Why does "body positivity" and "health at every size" make me even angrier than all the other neo-liberal, postmodernist bullshit?
Why does "body positivity" and "health at every size" make me even angrier than all the other neo-liberal...
Top kek, that is a heavily altered photo of Sophia Loren to fit feminist revisionist history.
Pic related is her actual body type.
You can only be THICC is your face is A1. Ugly bitches dont make good THICC bitches, they're just fat
My girlfriend is 90 pounds I wouldn't let her gain any weight beyond that, it's disgusting a woman shouldn't be a fat ugly bitch. If I'm spending time in the gym she can spend time not eating so much
How come you see the heavier girls with poor conservatives if it's a neoliberal thing?
That body does not need a political movement to be accepted. Why won't they show their true selves?
My girlfriend is 92 pounds and when she went up to 97 pounds she told me she thought she was getting fat.
Feels good man.
corset training? or did she really have a literal hourglass?
...you realize she's wearing a corset there?
Wtf how tall is your girlfriend? Mines 5'8 but only weighs 130 and even then that's too skinny
Probably a little bit of both.
You must have bantu genes
is she asian and under 5 feet tall?
My girlfriend is 5'5, my sister is 6'1 and she's 120 pounds.
Size 12 is the perfect woman.
130 could look chubby on certain girls, but I think under 105 is severely underweight unless you're like 4'10"
Are you faggots dating midgets or twelve year olds ?
No fucking way 90 pounds is healthy for an adult.
She's acceptable in the first image anyway. The problem is that body positive movements dont want THAT to be the standard. They want size 30 dresses and pizza bibs to be the norm.
Because it is a refusal to recognize basic human hierarchy.
the more often a women quotes Marilyn Munroe about body image, the more likely she is to have a body nothing like Munroe's
this woman's body is completely fine, and I would have lots of sex with her if she let me.
>black men
>poor conservatives
90-100 pounds is the normal healthy weight for an average woman. Not everyone has a fat nigger ass Brazil
She's 5'2 and Latina.
My girlfriend is kind of long so her weight is distributed. Most of it in her ass in legs bc works out.
That just sounds incredibly low. When I was 5'7 in high school I cut weight to 138lbs and thought I was going to die
UK size 12 is a little different from burgersize 12 blud
Because it's the crux of the thing that pisses you off about the postmodernist bullshit.
It is taking a negative, and trying to portray it as a positive, despite the actual reality and consequences of the situation.
Saul Alinsky 101.
Are you literally retarded? Any woman over 5' looks anorexic as hell at 90-100 pounds.
100 pounds is within the "normal" range of BMI for a 5"1' tall person
The average american "woman" has a 35.5" waist
Thats bigger than me and I'm 6' and 240lbs
Absolutely disgusting
It's not it's normal, she has skinny arms but women aren't supposed to have big arms
Nah they just look normal and aren't fat fucks like you're used to in your nigger Mexican shithole
>fat arms
>fupa forming
You must be a nigger.
Oh jesus its gone up to 37.5 in the past 4 years thanks to all our Enrichment from the south
Becuase women will look at a mountain top, become enraged, DESTROY THE MOUNTAIN, and SCREAM that the spot they're standing is the new mountain top.
Literal subhuman children.
Because it's a blatant, obvious, unscientific lie from people who arrogantly claim to be morally, intellectually, and scientifically superior.
It's just about the epitome of hypocrisy.
There is no way that's a real statistic. 35.5?!
It's like they've never even seen her.
Been a while since I heard that ... I keked sensibly
>your nigger Mexican shithole
Google ameican woman average waist size user
Like i said its actually gone up 2 inches since 35.5
If you want a girlfriend with an eating disorder.
I'm 6' 3 and 180 pounds and most women in my age range (40+) weigh more than I do.
Modern women are horrific
Because of instead of being about people who bodies are outliers (people who are super tall or dwarves) or maybe somebody who was born with a fuck up hand or lost a leg in an accident it's an excuse for fat chicks to stay fat rather than own up to it.
Holy fuck, average size is between 16 and 18.
