Why are there no right-wing comedians?
Why are there no right-wing comedians?
Why are they no attractive comedians?
Right wing comedy tends to be harsh and mocking, and everyone is a fucking soft cunt.
Jon Oliver has laugh tracks to cover for 4/5'ths of the time people don't laugh in the audience.
they aren't given tv shows because they harm the narrative
nick depaulo
Sup Forums is the right wing comedy hub.
>le punching up
>le truth to power
Also we have plenty of comedians
What we're talking about aren't funny issues.
Because only liberals are retarded enough to roll the dice with there life and try to make it in the comedy business.
doug stanhope
Because they aren't funny
Sam Hyde is a comedian when not going on mass shooting sprees/
i see alex jones as a comedian, but he probably doesn't count.
Because to be a well-known 'comedian' you have to be rewarded by the entertainment industry and guess who has big influence in the entertainment industry
It wouldn't be fair to call Daniel Tosh a right wing comedian because shits on everyone left and right
arts in general is liberal because it involves the more emotional side of life.
conservatism is about the cold harsh reality of life.
Norm MacDonald.
That's horseshit. Of course you're a fucking leaf, so you're incapable of having a rational thought.
Comedy isn't really comedy anymore, it's doctrine. You watch tv for snarky quips to spam at conservatives in a half-informed twitter tirade. Sometimes you'll get a trending slapstick video.
Because there are no jokes to make about a failing industry and societal degradation,just actions.
Isnt he a faggot?
because the truth is no laughing matter
Pretty obvious, if youre attractive you don't need to be funny. That's basically why there are no funny women.
There is no audience.
He's just being edgy.
>"We're the fact party, bro, can you handle that? What's the matter? Afraid of statistics? heh... typical human"
There are no left-wing comedians either.
why do we need comedians when we already have the best philosophers? hmm..
Because we have real jobs.
Trump and farage have made me laugh more in the last year than all of the (((comedians))) combined
All cuckservstives are jokers?
It's like winning and then rubbing the losing teams nose in it. Nobody likes a bad sport
My thoughts on John Oliver are illegal to post
right wing people in general are wittier and funnier, however
Too dumb to get jokes
What exactly do you call the people filming it then?
all 4 right wing comedians are Red Eye regulars.
Too busy doing something productive :^)
There are. They just have real jobs.
People who are wrong and smug about it are funnier than people who are right
Sam Hyde :^)
There are. They just don't appear on Comedy Central.
Because the Jews own humor
Because we can't make fun of black people.
Because running the country properly isn't a fucking joke.
What about Adam Carolla? And to a lesser extent, Bill Burr? Yes im aware Bill Burr married a nigger but OP said right wing not redpilled
I thought south park creators were right wing libertarians
But there are
They aren't the kind of funny that works in an urban environment. In cities people have to get along in tight quarters and they need people to inspire love and acceptance amoung everybody. This is something the right-wing is not about and calls liberalism. It's why large population centers vote democrat. The nation usually follows the lead of New York. They are the most dense and are usually years ahead in policy even worldwide.
Because the jews control the media. Remember when comedy used to be funny? Monty Python? Blackadder? The Young Ones? Yeah. Thise guys were all right wingers. But political correctness killed it. You can't be funny without freedom of speech.
They had a show but it was horrible. What was it called? The half hour news hour? It was excruciating. The reviews were funnier than the show.
>Publications gave the show's initial two episodes historically poor reviews.
>The Chicago Tribune said, "The humor is so predictable and so stale that it fails to produce any laughs" while The Philadelphia Inquirer commented that "The 1/2 Hour News Hour is slow torture all by itself."
>MetaCritic's television division, which produces composite scores based on prominent reviewers' opinions of television pilots, other episodes, and/or DVD releases, gave The Half Hour News Hour pilots a score of 12 out of 100, making it the lowest-rated television production ever reviewed on the site.
I've seen it. It hurts.
They went full cuck this season.
I didn't expect them to have in-depth knowledge of the election, but they are just doing a bunch of cheap shots.
Then again, this election is insane enough already so it might be difficult for them to do anything.
Liberals are really easy to pander to, it's just the path of least resistance. You only need one joke to entertain those people. "Hey, you know who's dumb? Republicans!" And then you just step out of the way of the tide when the audience all creams themselves.
