Why Korea most high IQ and Western dog low IQ savage subhuman ape?
Why Korea most high IQ and Western dog low IQ savage subhuman ape?
Bc you have to remember thousands of characters just to be able to write and when they designed the iq test they didn't factor in that you asians existed.
I'm still dumb as shit though but at least my President is controlled by high level jews not 6 fat mama-san horoscope readers.
Non-Asians should all be exterminated, no exceptions.
LOL no chance
Fuck off, gook. Stop reproducing you down syndrome looking retards.
wtf I'm a genius now
>ever telling the truth about anything
Not buying it.
Go pray to your goddesses.
Too bad you're killing yourselves off en masse
>Italy 102
I'm 135 IQ
How about we sort our countries by GDP per capita instead m8? :^)
Ok Kim, put the proxy down. We have your play pin surrounded.
all that high iq and still not smart enough to figure out your president was a literal corporate owned shill lmao
Funny, Sweden used to be ahead of Finland in IQ.
I wonder what happened :DD
why irish idoit monster engrish better than korea masterace?
Oh there you are, right there with Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and France, way below all those first world nations that are so stupid compared to you.
If you were smart, you'd already know the answer.
we just need to wait a roughly 10 years to see the west fall and be taken over by the asian overlords
>mongolia, 101
>finland, 99
We truly are the masterrace.
It was actually found that the European side of Russia has the highest average IQ, but the rest of Russia brings it down.
>implying gooks are anything more than soulless robots controlled by their shaman master and her puppet president
Whites are the niggers of eastern asia. Just look at Sup Forums, always claiming to be the superior race while acting like niggers at the same time.
>implying you have to be smart to have money
Why do americans think like this? No wonder they are ruled by the jews.
because we're good at taking tests and orders but not good with individuality. that's why.
It was a self administered test, which most of east Asia cheated in
Specifically Singapore, they used uni students for their sample group.
It's true. Asian women even fuck down to white men because they're more alpha than asian males, in much the same way white women fuck down to black men.
East Asians > Europeans > Latin Americans = Niggers = Middle Easterners > Abos
check again, gondola
If we are subhuman apes, then why do Asians want to be like us and live in our countries?
>tfw we where the real master race all along.
Suck it krauts.
The slang word for the instant camera in Japanese is バカチョン which means stupid Korean, implying that it's so easy to use that even a retarded Korean dog can use it.
Latinos and ME> Niggers
tbf they are getting better at teaching critical thinking skills.
Both of the hagwons I've worked at emphasize critical thinking over test prep- esp. the one I'm at now. It's basically indistinguishable from an elementary school back in the states. Real nice place.
I was on a date yesterday with a Thai chick who's a foreign exchange student at one of the colleges around here and that was her biggest complaint about Korean university- it was all rote memorization.
Well that and many of her courses that were advertised as being taught in English wound up being 80% Korean.
Apparently one of her professors broke down crying after an American exchange student confronted him over the false advertising language issue.
In SE Asia it's fucking up and in Japan and South Korea it's fucking sideways.
South Korean men are sharp dressers and tend to do pretty well.
Some of the women I date are just looking for a hot foreigner but I think that for a lot of them foreignness isn't a huge issue one way or another.
My tinder match rate is pretty equal between here and America, dates seem to go much the same way etc. etc.
i mean, according to "The Racial Science of the German People" the "Mediterraneans" where an Aryan subclass...
Has anyone seen my missing iq point?
if you gooks were so smart why didn't those retard kids on that boat jump overboard and swim instead of riding the boat to the bottom?
check mate sub human
IQ is a shit measure to determine the outcome of a society , your country was built under the american rifle while they raped your women you disgusting tiny dicked gook
cause freedom means having the ability to fuck your life up and be a stupid person.
>106 high iq
Genius right there m8
Mediterraneans were always superior to us Germanics
I mean look at modern Italy, literally descendants of Ancient Greeks and Romans, with slightly Germanic influence in the Northern regions
Best foundation to be masterrace-tier
>iq tests
>implying asians do not avoid bad results to increase the iq.
Drumpf will lose. Screenshot this.
Average retard. Aussies are descended from criminals (who have 85 avg iq) who were caught (so even lower). Hmm. Really makes you think (unless you're an Aussie)...
i think the megalia cult is working on that
No way is China anywhere near 105. They still have hundreds of millions of illiterate farmers.
Every other study I've seen has whites around 100 and Asians around 102. Still, why have Asians contributed practically nothing to the academic world? Even poor white countries like Russia vastly outperform all Asian countries.
Sorry high IQ overlords please don't bully me
Iq does not equal creativity and innovation. It is a measure of how quickly you can recognize patterns and learn things, not creative thinking.
We wuz romans n shiet
Why Koreans kill themselves more than most other people.
you're doing the meme wrong you dip
we wuz only applies if the person is claiming another culture/ethnic groups achievements
Shows that your race is clearly lacking if you can't beat lower IQ westerners,
a serious leaf
Because a life of working 14 hours a day until you're 85 isn't something to look forward to.
Italian from my father masterrace reporting in
aww, cmon Germany, you know we can't hold our shit together without you
who's your mother?
korea??? jajaja you subhuman monkeys came in my country after your fucking war and chose to live here, in south america instead of fucking asia.
german/portuguese mixed
>We wuz aryans n shit nigga
>Whyz we be livin' in dis favela shiiiiiieeeeetttt mayne, Hitler shoulda won' da war
>We'd be space nazis 'n' shit mayne
>Beaten by fucking Italy...
Number 7 isn't too shaby, r-right?
I love how Germany isn't even on the chart.
All that IQ and your country is cucked by a feminist palm reader. You don't even see that shit happening in Congo. What happened to you guys?
They would've been a decade or two ago.
at this rate North Korea will beat them with their weapons from 50s in 30 years.
It saddens me to be honest.
Braindrain is real.
We don't have the favour of the Goddess.
>South Slavic countries
I have to agree. Apologies for going off topic, but are you guys actually setting up a defence for a Russian advance?
Yeah, no way one of the most successful countries of all time has a good average IQ. Madness
>6 fat mama-san horoscope readers
Romania's having a barbecue again...
How far down is Russia? Strange how they dont even average 99 iq but their main export seems to be hackers and chess masters.
high enough just so you can avoid being controlled by a shadowy cultist organization.... oh wait