Why are Jews so much smarter than any other race?

Why are Jews so much smarter than any other race?

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So are you saying every other race is subhuman and Jews are the the masterrace?

thats the only logical conclusion. If the race war started today I'd fight tooth and nail for the superior race.


Well, they do have an amazing army in Israel I would probably do the same. They also invented the atom bomb seems like they would do well in nuclear warfare.

Judaism isn't a race you fucking retard.

Ashkenazi Jews are a race. Retard.

christfags and kebabs have rules in their religion against usery so jews were usually left to do the finances, which gave them 2000 years to get good at logical thinking, making money and, well, you know, jewry

It's only Ashkenazi Jews (Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews are pretty normie in comparison) and that was the result of a sort of unintended eugenics experiment that took place where they lived, where only the smartest and most successful were able to pass on their genes.

not encumbered by the vastly inferior goyishe kop

most are not,just more cunning and tribal. Put it this way,if you entered into a deal with someone where they fought it's win win where you thought of nothing but how to fuck the other guy over,you would most likely win. If you 're amoral lack a conscience ,and think of everyone around you as inferor,it's not that hard to not get ahead,stepping on bodies as they say.


But Einstein was black you fucking racist
We wuz master race n shiet

how do you know that's true? because you read it in a news article or academic journal? think about it.

Nice memes. Also, the bombs we dropped in Japan wouldn't be possible if not for this jew

MAYBE Ashkenazi Jews, but Sephadi Jews and most certainly Mizrahi Jews actually have below-average IQ's when compared to, for example, ethnic Germans. In any case, it could easily be argued that ethnic Germans are somewhat more intelligent than the Ashkenazi Jews, and that these Jews' above-average intelligence, when compared to that of other Jews, is actually due to their heavy admixture with ethnic German Gentile genetics, etc.

>racialist theories aren't true

Do you even know where you are?

the dumb ones got caught and killed, only the smartest survived

Well they do have the highest IQs. There's a reason why they control most of the western world.

>Why are Jews so much smarter than any other race?

Look how big that kids head is, his brain must be huge as well. But I mean he's fuck ugly so Jews don't have everything going for them.

Geographic Determinism.

cabalistic satanic rituals

>> not seeing the obvious implication of my statement

They were intelligent before that.

IQ being the only predictor of success implies we live in a perfectly meritocratic society

They sold out to Satan a long time ago

Who said IQ was the only predictor of success? Obviously we don't live in a perfectly meritocratic society but it *is* fairly meritocratic and IQ is one of the greatest predictors of success we have.


Jews are an ethnoreligious group.

1. Ashkenazi Jews in Europe are average for the population.
2. Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are below average

It' only US Ashkenazi Jews that are apparently geniuses.

Personally, I believe that being a Jew has just become some elite club. So anyone who's successful digs up their Jewish great great granddad and proclaims themselves of the tribe.

because goyim are idiots

Illuminati confirmed

Jews are smarter than whites but they are also psychopaths lacking empathy
evil leaches


Oh. Also, the US usually includes sandniggers in the non-Hispanic white population. I believe that's bringing down the White average IQ in comparison to the Jew IQ.

Red pill me on why whites are the best conquerors and spreaders of their culture?

I'm not sure why Einstein is considered smarter than von Neumann (also jewish, but still)

>Ashkenazi Jews are a race. Retard.

They're just selectively bred europeans.
I would know.


They're just about as smart as whites but they get all the social privilege that victim-card-playing shitskins get. If people left whites the fuck alone this wouldn't be a meme.

General Gibson.

Ignoring the fact that all of the smartest jews in the world have all been white.

only the dumb jews got caught by the nazis

I heard intresting opinion that high Ashkenazi IQ is related to social structure of middle ages Europe. Smartest europeans during that time usually ended up in monasteries and left no offspring, but there was no such a thing for jews, who also assimilated some european genes into their population. So it is not about how smart Ashkenazis, but about very bad thing Catolicism did to the white gene pool.

Yeah I highly doubt that. Jews don't get any benefits because they're Jewish the same way blacks do. When they fill out their race on a paper they have to check Caucasian.


It's a good question... I certainly don't see anything in Judaic religious beliefs that would explain it. Maybe I'm wrong, but to me Judaism seems as retarded as Christianity and Islam are.

Could be just genetic variability. If intelligence is partly genetically determined, then it was bound to happen that one group would be on top of the pile. We're just living in the universe in which the Jews are that group.

Could also be some customs that they're getting right. Maybe all of their eugenic laws (from the Bible laws on downward) are actually well suited for enhancing the average intelligence of the tribe.

Maybe the theory that living as a merchant class in Europe for centuries selected them culturally and/or genetically for intelligence is accurate?

Well the Ashkenazi were merchants and bankers for hundreds of years while the rest of us were just peasants. They kept breeding inside their group with smart merchants and bankers while the rest of us farmed crops for the elite.

Average worldwide IQ is 95. Literally sand nigger tier.

Well, most Jews don't even practice Judaism and are atheist. I heard somewhere they are the religion/ethnicity with the most non practicing population

Read, the 10,000 year explosion. It explains it all, using financial and geneological data going back 1000 years. Most Ashkenazi worked in finance, and the successful Ashkenazi had more children than the less successful, at a fitness advantage of 1.5 children per generation (or something like that). Meanwhile whites had multiple castes of people, all interbreeding, between the nobility and the farmers, and while Euro nobility has been proven to have a fitness advantage, it is not proven that it correlated with any IQ related battery.

Because they steal whites' scientific research and pass it off as their own.

Average worldwide IQ is 100 by definition, if we had data points world wide, but the accepted measure of 100 is usually the measure of IQ in white countries, because we invented and popularized IQ.

