What happend to high fantasy films?

What happend to high fantasy films?

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Plebs prefer CGI capeshit to fantasy
Although the Hobbit movies were basically CGI capeshit

They were such a dissapointment

LOTR was so awesome it destroyed the genre, people won't put up with the average shit that it usually produces.

I actually love her ;_;

directors stopped smoking weed

Is she even IN anything anymore or is it to the point that someone with old wealth and a PT could just start courting her? Don't care she's an acctress I just find her super attractive for some reason and not just cause she has huge honka honkas.

It's about to have a massive surge, but as shows not movies;

>$250 million dollar Lord of the Rings tv show on Prime
>Witcher on Netflix
>The Kingkiller Chronicle on Showtime
>Wheel of Time series from Sony
>Five different Game of Thrones prequels on HBO

Think I'm forgetting a couple as well.

She looks like that Rachel chick from React

I want to fuck that hairy elf.

>high fantasy
too white.