FBI deadlocked on new emails

Just came in on Fox.

>As of Saturday night, the FBI had still not gotten approval from the Justice Department for a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered Abedin emails, and therefore are still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen. "We do not have a warrant" a senior law enforcement official said. "Discussions are underway [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward"

So they haven't even looked at the emails in any way? Do they have something or is this all a big red herring?

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Let's spread this and get it all over the media until they get the warrant theyou need.

Bump for actual development.

so obama's DOJ is blocking possible evidence of criminal activity by the standard bearer of the democratic party.


like you can't make this shit up.

Surely someone in the FBI who was investigating weiner got to see what's in there, perhaps (without any knowledge of the legal system) they need a warrant to include the new emails in the clinton investigation, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't know what's in there.

This could backfire and make Clinton look like a victim. People have justified the unusual announcement by saying "surely if they're saying this now, they must have something big" but it's starting to look like it could be nothing at all.

Thanks for Correcting the Record. If there's nothing in there why shouldn't the FBI take a look?

How so? Do you think Huma's tears were unrelated? Already factored in?

Of course they have read them. They need a warrant to say they read them and to use them in a chain of evidence.

Impeach Lynch now.

Post link.

Because they don't have a warrant. It seems weird to announce it the way they did if they know nothing whatsoever about their content.

Here's one: yahoo.com/news/comey-wrote-bombshell-letter-to-congress-before-fbi-had-reviewed-new-emails-220219586.html

No interest? Everyone too busy arguing about whether Italians are white or some shit?


Could be a name, could be a suggestion.

It's news, and it is very interesting, but there's nothing really to add other than "shit sucks, hope the DoJ isn't going to be garbage about this.".

So Huma abandoned ship for no reason at all?

Haha, Hillary still wins

I don't know, but this clarification could take the wind out of this story, at least up until the election, at a time when we really want the media to be focusing on it. The more they run with this story the more scrutiny Clinton comes under from the general public.

Pretty much this.

why don't you cry about it more you little pissbaby


>So they haven't even looked at the emails in any way?

Oh they looked at the mails bro. They did.

Won't this just result in the 33k emails being leaked by someone?

The letter makes sense, maybe it was to force the hand of the DOJ.

>DoJ refuses to issue a warrant before the 8th of November
>everyone loses their shit, more people believe The Donald
>Trump carries 50 states

I'm hoping these integers will prove me right

Nah, looks worse if the doj stonewalls them.
Before al Capone's storage container was opened people's imaginations went wild and it turned out to be shit.
People guessing is way more damaging than anything in there.

His ass would have been fucked if he didn't.

amazing development

gives the impression the Justice Dept is trying to hide something

this is Watergate inside out


Why doesn't the FBI just go RICO on her ass?
King niggers DOJ can't do shit then, if they keep playing fair then they will keep losing

>Fox """""""""""""""""""""News"""""""""""""""""""""

If the DOJ doesn't give the FBI the warrant then they like complete tools to Hillary.

African government, ladies and gentlemen.

you got it...

Yes. The Obama DOJ did the same thing during the investigation into Operation Fast & Furious. Pic related to blame. Shitlibs and niggers protecting their own.

>go to vote
>walk in the booth
>booth has been shot in the back of the screen twice
>suicide note is the Windows 8 "Sorry, something went wrong" message
>go out to the desk to complain, but all the old farts have the same problem
>call my Congressman to complain, his voice message is a suicide note
>such is life in Hillary's America

This is going to backfire. Emails are going to start drip dropping or show up on Wikileaks

Fuckin' Lynch. I knew she was going to pull this the instant Comey defied her. She has been stonewalling for Clinton from day one. That bitch needs to be impeached. This is going to piss the investigators off, and Oversight and Judiciary are going to go ape shit.

Will interesting seeing DOJ officials doing the perp walk on obstruction

Well according to that, they haven't really established probable cause so far. They won't get a warrant at all until they can do that.

This. This is why I will never EVER vote for a nigger.

so they dont even know if they include classified info

its literally nothing confirmed

okay here's what's going to happen:

doj blocks for the next couple of days. fbi has their hands tied. wikileaks/other drops a hotter bomb than hillary would if she were president and putin grabbed her by the pussy. save this

Shoo, shoo, shill.

If it's nothing why was Huma on the plane crying and now seems to have disapeared?

They know it's classified material. They have even read it, and know whats in it. They can't say whats in it, or start investigating it until they get clearance from the DoJ.

DoJ stonewalls it until after election is over, and then it all gets swept under the rug.

Wonder who in the DOJ they flew to epsteins island to get this

So that's why the FBI went public with the notice of new findings and a reopening of the case.

They probably found that shit weeks ago and they've been getting walled on a warrant ever since, trying to draw it out until after the election

>go out to the desk to complain
>to complain
Why are you complaining so much user? Are you depressed?

Reminder that Comey is a Republican.

DOJ has to issue warrant or they hang themselves out to dry with the public.

Also, either way, Clinton is screwed. If she wins she's lame duck disgrace from day one. If she loses she has to go on trial.

That could be.

No, these will

Not swept away. The investigation is reopened, no stopping that now. Comey forced her hand with the congressional letter, and now SHE is in the hot seat. Dems saying "Durrrr, show us the emails and release them!" Everyone knows he can't do that during an investigation, which is why they're saying that. Comey put her on the spot now because he can say "I'd love to investigate and release the records, but that bitch at DOJ just fucked you all over. Talk to her."

