Statistically you're more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.
Statistically you're more likely to be molested by Donald Trump than a transgender person.
Tell me again why I should vote Republican?
Statistically you're more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.
Statistically you're more likely to be molested by Donald Trump than a transgender person.
Tell me again why I should vote Republican?
you're more likely to be killed by a nigger
you're more likely to be raped by a nigger
you have to go back.
>trannies are gay
>gays are pedophiles
Only logical to have you swing with negros on the day of the rope
cops are on the ball around here, you go out between 2-4 your getting harassed.
Im gonna need some sources on that Jose
Statistically you're more likely to get your face get cut off by cartels in mexico
what is your point paco
Because if you get blown up by a islamic radicalist, you too will only be another statistic.
but mexico,. how is it in lawless gheto land?
>Statistically you're more likely to be molested by Donald Trump than a transgender person.
I can completely assure you that is not true. You don't want to know some of the literal rapists that pretend to be women on /lgbt/.
And fags are statistically more likely to molest children
And blacks are statistically more likely to commit violent crimes
And Muslims are statistocally more likely to be terrorists
So why the love?
Wrong. I'm not a criminal and I don't commit criminal actions, so therefore I am extremely unlikely to be killed by a police officer, or even interact with one.
If don't commit any crimes, statistically you have 0% chance of being killed by a police officer.
For every Donald Trump rape case, there's a bimbo he turned down and is trying to get their revenge on him.
^^ His millions of ancestors were owned by like 200 Conquistadors...
Now the descendants are all like 70%-95% European genes. And man, do they fucking hate that.
Because I'm going to kill your mother, if you don't vote Republican.
You can't, you're mexican.
>CTR forgets to disable proxy
Fucking hell.
Statistically you're more likely to be molested by a Hillary shill than a terrorist.
A black person is 70X (7000%) more likely to be killed by another black person than a white person.
Think really really hard about that too....
Fuck off Sweden your entire country is a statistic
A catfisher who pretends to be a woman online is not a trans person though.
>I'm white, so therefore I am extremely unlikely to be killed by a police officer, or even interact with one.
What the hell are you talking about? Most Mexicans are proud of their European genetics. "Indio" is practically a dirty word.
Speaking from experience.
ah shit, i got to my inspection done, they got me for that last year, like 125 freedom clams.
>Most Mexicans are proud of their European genetics.
Eva Longoria wasn't. She, like so many, want to believe that their intelligence and good looks and talent come from "native" genes.
Then they get a genetic test, and are pissed to find that they are mostly European.
It scares me how mentally ill the left are when they try to use statistics and ignore ones like this.
gentlemen we have three days.
No true scottsman.
You're more than welcome to go tell /mtfg/ that.
>Tell me again why I should vote Republican?
you're from Mexico, you can't vote
Oh, I'm less-likely to be killed by a terrorist?
I guess it's time to ship more in, then!
yea they most kill each other though so what are you worried about
False , in canada you are statistically more likely to encounter a transgendered terrorist than donald trump.
Statistically Im more likely to be murdered, bullied, raped & called racist by a black. But I still tolerate them. Join the club faggot.
Build it Juanito
Yeah but I can reduce my odds of being killed by the police by not being a criminal
Terrorists will kill me regardless of my actions
Terrorism equals more wars
Terrorism equals less tourism and less air travel, which hurts the economy
Terrorism actually makes estrogen-heavy leftists pander even more to Muslims and let even more of them in
You're more likely to a faggot op than any of that happening
>That feel when leftist
>That feel when hate niggers
Its a very weird feel.
I'm not a criminal you fucking retard
Yeah so why would you vote for a nigger lover?
Because of leftist gun laws in Chicago you are more likely to die there than in afghanistan
Liberals want to implement these laws across the US
100,000 refuges? hillaries poor foreign affairs.
i don't give a shit who you vote for.
>Statistically you're more likely to be molested by Donald Trump than a transgender person.
There are more transgender people than they're are donald trumps, so you are already wrong there.
>Statistically you're more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.
Yeah justly killed fucking spic garbage
>Statistically you're more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.
Well you convinced me
Better import 50 million mudshits
Thanks for clearing things up
>Statistically you're more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.
That's only true if I commit a crime.
I otherwise never interact with police officers.
statistically i live in asia.
>you're more likely to be molested by DT than a transgender person
You've never been to a bar have you?
>statistically you are more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist
Using what statistics, what is this based on? Pre 9/11 to now, post 9/11 to now, some time span between 9/11 and now, is it in America, or is it just Americans in general?
>Statistically blah blah blah Donald Trump raped me !!1!
Now that's just bullshit
SPASTICALY more likely to be molested by Bill than the DON
>Statistically you're more likely to be molested by Donald Trump than a transgender perso
There is only one donald trump while there are more than two faggots in the world
If you say there are only two faggots in the world the probability is still double than that of trump
statistically this is the shittest shitpost/bait i have ever seen
You are a filthy spic and your opinion does not matter in the slightest. Now go get your head sawed off by some beaner cartel hitman.
>Tell me again why I should vote Republican?
Cause unsubstantiated Fee Fees are more important than the reals of the world.
Dont think rationale m8 and just look to your fee fees for guidance and ignore all the facts and reals of the world that contradict your fee fees
>Doesn't commit crimes=white
You fucking racist.
>you are more likely to die in a car accident than a terror attack, so stop getting mad that i want to increase the chances you die in a terror attack -HRC
You shouldn't vote on party lines. Evaluate the person and make a decision. Policy talk can only go so far since Presidents don't write laws.
Hillary is careless, robotic, and boring.
Trump is narcissistic, bombastic, and unhinged.
Both are disconnected from the reality of every day Americans.
because voting Clinton is voting to be killed by a police officer terrorist
are these statistics by conviction or police report?'
Statistically you have a greater chance of being killed in foreign or domestic war if you vote that bitch in.
Your most likely to get killed or raped by mexicans then any of OP ideas
I'm statistically more likely to get my head chopped off in Mexico than in Syria as well.