I just finished first season in one sitting. What am i in for next, Sup Forums? Does the show hold up after it?
Trailer Park Boys
>Dropping quality but watchable
>Poor quality
yes!!! seasons 1-7 is mockumentary kino, have fun.
I still enjoyed the recent seasons, I guess I just love the characters so much.
1-7 was the best though.
absolute pure kino until season 7, wherein it rapidly falls into a crock of shit
I could only get into 15 minutes of the first episode of the new series, pure wank
Just stop at the netflix seasons. The show creator left and sold the show to the actors who are former fucking truck drivers and don't know anything about writing and snoop doggg is in every season for some reason.
So far im loving the characters and the janky style. Never thought id get myself hooked on a sitcom, if u can even call it that
Seasons 2-4ish are some of my favorite television ever. Somehow the planets aligned and made this shaky production extremely great.
As others have said it's complete garbage beyond season 7, and actually sad to see the actors nearing 50 and going all in on these characters.
>watching season 1
>not starting with the 1999 b&w kino