I was bored so I decided to read one of my younger sister's book to see what teenage girls are into reading these days

I was bored so I decided to read one of my younger sister's book to see what teenage girls are into reading these days
>Pic related
The book is called All The Bight Things and its soon to be a motion picture goyim :^)

Ayyy can I hav ur sis' number m8?

Fuck her so she worships big white cock.

>not CW black, but black black
I chuckled a bit

that's some awful writing
when i was a kid i probably read awfully written books too but at least they were spooky horror books

>file size

What does CW mean?

does it mean like a light skinned black guy?

i think cw refers to the tv network

You know what has to be done, OP.

What the hell is CW

'She cups her big mouth' Is this what passes for literature these days? Using big as an adjective like this. Damn. It would be good if the author was 6.

Isn't big actually an adjective? Please share your linguistic wisdom.

Yeah it is. Just got into my head because it is used like a verb in slang. As in big up yourself. But I'm sure you got what I meant Ivan. It's a very simple adjective that is used when youi are in playgroup.

You need to stop posting

At first I though he was complaining that the author used "big" instead of another, fancier adjective. But now I'm not sure what the fuck he's talking about

That prose is unreadable and the race shit is what you notice is wrong?

So your point is that big is too simple an adjective to be used in writing? I remind you this is a book OP allegedly borrowed from his little sister, who's not only a teenager, but also a woman.

And besides, what other fancier adjective CAN you use there?
>she cups her enormous mouth
>she cups her gigantic mouth
>she cups her gargantuan mouth
>she cups her supermassive mouth
>she cups her vast mouth
>she cups her cyclopean mouth
>she cups her boundless mouth

It all sounds ridiculous to me.

What is this shit? Tell your sister to get better taste.

ey yo OP get your sister to read Revelation Space

it's phenomenal

Russians aren't even white lmao

>Writing in first person
>Writing in present first person

Why is this allowed?

What the fuck is CW?


All of the prescribed school books were about diversity and tolerance and I hated reading as a result. Garbage prose written in sentence fragments about fighing with your racist dad, or your chink and abbo friends and then patching up. MC was also an unlikable prick in every one.

I wish I knew about actual authors or had better luck choosing things at random from the library

ITT we post redpilled children's and young adult books

No, that's not why you hated reading. As long as reading is prescribed, it doesn't matter how good the books are, it'll still be hated. We have brilliant literature in Russian, but still kids hate reading in school. That's because it's a formalized activity that has little to do with how and why people actually read and what they take home from it. It would be more prudent if instead of forcing the kids to read, they gagued the interest and aptitude every particular kid has towards reading and only worked with those receptive to the messages without wasing much time and money on those that aren't.

The TV network

>Writing in first person
Perfectly okay
>Writing in present first person
Alright, break out the gas chambers.

>teaching children based on their natural inclinations and abilities

Get out of here Russia, you don't know about tolerance

Holy shit this is such bad writing , it doesnt take much. I should churn out a few