The followinh is a list of locations that will be untouched by nuclear strikes and should be relatively safe from any radiation. It took several hours to
research all these states for locations with the highest chance of survival.
IF YOUR STATE ISN'T LISTED SORRY, but I wasn't able to find any locations that would be safe from nuclear strikes or radiation.
CALIFORNIA: (North) Crescent City, (Mid) King City, (South) Lake Morena County Park
NEW MEXICO: Truth or Consequences (stay the hell away from Spaceport America)
OREGON: 50 Miles away from Portland (Eugene and Medford as well to be on the safe side)
IDAHO: Anywhere near the Oregon border, DON'T go near BOISE
WASHINGTON: Olympic Peninsula Forests, or anywhere west of Mt. Olympus
ARIZONA: (Mid) Kaibab National Forest Headquarters [Ivestigate Flagstaff 24 hours after bombs fall to migrate], (North) Jacob Lake, (South) Ajo Station near Why; be prepared for the inevitable Mexico migration to reach Puerto Penasco for ocean resources
WYOMING: Jackson (expect slight radiation from wind currents)
S DAKOTA: Buffalo (expect slight radiation from wind currents)
MAINE: Eustis (had to consider Canadian targets for this one)
UTAH: Bluff
NEVADA: Not many strikes expected, but California's radiation will hit hard. Best bet would be to move to closest safe zone in another state or to Sheldon National Antelope Refuge.
TEXAS: Far west Texas; Big Bend National Park (Rio Grande is crucial for long term survival, don't veer too far), Don't go to El Paso
ALASKA: Stay 50 miles away from Anchorage and the oil pipelines.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: My location near the sea peninsula. Small fishing town full of mostly American retirees.
If you go to Mexico, meet me at 30°55′49″N 114°48′59″W
If you have a private plane and wish to land, the airband frequency is 118.5 MHz
If by the ocean, best bet would be to steal a boat or a plane, and head towards the south Atlantic.