Gonna be honest with you, OP, I would also recommend America, but not exactly for the reason of it being a quality read.
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I really don't get people's gripe with this book. When people say it's incomprehensible I'm kinda baffled. Plot is easy to follow and stories aim for an old-school style so....why people say that?
You know you're supposed to spend money on comics, right?
The book is palpably awful, and people often stumble and mislabel their complaints when trying to describe the hows and whys of something being bad.
>How can a channel dedicated to Comics have such shit taste?
Consider this. Imagine the list would be actually kinda ok with maybe few you disagree with. Now, would you feel the need to react to the video or share it anywhere else? Would you feel the need to comment on it? Of course not, because "adequate" is not what brings those youtube clicks, either something great or something godawful does. And you linking this video here are promoting that behaviour.
so everybody hates it but nobody can say why?
How does that even work?
One picture explains more than a thousand words.
Wasn't that co-written by the author of the Hawkeye? Because...that fits to how she writes Kate from what I've seen of that book.
>List is 90% Marvel
well maybe if DC made comics that weren't as shit as their movies there would be more on the list
How embarrassing