Legal immigrants tired of being treated like wet backs.
Gringo here. I'm back bitches!
pic related = Sup Forumsitical protest in BR -- women demanding right to go topless
Like all things Brazilian, Sup Forumsitical protests are just another excuse for "looky me! looky me! looky me!" attention whoring.
BRs parroting American SJW idiocy
BTW - BRs get mega triggered whenever you refer to the USA as America. They won't call us Americans, they insist on gringo because they're too butthurt to admit that the only real Americans are in the USA.
inb4 b-but muh south america means american, too, r-r-right?
NO, wrong. Fuck off bean breath
How many is a brazillion?
Our flag will never be red
Divide Communism by two hundred million to get one brazilian
It's already red with violence.
I support and welcome anyone who wants to join hands in the grows and development of civilization.
It's never been about race or country, and it's heart and fucking culture.
How did that and even get in there?
Fucking alcohol.
Petrobras was been robbed by Workers Party (PT) from Dilma&Lula
Stop the leftists
Sieg Heil! Mein Führer Bolsonaro!
Why would Brazilians support Trump?
Brasil hates Mexico confirmed?
Maybe their don't want commies and liberals to destroy what little good they have left too?
Just a thought, crazy I know.
We copy everything from USA... Doesn't matter if it's bad or good, we just do. Also, might be something related to a brazilian philosopher who lives in USA, called Olavo de Carvalho, the guy is dick, but he says some decent stuff once in a while.
Brazilians support Trump because its a fight against communism/leftism globalist bullshit. If the Globalists win USA will turn into Brazil or worse.
>yfw the bitch in your pic is right wing now
>We copy everything from USA... Doesn't matter if it's bad or good, we just do.
Ok, I lied, we copy bad things most of the time.
Lusos support trump because we know globalism and socialism firsthand. Hillary is Dilma + Merkel
Wait, are we bloods or crypts now?
>right wing
Stahp, don't trust right-wing young women from our country, just don't.
Esse protesto até que foi bom, as redes sociais literalmente se dividiram entre esquerdistas, "direitas" (neocons), "diretistas" (esquerda fabiana) e direitistas, agora da para identificar quem está ou não está do lado do povo, muito "conservador" saindo do armário.
They know how unchecked corruption fucked up Brazil and Trump is running on an anti corruption platform against the most corrupt presidential hopeful since Grant.
Makes sense.
We don't want to be invaded by Venezuela and Cuba, supported by Russia and China.
We need Trump to save the Western Civilization.
Being a brazilian i don't trust anyone (not even myself), but for what i know about that woman, after she had kid she decided to quit femen and became a christian right wing, it is just quite funny after all the fuss she made and how she have dozens of nude photos of herself in protests and such.
>They know how unchecked corruption fucked up Brazil
They don't, we just removed the faggots from their chair, but there is no real measure agaisn't corruption since the same old people still there with a new dialogue, also, there is no full offensive agaisn't the socialists. Right now, our schools have become a battlefield thanks to politics. (literally, there is even one kid who died).
Yes, I know what you mean, but I can guarantee you there a lot of womyn disguising themselves as "right-wing" because this is the new trend, not that this is bad, we just need to pay attention.
Brazilian left wing
Left cuck
Brazilian right wing
>literally the same hairstyle and looks every fucking time
Why? If you go to Paulista Avenue, you might think you are in an infinite loop.
they're probably all trannies, it's brazil
american left is creating a global refugee crysis that is EXPORTING TERRORISTS to every country in the world..
fuck globalism.. fuck hillary cliton..