Why are some people mean to others for no reason?

Why are some people mean to others for no reason?

>no reason

monkey magic

I had an interesting time exploring that question when profiling the individuals who comprised the Internet Hate Machine. It really varies a lot, but perhaps the most common component was that it was an outlet for trouble and frustration elsewhere in life.

Sometimes there really is no reason. I never talked to anyone when I was in school, sat alone and did my work then put my head down when I was done and I still got bullied. I never did anything to them.

99% of the time ?
repressed homosexuality.

Basic instincts.
Wow my instincts are triggered so much that I would do something every haram to her if you know what I mean.

to make them more similar and likable to others in a subconscious effort to keep the species alive

There was a reason. It just wasn't about you.

Most bullies don't bully others because they don't like them, they do it to reinforce their social status. This is the new, most accepted model of what motivates bullies that's talked about in academic circles. Bullying is something charismatic individuals do, and is enabled by people who are attracted to that charisma.

You just made an easy target. That's kind of your fault.


>new, most accepted model
Wow, academics finally rediscovered the concept of a pecking order? They're so smart!

Jordan B Peterson is a BRILLIANT psychologist and professor, look him up on Youtube. He has multiple videos about personality.

My captchas keep failing.
God, OP is such a fucking faggot desu.
Saged, eat out my asshole you pieces of garbage.

Those tits are the bomb.

no the bomb is under the tits

Sociology is a field that has been plagued with bullshitters for a few decades now, and it's only in the past 5 or 10 years that it's really wrested itself free from postmodernism, hippies, and buzzwords.

Pecking orders don't exactly mean bullying. Bullying is identified as persistent and systematic. Social hierarchies exist among children, and that's normal. But bullying is generally caused by a failure in a school system to keep sociopaths from abusing those hierarchies.

Bullying in its modern form is mostly caused by sociopathic students with parents who are enablers. In almost all cases, it is the PARENTS of a single charismatic child who refuse to acknowledge that their kid is a fucking asshole monster, and schools are too terrified of lawsuits, or are enablers themselves, due to nepotism bullshit.

To establish dominance and put people in their place, whatever the particular reason may be, you often need to be "mean" to people. Even if the person doesn't realize why they're doing it (a middle school bully), that's why.

To increase or define their heirachy in a group.

Don't forget we're just animals who evolved to be better with tools, but we're still driven by the same impulses as animals.

If you want to not get abused lift and eat, get as big and strong as you can.

Size scares other animals, they don't even try to test you after a while, unelss they're drunk or mentally fucked.

It's a primitive behavior of establishing and asserting dominance.

Remnant of the primitive ape brain.

because their parents were mean to them for no reason and now they want to be the ones in control

Indeed, an extraordinarily common theme in the IHM was some sort of parental deficiency (anything from single parent or estranged father to downright drunken abusive pedophile dad).

The one time I got bullied to a problematic degree, the school specifically avoided getting involved, which was confusing to me at the time. But in retrospect I see that the authority figures available thought it would be better for me to learn how to not grant such power over myself to the bully. In fact it was a bully higher up in the chain that took pity and bullied the bully, exposing him as being weak and not so powerful. Good lesson.

In retrospect, I see now that I managed to get on good terms with most habitual bullies by leveraging ways in which I was higher up, but in a helpful fashion, thus forming a situation where they got more out of protecting me than by being a dick to me. Also a good lesson.

Does the theory go as far as to suggest possible adaptive advantages of bullying? I mean it wouldn't have evolved if it were too detrimental. Also is bullying always damaging to the receiving side or is there sometimes benefit from it? And is there a solution to get rid of it that doesn't involve mass shooting squads?

I disagree, sociology is still infested with cultural marxists. And they've got it even worse than psychology when it comes to reproducibility.

All modern research shows that this is actually the OPPOSITE of what happens.

What you most often see in children exhibiting bullying behavior is parents who love their children TOO FUCKING MUCH and make excuses for their poor behavior.

The research is focused on the causes and effects. It would be too difficult(and unethical) to do that kind of research. You'd have to identify bullies and follow them around for a long time.

Evolutionary psychology is a load of bunk as it is.

It's a mountainload better than it was in the 90's.

Bitches are cold and they like being cold.

I think there's advantage if the bullying is not overdone into abuse. It taught me how to not give a shit and how to not take shit from other people; very different from today's crowd getting triggered over being misgendered or some retarded thing like that.

In fact one of my best friends once took me into the woods and then ambushed me, taunting me and throwing a tennis ball at me because he got frustrated that I was such a wuss and wanted me to learn how to stand up for myself.

Around 6 million years ago our ancestors mutated a brain glitch that makes us like to see other beings in pain, as we got more intelligent this glitch went haywire leading to war, and of course murder.

Speaking as someone who has no empathy. I will tell you why.

Its fun. No other reason crosses our mind.

That said fear can prevent us from doing it. So if you want to stop it, just test us for empathy. If we fail. Separate us from the flock.

Banter and singular incidents are not bullying.

Bullying specifically refers to persistent and systematic actions. In other words, the definition only refers to a specific type of activity that's going to definitely fuck someone up mentally and make them feel unsafe.

I'm glad that as a teacher I have the kind of influence that allows me to stop this shit from happening. Though I will say that actual, REAL bullying is rare. I think in my high school, we've had one genuine case of bullying, and it involved school complicity(family bullshit).

And we managed to actually GET THE PRINCIPAL FIRED, and that girl was able to stay at our school and graduated as valedictorian while her bully ended up transferring out like the fat thuglet she was.