I cant vote for trump because he wants to deport 10+ million illegal immigrants...

I cant vote for trump because he wants to deport 10+ million illegal immigrants. sure they are illegeals but there is a better way than deporting them. put yourself in their shoes. these people risked everything in trying to get a better life here. they deserve better than deportation.

>they deserve better than deportation

what do you suggest ?

>Put yourself in their shoes, these bank robbers risked their lives trying to make a better life for themselves. They deserve better than to suffer the consequences of the law.


>deserve better

we gave them a country already. They don't like us, we don't want them. Sent them back.

I'm currently going through the immigration process with my fiancee. Paying thousands to do it Legally. It only makes me wanna build a wall 10 ft taller.

>these people risked everything in breaking the law and spitting in the face of our justice system. They deserve better

Deport all niggers, spics, kikes, fags. Get them out of my country now!

Who cares if they broke the law? They haven't actually harmed anyone. There is no right to not have people you don't like in your country.

They broke the law, and that act diminishes those who came over legally and went through the process.

4/10, best I can give ya bud

>there is a better way than deporting them

Yeah, lining them all up and shooting them.

It would save a fuckton of gas money.


But if we get rid of the illegals, then their jobs will be opened up for americans, so our people will do well.

Spics are smelly and dirty. Deport them out before they turn America to shit.

Why do you make laws in the first place if you are ok not following them?

>but there is a better way than deporting them.
You are correct. Personally I think we should publicly execute them.

>wanted a better life
>risked deportation instead of just immigrating legally

They are here because they depress wages and make more money for (((them))). It's not about them having better lives, it's about them ruining the standard of living for everybody who isn't super rich.

> turning the United States into a third world shit hole
> haven't harmed anyone
Get fucked nig nog

If they don't break the law they will have time to get legalized.

I'm anti statist and I have an immigrant parent and I'm still for the deportation of illegals who commit crimes.

W0w that edge is atomic

>they deserve

hahahaha no



>Wants to start a new life.
>Very first act of that life is a criminal one.


They dont fucking DESERVE anything

I know Sup Forums is for laughs, but it's important that people turn up and vote for Hillary.

>Sir, the Chinese army are invading our shores!
>Private, we can't kill them, let them in because they take such risk to get here :( :( :(

>these people risked everything in trying to get a better life here

Apparently you haven't seen the videos where they just jump and walk like nothing ever happened, blending in to the crowd

If they're illegal they committed a crime coming here you FUCKING idiot

Plz stop shilling swedecuck

You can't brand some immigrants as "illegals" only because your ancestors stole the land from the natives several centuries earlier. Was slaughtering Indians and grabbing their lands "legal"?
America belongs to all immigrants, or to no one except for Native Americans.
Texas and California belong to Mexico anyway, so Mexicans have the right to move and settle there. Mexicans should decide if Americucks are legal immigrants on their temporary occupied territories and not the other way around.

>I know Sup Forums is for laughs, but it's important that people turn up and vote for Hillary.

Based Sweden knows the truth.
Triple doesn't lie.

>"""""""native""""""" americans who crossed the ice bridge to america thousands of years ago

>You can't brand some immigrants as "illegals" only because your ancestors stole the land from the natives several centuries earlier.

We can if we've got guns
Will to power nigga
The US is finally on the path to salvation

Life isn't fair, deal with it nigger. You have to go back.

Shut up racist.

>but there is a better way than deporting them.

I can show you better ways user

not an argument

1) Anyone who comes to the United States should be aware of the consequences of their choice. Especially illegals who know they are breaking the law.
2) America and Americans are not obliged to accept anyone.

maybe you should ask THEIR government that, since it didn't do an adequate job in keeping them.

If you're a rapist or a murderer on the run, where do you flee? If you're a rapist or a murder in Mexico where do you flee? Fuck'm all to death

Shut up cuck.

These filthy Mexicans can overthrow our society with guns and replace our civilization with their own if they want. Otherwise these criminals should get the fuck out.

t. Juan "Lawn Mowing" Lopez


First of all, no fucking Mexican gave a shit about our northern territory. That's exactly why the Americans thought they were the deservers of said lands (Manifest Destiny and whatnot)

Also, you must be fucking delusional to think that anyone else but European descendants were anything but peons.

you're right they deserve the same nuclear firestorms american citizens are entitled to

hillary 2016

If you decided not to use your passport and went and jumped the border then cops showed up and stopped you. Do you think you would get in legal trouble? Or do you think they would give you free shit?