Just look at the tedious little milquetoast you posted. John Oliver is the blandest thing to come out of England since the ploughman's lunch. Apart from dumbass millennials seeing his glasses and hearing his accent and confusing him for Harry Potter, there is no sane reason for such a cult of personality to form around a man with so very little personality. But he goes out there every night, says "Oi lads, do you know who's daft? Republicans! Chim-chim-charoo", and the pandering pays off.
What do you expect from a bunch of neo-cucks?
What do you think Sup Forums is full of? These memes don't make themselves
>who is Alex Jones
this guy tho youtube.com
This faggott's nose has not been broken nearly enough. That needs to change.
Right wing funny men do it for free
An important part of comedy is to be able to be self-deprecating and right-wingers tend to take themselves too seriously.
it's hard to have a whole set of jokes that end with a racist/sexist/fiscally conservative punchline.
and people who go into comedy seem to want to punch up not down.
Sup Forums humor is right wing humor, and it is hilarious, but incredibly black.
Take the demographic death of Sweden, which will not exist in a recognizable form in a few decades. The Sweden memes are hilarious and cutting, but of course there is no way it could be aired on (((network))) television.
>Norm MacDonald.
Norm's hilarious but he's apolitical. He doesn't even pretend to understand politics, nor does he care.
>pol is satire
I guess it boils down to which parts of Sup Forums got butthurt about being called basement-swelling manchildren who jack off to anime and which parts leaned into it.
Pic related. Sup Forums is the best at bantz.
I can't stand any other forms of comedy at this point, too much virtue signalling.
if it was satire it'd be left wing not right wing.
Does franku count as right wing?
Joe Rogan
The media is mostly left wing. The left leaning media isn't going to find jokes from someone on the right funny.
The shills have all but cleared out and we're just left with regular right wing bashing posts, have they given up so soon? We still have ten days before The First and Last God Emperor of Mankind is anointed.
i'm depressed at the cucks
This. John Stewart changed comedy for ever and not in a good way.
Lucille Bell was hot and funny
Here is old school right wing comedian
Funny as fuck
Because they're too busy producing the future to waste time joking about other peoples failures to make themselves feel better about their own.
Also, OP sucks dick for money.
Steven crowder did stand up, but is now doing political commentary (see trigglypuff for reference) louder with crowder is still pretty funny
because right wing people prefer to spend their time fulfilling their own interests to better themselves or people around and prefer natural humour such as laughing at or with a bunch of friends
>Why are there no right-wing comedians?
If a teenager comes home one day and tells his parents he's a communist, they'll roll their eyes and tell him that he's a fucking retard. If he tells them he's a fascist, they'll call the cops.
Our society has both position and velocity. Wherever it is positioned, for the past three centuries the velocity has been leftwards, with a few rare deviations. We have been moving leftwards for a very, very long time. This is done with the direct assistance of conservatives, who lose battle after battle because they conserve but do not react, i.e. they try to stop all movement, when they should in fact be pushing us back towards the right. In fact, if someone like Trump starts actually moving rightward, conservatives try to stop him, to conserve the existing order.
When a comedian makes a joke from the perspective of the left, he is making a joke from where society will be in 20 years if it keeps degenerating. Any joke from the left, no matter how "transgressive" it appears, is a joke that conforms to the zeitgeist. When Jon Stewart tells a joke, it isn't a challenge to the traditional order, it's a reaffirmation that we are drifting towards leftism. Progressives nod along, and conservatives chuckle, because neither of them are truly challenged by it. Conservatives don't actually want a MORE right-wing world, they just want the movement towards the left to be slow and comfortable.
In Sam Hyde's initial blatantly rightward skit, youtube.com
No he just jokes on it but he usually is pretty based Because he shits on everyone but he doesn't pick a side unlike South Park. Basically he's better the that Dude who did web soup/Sanjay and Craig forgot his name though
Because modern liberalism is its own joke?
Jeff Foxworthy is right-wing.
Underrated post.
Dennis Miller?
They're too busy dropping the truth bombs.
I agree for the most part, but I think mde and Sam are just being hyper ironic in that skit.
I think so too, though it's impossible to tell.
What's interesting is not the skit, but the crowd. They REALLY don't like it, and it makes them uncomfortable, not just angry. Nobody goes to a comedy night to feel uncomfortably high levels of cognitive dissonance.
That's the core problem with right-wing comedy. For normies, it's either toothless and weak, or it's poignant but deeply confronting, and neither is very funny.