What upcoming film projects would you cast her in?

What upcoming film projects would you cast her in?

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Zoolander 3

Didn’t Jaden Smith black her in a film? Where is that movie?

Remake of Valerian where the movie doesn't turn into complete trash

Who is she? Put her name in the OP or the filename.

bubble boy 2

I'd put her in a Clan of the Cave Bear movie. That cavegirl look she's got will blend in well.

Carla de la Nepotism


How has no one said this yet?

Jesus, Sup Forums, step it up.

The Wind and the Lion remake



playing herself in the inevitable Harvey Weinstien movie.

She should be gassed desu.

BLACKED please

Mom slick teens

fucking plebs


I wanna make cummies on her eyebrows and rub them in until the cummies dry and then make her walk in public with dry cummie eyebrows

my pov sloppy cock suck video, she'd be perfect

what did user mean by this?

I would rather cum straight into her pussy and call it quits

A love triangle romcom.

report these threads for blatant shilling

Woah. Big if true


The only porn studio worth supporting is Facial Abuse.


take the tranpill

>imdb boards

he looka like a man

That retard thinks every woman is a trap

Gwenpool Capeshit

>that channel
>literally everybody is a tranny
oh my god hahahaha

“I met the director, David Ayer, at a hotel in London on a dark and stormy night,” Delevingne said. “He didn’t tell me anything about the movie. Instead, he showed me pictures of these amazing, enlightened, powerful, but very evil women. He spoke to me about addiction and mental illness, which are things I find very, very interesting.”

Delevingne came back the next meeting with David Ayer with confidence.”The next time I met David was at his house in L.A.,” she said. “He asked me to read a scene from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? I love that play and had acted in it at school when I was 17, so I was excited. Somehow, when we were doing the scene, I became livid. I hadn’t felt rage like that in years. And then I got the part!”

Since a finished script was not available, Ayer suggested Delevingne prepare for her to take on Enchantress in a less traditional way. “David asked me to go and try and find a forest and, if it was a full moon, get naked and walk through the woods with my feet in the mud, which I did,” the model turned actress star recalled. “There wasn’t a full moon, but I howled like a wolf.”

all of them, she's hot as fuck. not like women can act anyway

This. Except Meryl Streep.

She looks like the female version of my friend George, can't find her attractive desu.

Maybe you should fuck George.

Tell him he looks like Cara Delevingne and then you can get him to dress like a girl and try to look just like her. Would be a fun way to spend a Friday night.

Those were the days. Boards filled with cancer worse than Sup Forums content but also some nice discussion about the movies. Why the hell did they remove it?

Where's the part where she assaults Margot Robbie? youtube.com/watch?v=eqVHah0f-1c

I'm gonna find your friend George, make that bitch wear a skirt and have him wash my car, make him clean my house while he wears a skirt like a bitch

Can I meet your mate George?


She can't even go on a safari without slapping her "face" on.

I’m dying, this guy is fucking great

I want to contribute to that nigger's patreon

He's not joking. He's part of some crazy christian sect that sees perversion in literally everything. He's crazy

umm no sweetie. this guy is 100% on the money. Cara is a tranny and the jews are trying to convince the world that androgyny is the future.


>androgyny is the future
And it is beautiful.

>reminds me of one of my friends' younger brother
Maybe he should consider he's like gay or something

>they transform their voice
>doesn't take breast hormones
>tranny sandwich
>whole army of trannies on parade, androginous demigods, androginous elite running the transpocalypse

Nah he's just retarded

I'm so glad that people like you will never be able to reproduce

>triggered eye of anus detected

I'm funding ideas that will infect your kids and shape them in my image.

>Three trannies right there... A trio.... Of trannies
This guy is too fucking good, he is definitely /ourguy/

That's good.

Cara de'Feo

your ancestors should have taken the showers

What made you think I was being facetious? I love that nigger, he’s dead on the money with this tranny



all degenerates will hang in the future

That's like a black cock in her mouth

>implying he is wrong


Look at his most viewed videos. He thinks princess diana is still alive or some shit I don't even

Yes a bunch of mutts with iPhones are going to make America great again. Your daughter is going to suck a dick at 12 if you even get permission to reproduce at all.

>trying this hard
2/10 bait

is that the chick in the reaction gif where she has her hair tied back?

None until she takes care of those fuckin' moustache-eyebrows and learns how to act.


wylie coyote

Already conquered desu.

>trying this hard
2/10 bait

Name one thing he was wrong about.

The same reason they removed comments from all news sites. So that they can control the narrative.

the imdb admins were given an ultimatum: get rid of the forums or else they'd never get special privileges again. privileges like early screeners, media passes and invitations to events, exclusive interviews, etc.

She "burns" everything, male and female, so a black dude is just statistics in this case I guess.

She might have taken too much birth control in her youth.

Valerian 2: City of 2,000 Planets

Fucking lots of women builds your testosterone. I'm not kidding.

Kek, saved my pic.

She can play the lead in 8 mile 2.

>Fucking lots of women builds your testosterone.
Well I fucked 7(had a hot streak at college), but none in the last 2 years, and they were all casual so I've had less than 10 individual encounters. Since I've been dry so long, why am I starting the early stages of going bald? My T should't be too high by your theory. I'm 23


Ah, you have shit genes, I'm sorry. Balding from high T is a meme perpetuated by coping men from /fit/.

>It’s not the amount of testosterone or DHT that causes baldness; it’s the sensitivity of your hair follicles. That sensitivity is determined by genetics. The AR gene makes the receptor on hair follicles that interact with testosterone and DHT. If your receptors are particularly sensitive, they are more easily triggered by even small amounts of DHT, and hair loss occurs more easily as a result. Other genes may also play a part.
>Age, stress, and other factors can influence whether you experience hair loss. But genes play a significant role, and men who have close male relatives with MPB have a much higher risk of developing MPB themselves.
>There are a lot of myths out there about balding men. One of them is that men with MPB are more virile and have higher levels of testosterone. This isn’t necessarily the case. Men with MPB may actually have lower circulating levels of testosterone but higher levels of the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. Alternately, you may simply have genes that give you hair follicles that are highly sensitive to testosterone or DHT.

Also 7 is not a lot.

May I ask why facialabuse is the exception?

It can't be genetic. My dad is in his fifties and not balding. Same with the men on my mother's side of the family. My balding isn't visible, but i can feel areas where it's thinning. It's only a matter of time. I just know it. I'm on the verge of deliberately ingesting soy to delay it.

nice soyboy selfie face there cara

Don't grow bitch titties. If you're that self conscious about it, just go out and buy a wig. You fucking fruit

i love your videos my man, reptilian trannies from beta reticulan everywhere

Less coping more shaving. Tick tock.

Now that I actually read your comment properly I figured it out. It's stress. I've been stressed out for 2 years.

Man up. And shave those wisps.

Cara a cute!
Cute tummy too.

that's not a girl

It's a handsome tomboy

Cara is that tomboy in middleschool who knew she liked girls and cockblocked you when she was around but you were too naive to figure out why

That's oddly specific. Tell us more user.

BLACKED RAW is superior.

The next 100 years of solitude adaptation