Qt trump girl


Sup Forums, is she /ourgirl/?

Ofc she's \pols girl she's 13 years old
/pol loses interest when they turn 18 and the ability to think for themselves
.just say ,don't get upset now boys

Holy shit she was either raised well or terribly abused

You lying piece of shit. We lose interest once they turn 14.

Jeebus where did they find this girl!?

Maybe we should give her California to assuage her personal ambitions. I fear with rhetorical flare like that she'd be proclaimed Caesar Augustess before we had time to react!

>Ofc she's \pols girl she's 13 years old
>/pol loses interest when they turn 18 and the ability to think for themselves
>.just say ,don't get upset now boys

Wew lad.
Did your teenage girlfriend regularly abuse you or something?
You should see a head doctor about that.

I thought that girl that works at Subway and wears a suit+skirt was /ourgirl/

she's not going to like this thread

That's a dude, bro.


Post a pic of its dick then


Guys please go search "graham" on google. Meme magic at its finest. Praise kek

her voice is very resonant, i bet she sings

Upon close inspection of her, she does have some fat, est. 120 pounds. She looks like she is also about to age horribly as well given she looks more like 15 than 13. She is white with blond hair not sure about her eyes though.

She's cute, blonde, Christian, and supports trump. What else could you want?

That's not a girl lads

>when they turn 18
now that's being a little too generous

I am sorry that I have skewed ratings on girls. I generally rate 9s as model tier in countries not America (east Europe, russia, etc). 8s that I rate, a lot of them falls on white qts not in America and American models/ celebrities. American girls because of how it is cancer right now in society and girls behavior, I find them difficult to rate higher than a 8.

I like the trump girl posts idk why


>i read a meme the other day

Articulate cute girls will make recovering Sup Forumsacks relapse. Stop this shit now.

Time for another kayla thread?

>tfw you will never be some pretty 16 y-o boy taking her virginity

thanks for further proving that all yall idolizing trumpfags care only about show with no substance

I hope the lord punishes all yall unrepentant fags for your fucking faggity ass fetishistic idolatry some day.

>>>/reddit/ is that way

Kayla couldn't be more oddly shaped

She'd be bretty hot if she went to the gym

Tila Tequila is hottest alt righter

What the fuck, is this how 13 y/o look like now?


no, she literally is a 22 y-o inside a 13 y-o's body

Drumpf has till november 8th to pay his taxes

Wow, I'll move to America and marry her.

Aye, she has those seductive Eva Green's eyes.

sadly this is a American 13 year old girl. And then posters and lurkers then get surprised and mad that I rated her lower than they think she is. I am just fucking honest.

Holy fuck this meme is so bad. It's like trannys trying to invent new language to identify themselves with, it just doesn't blend well and is not well thought out but they try to enforce it.

You lost, Ruskie?

Good kot, post more

It's the only other кiт I have.

I want to penetrate Faith's cervix and fill her womb with my seed so that her eggs will become fertilized and she will bear my offspring.

There's still hope guys, come to the good side, before HillDawg arrests the cyber bullies and russian shills for treason

i wonder what Madame president will do with the Dumbf

this thread is now HillDawg territory, all Drumpf supporters please exit or arrested for treason on november 8th

Thanks Texas, you really helped us!

Post your Trumpfu faggots.


I would kill and die for the opportunity to smell this girl's fart through a walkie talkie.

I don't even know her name, but two pictures of her have made me fall in love.

Post the other one please


>yfw ywn have a big booty cutie Trump supporter

Life is absolute suffering

Gringy as fuck

what a fucking miserable existence holy shit

the worst memes...the fuckin worst