Who is the whitest black person?

Who is the whitest black person?

Jayden Smith

Ez, Morgan freeman

shaun king


that funny dancing nigger from the will smith show


Your president

i still dont understand the harambe meme

such a dainty man

Thomas Sowell

Drake no contest

OP said whitest black person, not blackest white person.

Shaun King.

What's there to understand? He's just Harambe.

Obama and his big boy bike


the one charcoal Argentinian

Normie meme for 13-year-olds who are discovering the internet... or normie reddit fags. There isn't anything to get. They're trying really hard.

michael jackson



Russell Wilson or Carlton Banks

Inocent white in a cagr dies, gets shot for trying to save nigger retard kid from drowing.

Reddit and facebook recognized this, so Sup Forums reacts negitively, but he was more than a normie meme.

Dicks out for harambe!