how do we reinstate the queen's supremacy lads
Anglo supremacy thread
you can't
first off Canada needs to change its flag back to the red ensign not this faggot leaf bullshit, then we reestablish the commonwealth in full power
>implying this shouldn't be the flag
also, if USA joins, then they need to drop California, NY, Southern states (niggers).
Canada needs to drop ontairo
Britain needs to drop Tower Hamlets, East London
We get the nationalist movement in the UK to spread. AUS, CAN and NZ need there own Nigels and Trumps.
I want to tell you its okay Sup Forums.
>implying the Queen isn't still supreme
a-and what happens to Cuckdeau, his supporters and his wife?
Columbio-Anglic Empire when?
Brexit was a good first step. Now they just need to re-unite all of Britain. Then we can begin. The US is too far gone though, just treat it as the new Australia and dump all of the Muslim prisoners there.
got u f@m
Fuck Monarchy.
Ya gonna need them 5eyes to keep track of the millions of Muslims there hahaha
Fuck your queen, to be honest. We may be anglosphere and desirous of participating in the glorious supremacy, but we're not properly anglo.
>Anglo supremacy
My sides.
Short reminder that your queen is pretty much german.
They should be barred from politics for five generation, at least. That's just off the top of my head. Actually, wait no. They should be sent to live in Syria with their preferred people.
more like the alliance of off center plus signs
I'm fine with this.
Sounds good but can we ditch leafland?
more like the alliance Christian Conquest.
That's not funny. Take it back!
>the cuckosphere posters
Back to the shed sven.
>Fuck your queen
Literally has no power whatsoever, and the only people who love her and her family, are the upper class old people, and tourists.
Normal working/middle class brits forgot her family even exists half the time. We could literally hold a refurendum to abolish them, but they're just extra money for our pockets, plus tourism from (You).
>but we're not properly anglo.
I know, but that's why you would need to drop Mexican states like Cali/Texas and Nigga states in the south,
This flag? Oops my bad, I thought it was my new piss pad.
Do I count?
O-okay sorry my leaf friend
We're miles away.
Cool it for a bit.
French count right???
Prepare to be anally annihilated by flag collectors
>anglo supremacy
>brits cant figure out dentistry
>americans cant figure out exercise
>australians and canadians cant figure out coherent posting
>new zealand cant figure out sex with humans
double dub dubs count a lot, and my very bigly.
delete this
You'd know all about anal preparation, wouldn't you, anglo?
r a r e
You actually are aware that France has a good welfare system right ?
Well America isn't gonna help. And the UK doesn't give a shit either. Many Brits actively despise the queen. Canadians are too brown and yellow to care.
Good luck, Oz.
Oh boy, here we go.
Haha jokes on you, you're still shitting on the fleur de lis.
Gtfo frog
Here is your (you)
one of these flags is unlike the others
Not true, we've got guns and Anglos everywhere here.
nigger we need 5 million posts in a week
>Brazil can't figure out how to lose a soccer game and not burn down half of the country
>surrendering yourself to 1 frail old woman and a bunch of shitty liberals that make up the rest of your shitty governments.
Nah, I'm good being part of a Constitutional Republic.
anglos is kings but america isn't majority anglo so they can fuck off
It's okay we don't need you and you clearly don't need us. We can still be friends though.
i did the math last week, there's no way. There'd have to be nearly 400k posts per day, or about 340 per minute.
Like this?
Hello number 205.
Fuck off proxyfag
You're devaluing my flags
Ouch Sweden! That's norty .you dirty little paki
Nah, it's good. I'll still visit your country mostly drunk for road trip tacos.
replying because why not
in ur dreams lad
aren't the swede children suppose to be sandniggers now?
Dumping ANGLOS
Nah, we do need you. It would be a real pain in the ass if we had to wall of the border, have Alaska left out in the cold, and not have strategic oil assets, and not have strategic military assets between us and Russia.
Plus it gives an easy place for commie faggots to gtfo to when they can't handle the freedom anymore.
Make sure your papers are in order. The Anglo union is going to have some tight border control.
Fucking aryans
No one will shed a tear about the Swedish race being exerminated by subhumans. End yourself snownigger.
Alrighty bb
Idiot. We flew the union flag until 1965 and we never adopted a new flag like the islanders. The Ontario red ensign was even brought in after the maple leaf. Learn some history leaf faggot.
Communism will be illegal in the Anglo union, as will all forms of Marxism and Jewry. Anyone attempting to enter the country illegally will face swift and sever repercussions. Possible by emu or beaver.
Yeah... no. Have a (You) Sven, to make you feel better about your cucky country.
You're thinking of America.
Back to Poland with you, toilet cleaner.
I'm hundred 100% German catholic snownigger. Payback time :') this time we let sand monkeys do it for us
I like the sound of that, but getting rid of Jewry is a tall order considering London and NYC are the financial capitols of the world.
I wonder if the Jewish Autonomous Oblast is not yet full. Otherwise I don't know. Can't really take over Madagascar these days. Maybe Liberia? Saudi Arabia? I'd say dump them in Shitrael, but they're really picky about which Jews they'll let in.
>German catholic
No wonder you're so butthurt.
We get it bro. It's hard being the board joke, but what you're doing now by spam-replying to everyone and being all assblasted isn't going to help your case. I feel for you man. Maybe go out and have something to drink, and you'll feel better in the morning?
You ever see the Maritime Union flag?
City London and NYC will likely not be granted entry and will be forced to become separate nations states (city London already is so no loss there). Under no circumstance will their entry to the union be considered until such a time that that Jewry is expelled under article 8B of the Anglo constitution.
I literally told my buddy and the guy checking the registration and ID's to hurry the fuck up cause we were all hungry for tacos. I swear to god the border officer said sorry, our DD said sorry to the officer, and the officer said sorry to my DD for having to drive us.
That's SOP
How are irrelevant Sweden ?
That could work. I was thinking about what to do about NYC, since cutting out the greater metropolitan area would pretty much fix NY as a state, especially since most of the real Manhattanites have already left. But it's a little tough to contemplate not having some form of control over NYC as a counterbalance to London -- Paris and Frankfurt aren't what they used to be.
We might have to hold off on the Anglo Union until the Federal Reserve is nationalized and Kristallnacht 2.0 has a chance to take effect. Trump has announced his plans to drain the outright Israeli agents from the federal government swamp via constitutional amendment per my recommendation, so that should be a step toward a final solution.
Crossing the Canadian border as a lad in the family car was always fun.
>hello, eh, how long will you be here
oh, we don't really know, maybe a week, maybe more
>ok, eh, and where will you be going?
well we thought we'd check out the bay of fundee, but after that who knows
>alright, eh, have a good time then!
Right, because we really want to be part of the caliphate
How is America included in this???
>Australia = controlled by the queen of England
>Canada = controlled by the queen of England
United Kingdom = controlled by the queen of England
>America = controlled by current President Barrack Obama
Do you not see the difference?
That's why OP said "how do we support the Queen's supremacy.."
So basically you're a traitor?
fuck I'm drunk.
And now I really want tacos, thanks moose-man.
Got it senpai.
We have what they call a "special relationship."
So the Queen need not apply technically, but we still generally act in concert.
Where the fuck did I ever support this?
OP included the U.S because OP wants it to happen, since we are a product of the anglo-sphere and most of the whites in the U.S are ancestral Anglos. Where in the fuck did I ever say I supported it?
read my response here: