Question from Kraut:
- Is he really popular over there?
- Does anybody take him serious?
- Is he a comedian?
- Why is he so fat?
Questions. I'm asking questions.
Question from Kraut:
- Is he really popular over there?
- Does anybody take him serious?
- Is he a comedian?
- Why is he so fat?
Questions. I'm asking questions.
my gf used to work on his radio show a few years ago and says he doesnt believe 90% of what he says and would come off the air saying things like "I really got them good with that one!" and just seemed like an ordinary christian family man
Government shill.
- Has this tape from Bohemian Grove ever been debunked or verified in any way?
He's not fat. He's fucking buff.
Isn't that too easy? That would mean that whole Bohemian Grove thing was
just a distraction. This does not seem that plausible since I got the impression
it damaged the government more than it made the alt-right look bad?
>Does anybody take him serious?
>- Is he a comedian?
He sells filters and filter accessories.
He used to be crazy now he just fights for Trump and people like him now.
He is just so damn funny! I'm crying.
>posts on Sup Forums
>Have a gf
pick one
>girl lieing about working cause women don't wanna work and get everything for free
>look at flag
Yeah, no.
In a seriousness you actually need to watch and internalize the bits where he screams about howling at the moon and seething with masculine energy. I am sure you laughed the first time you saw that kind of thing.
But you are the laughter-object, Klaus.
You are broken. You are terrified of angering some idiotic bureaucrat or looking awkward, but okay with the woman next door getting raped and beaten.
German masculinity must be restored.
#1 radio-host seller of water filters worldwide
It's not about Alex Jones.
he inputs more stuff in his mouth than outputs stuff out of his ass
red pill me on the chemicals in the water that are truing frogs gay
1. I'd say he has a audience as big as CNN. CNN has a famous brand but few actual viewers.
2. Yes many people take him seriously. Look at all the people wearing Hillary 4 Prison shirts at Trump rallies.
3. He's not a comedian but he has a comedian's sense of timing and rhythm.
4. He's not fat 99% of his body is muscle
He probably doesn't though. Just like I doubt rush believes half the shit he says. They all do it for the attention and money.
To us Krauts it is just SO weird and fucked up that this guy actually has a community.
Most of germans are already crying tears when watching normal american news since
it seems like a fucking parody, with all the massive effects, colors, and hosts pretending
they are in an Sylvester Stalone move.
But THIS guy and his "show"? The fuck. The fucking fuck.
I showed him to some fellow Krauts and they just could not believe it.
Buff people don't have more than one chin
He may be muscular, but it's underneath all that fat
He's not popular
>people take him seriously
Crazy people take him seriously. (Think rednecks with "P-please don't tread on me" flags"
Not openly
Jones used to be fat, but fairly jacked now. He's semi popular but gaining support due to this election cycle. Used to be a tabloid until hillary Clinton proved the info wars team incredibly right on many things
Why don't americans go all the way and make him President?
It would be so fucking hilarious.
I kek'd.
I don't understand how Germans feel they can laugh at us for our politics, all while your politics are destroying Europe, and have been destroying Europe since WW1.
I never said we laugh at your politics. We laugh at your news!
.. ok sometimes we laugh at your politics, too.
But hey, our news and politics are just sad, so why are you
complaining? At least there is something good about yours!
He's more popular than one might think, but it's largely underground. He tends to confabulate, but is usually headed in the right general direction.
It's a good exercise to try to confirm his claims so that you can get a feeling for how seriously to take him. Unfortunately he tends not to cite sources on his radio show as much as he used to, but the written articles that come out of Infowars are generally better about that.
Idk, I guess its so confusing to most Americans because we, for the most part, never think of other countries.
Isn't it sad how many articles linked from, say, Drudge come out of the UK or some other foreign outlet? And that Sup Forums is legitimately a good additional source of international news?
Our mainstream media is really terrible.
Honestly, you could replace "Alex Jones" with "Donald Trump" and you would sound just as fucking stupid. It's our movement, and somebody has to be out front. Alex calls himself the "tip of the spear", and nobody who loves the truth gives a flying fuck about his antics; if he gives some truth you can't get elsewhere, his message has value. You're honestly a huge fucking moron if you can't discern the difference between content and style, so please fuck the fuck outta here.
>This does not seem that plausible since I got the impression it damaged the government more than it made the alt-right look bad?
That's what I feel about him in general and why I don't believe he works for the government. He gets people to distrust the government more than he discredits any particular movement.
My favorite parts of his show has always been the wide array of guests he has access to, and how you know he'll have reporters on the scene any time theres a HAPPENING.
So you are fine with the only jackass that had the guts to go public
and make a show from it that actually has viewers?
That says a lot about yur standards regarding "just the tip".
Honest answers, no meming
>Is he really popular over there?
he's not a household name but getting is somewhat well known after this year.
>- Does anybody take him serious?
there's a tinge of humor to people's enjoyment of his show so: not 100%. That doesn't mean he lies, however.
>- Is he a comedian?
He is not. He has hit a winning formula of mixing true reporting with dramatic phrasing and hit widespread anti-globalist sentiment on the nose.
>- Why is he so fat?
He's an American in Texas. He lives well.
Haha... anything else faggot?
you're angry for a Saturday night. Try getting laid / making friends / getting a life / not taking a fucking internet radio guy's behavior personally lol fagit
>- Is he really popular over there?
Only on the internet.
>- Does anybody take him serious?
only nutjobs.
>- Is he a comedian?
No, but he's quite good at manipulating the crazies
>- Why is he so fat?
He's strong-fat. He gets lewd in a few videos and is pretty swole.
At this point he is one of the few people telling anything close to the truth. American media is not a spectator sport. A person has to take in multiple sources from many different viewpoints. Jones can be a bit out there, but he is pretty fair on many things.
Has Trump been a bad guy in the past? In certain contexts sure.
Does Trump play to extremists? Sure but so does Clinton.
Has Trump ever lied to Congress or suppressed criminal wrongdoing on a federal level as a person holding top federal office? No he has not.
And that is why he has my vote.
No one should take Alex Jones seriously EVER
take the red pill on Alex Jones
I dont personally like Jones but I do like the people working for infowars and their onsite coverage is pretty good
I wouldn't say few. He's just the biggest and the loudest.
I spend pretty much all my waking hours listening to other such shows, and I still can't keep up with everything I'd like to. Also a good way to judge how far to take seriously what Alex says (he's got his fair share of critics, that's for sure.)
>- Is he really popular over there?
>- Does anybody take him serious?
>- Is he a comedian?
>- Why is he so fat?
Dear Alex, why do you keep popping up on my youtube suggested videos? I don't like your style of presentation. A man who cries should be ashamed.
>4. He's not fat 99% of his body is muscle
He sits on his arse all day, any disgruntled employee will tell you that off air he is constantly eating.
I've heard Joe Rogan talk about him on his podcast years ago. Apparently Alex Jones is Alex Jones 24-7. So much so that it's a bit odd.
You should not be relying on Alex Jones for your news, and if you are actually intelligent and aware of what is going on it's easy to see where he's filling air time. Who knows if he's seriously co-intelpro. I like to think he's just a water filter salesman who goes insane to fill air time and attract bible-belt/rust belt viewers - and it works.
>tl;dr he's just fun to watch, most americans are laughing along and surprised to see when he's right.
it was hilarious when Joey Diaz kept cursing and Alex pretended it was a huge deal
>- Is he really popular over there?
MSM will never have him on TV, but mostly everyone knows who he is.
>- Does anybody take him serious?
Yes, Infowars is popular enough to sway a large portion of public opinion. Hillary called him out directly.
>- Is he a comedian?
He likes to have fun on his show.
>- Why is he so fat?
Genes and not working out for a while
>Yes many people take him seriously. Look at all the people wearing Hillary 4 Prison shirts at Trump rallies.
There's no correlation here, user.
>I want Shill in prison.
>Alex Jones is a fucking clown.
he is not fat