Two more weeks and you faggots are gone.
Sup Forums is a Libertarian board.
Happening fags can stay.
Two more weeks and you faggots are gone
you libertarians are just the stray cat we allow to sleep here.
What do you mean by Libertarian?
Do you mean the current fag or Ron Paul?
why the fuck is it that every time i get an itch it's always right in the center of my back
No shit Ron Paul, Gary is a faggot demoshit pretending to be hip.
Sounds like spinal cancer, you should consult a doctor
Libertarianism has been coopted by anti-nationalists who place profit before the nation.
Its a nationalist-libertarian board now.
NAP only applies between us, when it comes to others, America 1st.
wat aboud de spurdos :DDDDDDDDDDD DD
>for open borders
>inviting more people who want free shit, thus voting in shitlib turbo welfare parties
>nullifying the whole point of being a libertarian
shit, seriously? i-it's just an itch i'm only 25 how could this be happening to me
Sup Forums was libertarian when we were naive teenagers. We grew up.
I remember when I was halfway through highschool.
Under a Libertarian system you could barter for a dozen hippy chicks to scratch that itch, tax free.
They'll even wash your nuts.
Happeningfag here. Not going anywhere until innawoods
Yes, Sup Forums is largely a unified board as long as discussion doesn't devolve into which country is the most cucked.
libertarianism is fucking trash.
>let me just completely be devoid of any social responsibility please
this is literally the most NEET ideology there is
>devoid of any responsibility
you mean devoid of any authority.
you can still be responsible.
How can it be the most NEET ideology if it is against any sort of welfare or forced wealth distribution?
two more weeks and the (literal) faggots leave WOOOT
possible but unlikely. having an authority there is just human nature. we will always have a chain of command so to speak.
Why is welfare immediately a bad thing? Stop giving it to niggers/spics/immigrants/any other type of wog and redistribute it to your people and there is no issue. The problem is giving it to people who contribute nothing in return.
>Sup Forums is one person.
two more weeks my fellow newfag user. :)
During the Reconstruction Period, after the Civil War, there was a general lack of authority and communites and states initiated the militia rule, created their own currency, and maintained order.
Because it's forced and it also pays for an ever-increasing bureaucracy. Without it, I would have more money available to spend it as I please, like on local/communal centers/clubs/churches that existed and exist and provide the same function as welfare, with the benefit that I can choose which one deserves my money the most. Or charities.