Appointed by Obamama.

What it does is it creates uncertainty that Clinton might get prosecuted which is going to turn people off from her. Only those that are too far gone will think she's a victim.

Pretty sure that's the most realistic possibility from what we know so far.

Of course she can sweep it under the rug if she is president. Spoils system is a mistake.

I bet her tears were related to the fact her former husband is a fucking pedophile that wanted to bust that tight 15 year old pussy so hard and so often she would leak and limp for a week, you dipshit.

You sound increasingly nervous

Still Republican, even if you don't like him.

This was a political shot and not only is Comey going to get fired or worse, Democrats will never ever appoint Republicans to executive positions ever again.

They already read them they were investigating weiners laptop then suddenly started reading a bunch of Hillary emails that were saved on it for some reason when the FBI was told they were given all electronics containing the emails

See this post folks? This is what it looks like when CTR try to use memes but completely fuck it up because they don't understand context in which aforementioned meme applies.

I agree, honestly I'm willing to bet that there might really not be anything incriminating against Hillary on those emails but the FBI getting involved once again makes people think she does which is better for Trump along with the fact that the investigation will probably take more than a few weeks at best means it couldn't have happened at a better time just before Election Day

Pedos aren't interested in 15 year olds

She already knew that you fucktard. She and Weiner split up back in August.

Let's make it happen.

So the same bitch that illegally colluded with Bill Clinton to allow Hillary to escape federal prosecution is now attempting to block additional evidence of federal crimes.

Yep, nothing to see here.

Doubtful. FBI wouldn't bother unless they found something that was either new and significant, or a missing piece they needed. There's very likely to be some bad dirt in there or Hillary and Obama wouldn't have acted the way they did upon hearing the news. They are nervous as fuck. Lynch stonewalling it is only going to make the suspicion worse.

I think the FBI knows whats in these emails and that it isnt trivial. Weiner is probably willing to talk since he is facing some sort of time for soliciting a minor. He can fuck them all

Hillary herself said that they can read them all, so why should they need a warrant?

>Hillary and Obama wouldn't have acted the way they did upon hearing the news
user, please, VOTE EARLY, and if you have a friend voting Trump, don't let them.

Didn't Hillary tell the FBI to release the emails gerself? Why would they still need a warrent if she's willing to release them?

>Hillary, while not even in a position of power, can authorize people to read classified information

this makes zero sense, fbi doesnt NEED a warrant to read emails on a siezed device.

What do you recommend he kill them or slash their tires? Its probably going to take that course of action since Hillary's campaign is literally imploding.

>so obama's DOJ is blocking possible evidence of criminal activity by the standard bearer of the democratic party.

And checked.

wikileaks/kim leaking on november 1st is looking more and more probable.

She's bluffing. She knows they can't release them.

If she were happy for them to be released, she'd release them herself.

She said that to posture herself as confident. She is a lawyer, and knows damn well that Comey can't release any of it in the course of an investigation. Think of it as a cat puffing herself up to look bigger when she's scared.

Hillary and Huma know what's on that laptop. If Hillary truly "wants everything out" she can call a press conference and confess.

...but she can't.
Be honest = fucked, Lie = more fucked.

She knows FBI can't say and she's banking on her voters being retarded.

Every time.

They DO need a warrant for chain of evidence in a reopened investigation though or else the information will be deemed inadmissible.

Hillary said the above. She said to stage an "intervention," like when she told people to follow that black guy out of a rally. I assume she means beat into submission.

>Weiner can fuck them all
Balance has been restored.

People get over marriages and bombshells like this within a few months? Are you 15 yourself?

Carlos is going to roll on these bitches.

Cunts better figure it out before Wikileaks or Kimdotcom drops TS/SAP material in the public's lap.

they got the warrant to seize the devices. so your saying they need another to READ THE EMAILS?

fbi knows what the emails are, hillary knows, obama knows, doj knows. FBI is trying for a proper "warrant" so there are are no illigitimate findings, inadmissible. Obama is incriminated in emails so fbi and exec admin are working together attempting to isolate damage control to clinton. clinton knows they implicate obama and have classified materials so shes bluffing, calling on more info on emails hoping to buy time. DOJ is obamas dog, so theyre assisting in preventing release. Wiki will release them all, or is prob going to negotiate w/ obama to get assange pardoned in exchange for damage control. I hope assange makes a deal then releases them all anyways

No the DoJ is blocking them from proceeding

Didn't he choose not to charge her once? Is this really how dumb liberals are? The guy is obviously in pursuit of justice if he wanted her out he could've decided to indicet her the first time. They know they have all they need to charge her. That's why their doing this now.


Rumor is that the NYPD found them, they must have looked through them for kiddie porn. Hopefully they kept a copy ?!?;

>implying the jews are the prey in this investigation

Such a nigger

No. The devices this information is from were seized in a separate investigation. In order to add the newly discovered evidence to a previous case, there must be a warrant to obtain them. They are not one and the same case, so chain of evidence must be established.

This is what happens when you elect someone who has never even held a fucking job because he's a fucking malatto and can read a fucking speech on a screen.