Says the guy from a country notorious for pressuring Russians to GTFO

Asylum is a human right.

>what harm is there in letting millions of undocumented people live next to you?

And drug dealers risk their lives selling crack. Muh feels.

Fuck law and order.

I don't think deporting illegals can be considered anything but the law.

Obama's government has deported more than 2.5 million peopleā€”up 23% from the George W. Bush years. More shockingly, Obama is now on pace to deport more people than the sum of all 19 presidents who governed the United States from 1892-2000, according to government data. May 13, 2016

They are a cost to the system, they take jobs (I lost my job last year to illegals who work under the table and reported them to no avail)

Definitely time for a policy change. If we are already deporting them, why not make it a thing? Hillary wants a Police State just like Trump. The difference is Trump respects absolute rights such as gun ownership and state's decisions whereas Hillary wants to control the entire board AND kickstart WWIII.

If you break the rules, you get punished. That's how the world works.

You'd know all about asylum wouldn't you Abdul al-Somali?

What about people who have tried to get in legally? Should everyone just come illegally ?

I know you guys believe Trump is a big bad evil villain and all that but illegal immigrants are already being deported without Trump having done anything is just don't get reported in the news, in fact since Obama became president it has gotten harder to cross the border illegally.

Mexican crossing the border are not seeking asylum, not from the Police in which case they have committed a crime they want to run away from or from the cartels since YOU NEED TO PAY THE CARTELS TO CROSS THE BORDER ILLEGALLY, the cartels run the show in the border.

was it legal to destroy the native americans, yes !
the native americans were hundreds of tribes that always warred with each other and with whites. may of them invited whites into their wars so that they could win.
others joined the white system because they were primitive and had little to no legal constructs.
so , yes .

>Trump wants to deport 10+ million illegal immigrants
>10+ million illegal immigrants
> illegal immigrants
> illegal

You said it yourself OP, what they did was illegal and they deserve to be deported and banned from the United States for not respecting the territorial sovereignty of America.

Unless you're Donald Trump.
He gets a free pass.

le not paying more taxes than legally required is illegal

>deserve better

Whatcha got in mind then?

It's up to us to spread this very important pubic service message.

Yea they have. They put stress on our bloated healthcare system, avoid paying taxes, commit crimes with impunity and take jobs for far under minimum wage depressing wages for others and displacing American jobs.

They have absolutely been detrimental. Also, as a reminder you don't have to actually "hurt" someone to break a law. Terrible argument.

Well, in doesn't matter anyway.
In two weeks Hillary will win in a landslide and immediately legalize all the "illegal immigrants".
She will also seize Drumpf's assets and make him pay for all his insults against women, Muslims and Mexicans. Trump towers will become hosting centers for Syrian refugees.
Picrelated - instead of "TRUMP" there will be "REFUGEES WELCOME :)" after She is elected.
Drumpf will be lucky if he escapes from Her wrath alive to his buddy Putin.

To put it in a nutshell, these fuckers have been breaking the law LITERALLY since they set foot on american soil. What makes you think they would stop there. They are genetically incompatible with the society they have broken into and their downfall is inevitable. They're not sending their best you know.

Whites were just another tribe that arrived by sea. Just like how the "native" Americans were a tribe that crossed the ice bridge to America. These "Native" Americans have warred with each other for hundreds of years, whites just joined the fight and conquered their asses.

United Sates belongs to Europeans immigrants, not filthy mexicans, because we were the ones who poured our blood, sweat and tears into creating this nation, not so that millions of non-whites can replace us and turn the country into another third world shithole.

OP, officially you're the more based gringo in the world! If some day in the future you decide to visst my shithole (aka Colombia), you'll be received as a honorary compatriot and all the hustlers will fuck with you for free, and the narcos will give you free coca as a gift

You're not funny, stop trying

>posting about America on behalf of Europeans from Australia.

You ok m8?

I understand why malaria wants to enter my body, and I understand the risks it takes to get there, but i'm not just going to let it happen.

>1 post by this id

We're all in this together