Now that the dust has settled

Can we all agree:
>Last Jedi was shit
>Black Panther was okay
>Jumanji was 100% pure Junglekino

new disney star wars sucks! there i said it!

Black Panther > Jumanji > Last Jedi

>Last Jedi was kino
>Black Panther was fun and smarter than your average capeshit but was too constrained by marvel formula to be truly great
>Jumanji was a perfectly fine and funny family blockbuster that was better than it had any right to be

Loved TLJ, haven't seen BP yet but can't wait, and Jumanji looks fun.

anybody who liked TLJ can't be trusted with a real opinion.

No. Stop letting internet reviews dictate your opinions.

So jumanji is actually litty? Or you are all meming? Looks shit

Jack black is a girl, of course it's kino.

Are you memeing or did you actually think The Last Jedi was great?

Tlj is a 90
BP is a 70
Jumanji is a 70
Still really surprised about jumanji

It’s supremely litty.


>any movie better than JUMANJI
Kinda embarrassing friend

>being this pleb

>Hasn't seen BP yet

Fucking racist

HAHAHAhah RT froze black panther at 78%

I totally agree.

They DID say they would delete any negative reviews.

>the last jedi
>black panther
pretty cool lil flick
LITTY and RAUNCHY fun for the whole family

Act like you know

They deleted my "mediocre" score . And than froze me out of my account for a week. Wanted to give Predator 2 a good score and couldn't
My BP review has never been posted. Literally just said it was average and if you're already tired of MCU movies this film isn't going to change your mind
Really fucking pathetic on RT part.