You guise aren't still pretending AshkeNazi's are Semetic, are you?

Relativity Theory was stolen by Albert Einstein to Olinto de Pretto. Tipical Jewish.

yeah dysgenic quite literally work and very fast, just few gens and you have mutations you need

and the opposite process is used everywhere, in agriculture for example

They've had to outsmart powerful people for centuries in order to avoid being exiled or killed off. Having Jews in your country is a double edged sword because they are smart but they are also deviants that will sink to any depravity to make money.



Deriving an early form of mass-energy equivalence theory is not the same thing as coming up with special and general relativity.

Greater Israel here we come boys.

Einstein would get pissed when people gave him all the credit for the theory of relativity.


this is bait


You only get one choice.

I keep trying to tell people this

Sometimes Jew hatred goes too far

Let me post the thread killer

"Today's Jews suffer from a number of congenital diseases and mutations at higher rates than most other ethnic groups; these include Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's disease, Bloom's syndrome, and Fanconi anemia, and mutations at BRCA1 and BRCA2. These mutations' effects cluster in only a few metabolic pathways, suggesting that they arise from selective pressure rather than genetic drift. One cluster of these diseases affects sphingolipid storage, a secondary effect of which is increased growth of axons and dendrites. At least one of the diseases in this cluster, torsion dystonia, has been found to correlate with high IQ. Another cluster disrupts DNA repair, an extremely dangerous sort of mutation which is lethal in homozygotes. The authors speculate that these mutations give a cognitive benefit to heterozygotes by reducing inhibitions to neural growth, a benefit that would not outweigh its high costs except in an environment where it was strongly rewarded."

Ashkenazim are lucky mutants, and that's it

Yeah because the only benefits are distributed via paper and legislation. The word "antisemitism" holds much more weight than "antiwhite." Whites are taught all their lives that they've fucked over all the other races. They have to atone for their sins. They have to bend over backwards to help the "less privileged." Diversity is a good thing.

EVERYONE is playing the race game except for whites. The Jews know damn well we're all playing a team game.

Not lucky, just selectively bred

Also they had a small population, which enabled them to evolve faster

they essentially steal and copy everything from people through lies and manipulation essentially they are cancer

Average IQ
Ooh tough break Jews, not even triple digits.
Source is

>Jews are the smartest!
>But oy vey, IQ is racist!

Ok these are physical mutations though. We are talking about the brain.

Yeah, usury invented by jews

found the paki

Read some doc that says jews are part black and many jewish family descend from spanish ladino families whom were of african ancestry. Many ladino families fled because of fear of potential slavery. And some jewish families descend from these people. Especially the most famous english and italian jews and to a lesser extent southern german jewish families.

Race has nothing to do with intellect. Politics does and how it exposes some groups to more nurturing elements.

Jews are neurotic as fuck, and hyper-emotional compared to the stereotypically calm and reserved gentiles

Here's a typical interaction between a Jew and A Christan, ask yourself who is more mentally balanced:


As you can see, the Jew certainly has the higher IQ here, but who would you rather have in charge of your nation?

Lyin'steinsheckelberg is a fraudulent hack, a lowly patent clerk, who stole credit for other peoples' findings, and whose shitty equation has not yielded one single invention for mankind.

But that hasn't prevented him from posthumously enjoying 70 years of public praise as he has been propped up by the biased Jew media.

Gotta keep the goys in check, right? Can't let the white race have the pleasure of knowing one of their own was the true genius of the 20th century, Tesla; they ought to be worshipping one of God's chosen people, afterall!

And that's the true tale of how a false Jew idol hoodwinked America into Scientific worship. That's why he's always laughing and sticking his tongue out at you.

Ashkenzism, more specifically, and they do have an avg. IQ of 115.

Read pic related.

because the lie and pretend they are and no one questions them.

That guy is obviously a fucking spaz with some serious emotional problems. I wish you gave a better example than some dude in bare feet screaming at the top of his lungs. That's not neurotic.

>Race has nothing to do with intellect.

There is literally no evidence to support this claim, and mountains of evidence against it. Do you deny that intelligence, as measured by IQ score, is at least partially inherited?


>serious emotional problems
Almost like he's Jewish or something

So if Ashkenazis are the elites, then Israel must be crawling with subhumans.

>At least one of the diseases in this cluster, torsion dystonia, has been found to correlate with high IQ
Smart jews don't live in Israel though, that's the point

They have no souls or moral qualms to get in the way of material interests.

Again, that's not neurosis. You're just linking videos of Jews with severe mental problems. I know what neurosis looks like.

>jews are psychopaths
i would LOVE to see your statistics of sociopaths by race

jews are as dumb as gypsies

That's because you're averaging in Hasidic Jews who never got any European DNA, as well as the large Israeli Muslim population

>I know what neurosis looks like.

Seconding 10,000 year explosion for my sweet biological determinism.

>and half the world's chess champions
Nepotism, clearly

Yeah that wasa pretty ridiculous claim I'm pretty sure Jews have on of the lowest crime rates in the US. The serial killers and rapists all tend to be blacks and whites.



Jews are spread so thin. The ones in Israel are practically fucking kebab. And I've seen many rabbis and Jewish interest sites complaining about how the Jewish youth is mixing with goys and losing interest in their faith. Sure there are young Jews who carry the torch like Zuckerberg. But what are the Jews going to do when all these mega rich international Zionists start dying out? The sand is already starting to slip through their fingers.

oy vey hymie, we all know anyone who is not a jew in the middle east is a cretin

Judging Ashkenazi IQ by the nation of Israel is the same as judging Gypsy IQ by Romanian average

The ethnic group with the lowest IQ (Abos) and the ethnic group with the highest (Ashkenazi Jews) don't have their own countries.