>ITT Amerifats defending their obesity problem
It's called an eating disorder because kikes want you spending more money than you have to on groceries
More like they want you eating cheap-as-dirt not food and getting fat off it.
There's a reason the poor tend to be fatter than the rich here.
post perfect women itt
It's the opposite here I'm broke as fuck all I can afford is meat potatoes and vegetables
I bet shes got that warm weird smell about her
>Tfw no belley waifu
She's pretty cute desu
potatoes are incredibly fattening. it almost has the same effect on your body as sugar.
Who gives a shit? It's a real mans food
are we best friends now
Oh hai mark!
Because it is based on lies too, just way more obvious ones.
>There's a reason the poor tend to be fatter than the rich here.
Consumption of sugary beverages. Income and education are inversely proportional to calories obtained from sugary drinks.
>MIddle class has a real fridge
>No job has one of those shitty miniature 50 dollar ones
If your girlfriend is over 100 pounds she better be like 5'9.
I've always liked girls on the thicker side such as pic related but this being an obese landwhale is perfectly acceptable shit is making me just hate any slightly overweight girl
>tfw my gf is 125lbs
>I'd rather eat...
While she sucks her gut in.
Middle class don't even got no freezer
Where that nigga out his meat?
i worked at a building that had a bunch of section 8 and this bitch seriously had a fridge like this all fuckin food stamp shit and one of the few apartments that wasnt a crack den
i had to move all her food to replace the fridge it took like 2 hours it was stacked on top like that too and cabinets and shit were full of bomb ass snacks and food
i have a dozen eggs and a thing of milk in my fridge
She would be extremely cute if she lost weight. What a shame. She probably has tons of people telling her she looks beautiful.
To be fair, she probably looks as good as one could at that size.
because youre low test
Sophia Loren was really hot.
Still, whether or not you get to be curvy or have to be skinny is up to your G E N E T I C S and if those aren't in your favor you must be skinny or fat, there is no "thick" for you.
corset training is a myth.
That shop job
It's pushed because it benefits (((them)))
>niggers love big fat white whale women
>everybody else does not
>women who get fat to begin with are eager to perform mental gymnastics to "justify" it
>fattening foods full of gross shit are cheaper than real food
>getting fat means having to (((buy))) more new clothes
>fat women tend to be loud and obnoxious, which is great for fueling the hyper reactionary facetious current media
It goes on.
It makes you mad because medical science doesn't really have any wiggle room for liberal retardation, and pretending being 40% body fat is healthy and ok is utterly retarded when your body's functions are impeded and your lifespan is reduced.
that picture you have saves and presumably jacked off to is a girl over 90lbs....unless she's like 4'10
Body positivism is only for women, especially fat women.
t. manlet
What the hell is she? I think she's """German""" but that could mean Turkish or Portuguese or anything from God knows where. German women are just frumpy American moms that don't wear makeup and wear stuff like windbreakers and blue jeans, they don't look like that.
Shit meme, the ideal height for basically every elite military unit in the world is 5'7-5'9
t. 6'0 guy
I just have a fetish for porn from the 1800's to the 1950's especially when they have a big hairy pussy or stockings or a big hairy pussy showing through their stockings baka desu senpai
Manlet detected
If you wouldn't slam her pussy hard then you're a literal faggot
Good enough for a poke, eh?
As a Canadian citizen I get get citizenship in France, right?
>Not wanting to fuck professor Zoidberg on the left
she is an american living in germany
Body is the mind's temple.
>military units
it's pretty logical
they send the manlets to die so they don't do damage to the gene pool
That yellow skin shows, chang
>fat women were considered healthy in the past
No you fat fucks, they were considered wealthy, and that doesn't give you a free ticket to stuff your fucking face with food
they do it with the holocaust too.
Disgusting creatures try to hide what they are.
That's for making a small target and fitting into cramped spaces, though. Also, short brown guys have retard strength so they can do stuff in the heat for 12+ hours without getting tired.
Now, unless we're getting shot at all day or moving crates for a living, 6+ is still the most favored and aesthetic.
Is this the same lady from penn and teller's bullshit
The appliance store won't take EBT, rasis ass rasises