Just what is this channels problem?

Just what is this channels problem?

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Muslim integration and politically correct shows.

They broadcast Peep Show though

They did

Funny became Edgey became Retarded, similar to the genesis of Sup Forums

they canceled their only good show

Haha Upvoted

Friday nights on Channel 4 were amazing:

The Word
So Graham Norton
Troma's Edge TV


>disliking Sup Forumsshit is reddit
not how it works freindo

wtf am I looking at?

>tiffany shepis aka super tromette "bulimia"

The truth

Flick over to Channel 5 for the softcore porno flick though

Does anyone else watch old Simpsons episodes on C4 and notice all the censorship?
It's really annoying because it isn't like my memory is photographic so at times there's a cut and I'm wondering whether something has been removed or am I just being paranoid

Genuinely used to be an edgy channel. Bit of a shell of its former self now though - although the news at 7 is by far the best on terrestial.


this desu

Not enough big guys.

sky1 used to do it all the time with futurama, sometimes theyd leave in the set up for a joke and then literally cut out the punchline. I'm thinking specifically of one where farnsworth holds up a doll to ask fry where Bender touched him, but he doesnt say anything, so hes just holding a doll for no reason

this is like adult swim if adult swim was funny or clever


dont remember most of those

trigger happy tv was good

>5 colours

What was the last good original show? Inbetweeners? That will be 10 years old soon

Can you fucking drop the bane mene ive been here since 2009 and its getting fucking old snd retarded now

Friday Night Dinner is excellent.

Utopia, then they went and cancelled it after selling the rights to HBO for a remake, still mad the creator asked them to do a one off special to finish the story but they said no. And after all that the remake never got anywhere.

Derry Girls hasn't been terrible

Is that Channel 4? I only saw 1 episode but ya, it's definitely better than any comedy I've seen in ages

>He isn't retarded

>getting old

Utopia was absolutely amazing

Channel 4 sold out because its easy to sell shitty reality shows to normies

Big Brother basically killed Channel 4 as it become the sole focus it seemed of the channel for awhile

southcliffe is the best show ever made hands down
red riding was pretty great too

national treasure was good

secret state was good

honourable woman, so was the shadow line

literally just look for this shit, im guessing if you think the inbetweeners was the best thing for 10 years ur a moron, so maybe look elsewhere

Lol this ain't fake at all.

Vic Reeves Big Night Out, Who's Line is it Anyway, Absolutely

I want to go back

They were literally my source of kino back in the day. Being a 13 year old with insomnia in the late 90s would find me sitting up to all hours watching whatever weird foreign movie they'd show.

Its probably more so they can keep it short for adverts. Networks don't bother to check these things.

Would they show it if it was made as a new programme today?

Film 4 still produces good stuff.



It's a good show though yeah

Does anyone else remember the Christmas Day in mid-2000's when they showed Hellraiser, Braindead and Black Christmas?

Con4med 4 edge

Not a chance, a modern Brass Eye would poke holes in all the incredibly transparent agendas that are on show by news organisations, Channel 4 in particular. That show would get the same reaction from today's public except the people complaining wouldn't be baby boomers it would be 18-year-olds.

Not even Dennis Pennis could survive these days

The Adam & Joe Show was pinnacle Channel 4

No it's fucking censored you dimwit, stop giving your retarded opinions on things you don't know about.

They literally talk about it on the Simpsons commentary tracks.