Epic Rap Battles of History Turned Into Another Shill Media Operation:

Video concerned: (youtube.com/watch?v=Kbryz0mxuMY).

Within is obvious pro-Hillary bias and the glorification of unrealistic violence against a presidential candidate.

It also seems like Google/YouTube are up to their old trick of delaying dislikes, whilst views are high and the comments section is overwhelmingly pro-Trump.

I think we should march in the name of our God, Kek and in the name of his chosen son and manfiest, the God Emperor Trump.

>a youtubber is media
>an opinion is shilling

Hahaha. That Steak bar was excellent and reminds me that Trump is a pussy that eats his steak well done. hahaha

A very famous channel, whos last similar 'battle' Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney was entirely neutral. So no, CTR, it isn't the same thing.

what are you sliding?

Holy fuck, CTR out in full force tonight, or what?

fuck off CTR SHILL𛲠

How am I CTR, I'm looking out for his and your best interests Sup Forums?

shut up. They both had good lyrics and it was funny. Take it as entertainment and stop getting butthurt over everything

>your a 2

hahaha that was funny

you're a SHILL for HILLARY CLINTON and you just habe been exposed.

How much is she paying to promote her horrible advertising videos? Nobody who watches this shit is old enough to vote.


'Popular opinion' you autistic faggots, do you want to win this war or not?

That's because Hillary is paying them or are probably ignorant about Politics.

A bit of both I'd think, user.

please, call me burger.

As you wish, burger.

Thanks. I hope Brexit is going to pass user.

It really should, considering all of the popular opinion behind it. If it doesn't, we know that our government is no longer fit to represent its people.

If it doesn't pass the other side will boast about it.
>le on the right side of history
>racism defeated

To be honest I no clue why Brit bongs even live in the UK with a all the surveillance

Wow a rapping jew ended up being a shill. I'm shocked.

World War 1 into World War 2 is the reason everything changed, no to mention women's suffrage, though that was inevitable. But, with the Axis loss, it gave the shills and Jews a rallying point, something they use even to this day for their 'moral progression'. I miss when having a cognitive dissonance, like transgenderism, was considered an illness not a legitimate and forced mainstream faux-fashion. :/

I just happened to see it.

Was biased when you compared it to obama and romney video and Lincoln did not even hit clinton in the end, no equality there.

But really OP are you suprised that it is biased for hillary?

Abraham's rage was great


Somewhat, though not shocked, simply disappointed in both ERB and YouTube, the latter for their blatant statistical manipulation of dislikes to likes ratio.

2016, is great, we should all be progressive, because it is 2016.

What is happening in this thread?

It was pretty neutral, but Lincoln removed any semblance of neutrality. Lincoln was obviously a mouthpiece for the producer.

Lincolnism is a huge problem in the American culture.

I agree, up until that point I wasn't too bothered and then they proceeded to direct all aggression at Trump.

ERB have done good videos in the past, generally it is just fun stuff but really they are either not very political or just biased in general.

Youtube on the otherhand is a major player in media now, they can dictate to millions on what they watch by simply messing with the numbers or just outright deleting content they disagree with.

It gets bleaker every day.

Did you ever ask yourself why there's still no conservative-biased entertainment media?

It's 2016, you can't keep using the "muh liberal media networks" bullshit anymore. You have to face the reality that conservashits have no sense of humor and no creativity. There's literally never been a conservative-leaning piece of entertainment that's taken off nationally.

if you think about it Lincoln was a authoritarian

It is biased to Hillary but the Trump part was actually pretty good desu

>they will never do the Richard Nixon vs Mao Zedong rap battle I've always wanted, complete with Futurama nods
>or Karl Marx vs Ayn Rand where typewriter chatter is the backing music like a clicky Stomp musical, with them leering over each other's typewriters, spitting out theses and page after page of critique and dissertations as the paper turns into symbols of their work applied and fighting each other
>or (back when the scandal hadn't gone big) Malcolm X vs Bill Cosby with Key and Peele

Nah it was already trying to make fun of Trump by exaggerating all his points and making him seem racist. We just don't notice it since we still agree with it.

Because Hollywood kikes suck out the soul of everyone that becomes famous.

>hurkdur dururushdfsdsfs

You don't have to go to Hollywood to be famous anymore, 'tard. You also don't have to depend on them for television or radio waves.

Do you even? The BBC literally fires people because they are Europid males to replace them with a more diverse team, the same thing happens everywhere where liberalism is rife, that's why you shill.

Until the end, user, until the end.

Even though, this would be great content.

Also, did you note the 'accent' they gave him?

literally every movie about warriors

lol we gotta admit hillary kicked trump's ass here

Yeah, they also did the orange face thing which I would have been fine with if they had exaggerated the wrinkles on Clintons face and her walking like she's about to collapse but instead they made her look perfect.

It's clear that it's meant to be more of a jab at Trump then Hillary but in trying to exaggerate him they just made him seem more based.

As I saw it, it pissed me off. They're usually well-made, the background research re the people displayed is good. But not this. This is so biased.

It always does.

Sweeden is determined to accept all of africa in at the expense of its own people.

Merkel is killing Germany and the rest of the EU countries.

America could be about to elect the most crooked politician in its history with crimes that would put ordinary people into jail for the next 500years.

Overhere we have people trying to prevent Brexit because they did not like the outcome.

Scotland wants to leave and become independent only to give that away to the EU.

But there is always a silver lining somewhere.

As Sweeden dies it serves as the bird down the mine shaft.

People across europe are waking up to Merkel and the EU plans with the eastern EU building walls and breaking apart.

France could elect Le Pen with a referendum soon after, Merkel could lose in Germany and the EU could come crashing down very quickly soon after.

America has Trump who could shake everything up and fuck everything up at the same time but it could be what is needed.

Brexit happens and we end up better off and Scotland either leaves and implodes or just implodes due to SNP retards.









>everything is shills
don't be a faggot, they're just normal liberals with a youtube channel

>owned by disney
>shills for disney via star wars
>shills for hillary
why is anyone surprised


Paints two "politiclash" videos are way better


You responded to your own post.

>t. Harvey Weinstein

Rip missed quads

The video is obviously biased towards Hillary it's too bad.



I agree and I like the optimistic outlook, I hope rationality wins over globalism, at least for this century.

I'm not a fucking shill you retard.

Have you seen their viewer base, like the Shillary machine wouldn't want to cash in on that?

Too true, it is becoming clearer, user.

Once again, I'm not a shill you cockgoblin.

I'll take a look, user.

And then you've got YouTube controlling the dislike to like ratio and probably would blame it on a technical error if pressed.