2, but 2.5bn.


absolutely seething

Why ate you lying niggerboy?

black panther will make more than infinity war DOMESTIC

bookmark this

ye but most ridiculous thing is, car stuff is probably most real part of it. they really throw cars from buildings, they take lamborghini on ice and shit



Why does that even matter

NOOOOOOOO molyneux told me it would fail!!!!!

Oh no no no..


Russians are buying multiple tickets to cause discourse in the American population

Why are shitskin Sup Forumstards shitting up Sup Forums?

IW will do 2.5


>superhero movies that market to a specific demographic effectively are successful
anyone who thought this would flop were retards

Sup Forums doesn't give two shits about this movie more then any other crappy Disney flick. this isn't even the worst

Blacks are an important demographic, as politicians have utilized for many years.

I'm curious about how its actual numbers in China, since people seem to go on about how the Chinese hates blacks. Which doesn't make sense to me, considering all their efforts in improving the infrastructure in various African countries. They hate ugly people, I think.

noooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO milo and cernovich said this would fail! we maga-senpai will persevere and out-kek the blacks!!!!

this totally happened

>tfw you go into your local theater and see of huge group of white girls and black dudes buying tickets for black panther


>people here hate these films irrationally yet are enjoyable action flicks and film on set with proper stunts
>people on here absolute eat up all the shit that is marvel films

You're not funny, underage


Who are you talking about? If it's Sup Forums you should say "we".

fake news

I'll need some examples with what you said. Chinese people will recognize popular Hollywood actors. Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson are recognizable figures.

They don't spew "racist garbage" about a film set in Africa starring fucking Africans. There's nothing wrong with that at all. The problem is when European cultures are not given the same respect, as with Marvel's other films like the Thor trilogy. You're saying it's a case of "omg look, blak peepul on screen!!" but you "liberals" are the ones coming up with that shit. I'm sick of commie kids and shitposters starting up Black Panther bait threads, spamming the same shit over and over and then blaming "right wingers", Just fuck off.

>I'm curious about how its actual numbers in China
you do know Disney is buying all these tickets to make this a "success" right? they'll be doing that in china too.

don't be like that, man. Of course there were idiots shitposting about Black Panther flopping. This is 2018.

we were supposed to MAGA when we elected trump? why hasn't he said anything about this?

>the most brainlet of audience demographics
what a rope-a-dope

Why are shitskins so obsessed with a shitty capeshit flick made for children?

I will say this though, that new oprah joint is gonna FLOP HARD

>Superhero movie with a better story than action

I fucking love Fast and Furious, Mission Impossible and so on. Don't give a crap about comic superhero, either DC or Marvel. Last one I've seen was with some fight on airport. It was in TV, so had nothing to do.
There is really lack of proper action movies, coz superhero ones take all the attention and studios are affraid of making these.
Last year enjoyed only FnF8, Tom Cruise Mummy, Wick 2 and that 80s spy flick with Theron. Rest was shitty, to out of place science fiction.
Can't wait to see Mission Impossible Fallout.

quickly MAGA family, we have to buy as many tickets as possible so black people can't watch the movie!

Why are you?

they love giving (((whites))) all their welfare

I'm not, just curiuous

What is the logic in that? Why would Disney waste their own money to create success? People are just going to see the movie. Why is that so hard to believe

What's Oprah doing? I know she's in the Wrinkle in Time adaptation. That will probably do fine. It's a classic book.

2020 will be a very fun election, I hope.

cant, my locale salvation army just bought out all my local theaters for the next 5 months

wait, why is he yellow?

It won't start a race war, it's too late for that. The mongs of all races who throw black power salutes at screenings, who draw cartoons implying white mothers buying their kids BP masks is akin to slavery and famine in Africa, and who think white cultures should be 'blacked' have been waging war for a few years now. Black Panther is fuel to them, not because of Marvel or Disney or any actor, just because they're the most stupid subhumans in Western Civilization and they were never going to see this film as anything but a huge political statement. I notice their ardor has calmed down since people actually went to see the film and realized it was mediocre and not the anti-white wet dream they were prophesying.

>I'm not obsessed, just curious
are you an idiot

They have no culture, so a sci-fi comic book is "event" to them, lmao

A Wrinkle in Time is apparently really good and there's already people calling for everyone to show up like they did for Black Panther

I think chinks just like action movies

>Why would Disney waste their own money to create success
take a look around

I hate the stan lee meme so fucking much
every comic fans knows that lee was nothing but a money-grubbing jew who put his stamp on everything and it was kirby and ditko who actually put the hard work and effort
like when jack kirby moved to dc and made some of the best comics (the new world saga) meanwhile stan lee was just a sad sack of shit once his cashcows left

>They wouldnt waste money to make a political statement

h e h


Are you? I'm assuming you're a butthurt shitskin

God damn. China didn’t think leads were attractive in TLJ, not about being black or diverse. They just wanna see good looking people in general. Boyega and Tran don’t cut it.

>Asgard is European culture
You guys are delusional. Also I love how you just clump all of Europe together as if there were no difference between each country.

Lol nigger

Daaayum you salty, brah

>put this in the screengrab

>I notice their ardor has calmed down
it calmed down because it was too on the nose once you go 'it's the best movie of all time'.

It's a marvel movie, anyone who thought it wouldnt make money were crazy (even fucking antman and dr strange did)

They just want good looking people to watch.

Pretty sure Disney doesn’t give a shit about identity politics, they just care about having as much power as possible

>all these butthurt Sup Forumsfags

They finally got the Traditional Attractive leads they wanted unlike TLJ potato cast.

You got it.

How am I btfo again if I havent seen it?