Honestly though, how fucking stupid can you idiots on this subreddit be? Do you clowns not underfuckingstand that people need money to survive? $8 an hour IS NOT ENOUGH TO LIVE ON. NOT. ENOUGH. TO. LIVE. ON. If we are to ever advance as a society, we must raise the minimum wage to a living wage inmediately. People cannot go on making starvation wages. If anybody deserves to starve, it is the billionaire class that oppresses us.

that's some sage wisdom right there

Here's an idea, maybe you're not worth 15 an hour.

if you weren't doing internships or networking so that you could get a job that pays 40k out of college then you were just on vacation for 4-6 years and should pay your pennance

if you raise wages you are not magically creating more profit for the business, they will most likely fire employees to cover the cost of wages or just automate the job to get rid of you completely.
t. dj khaled

Well obviously you can't survive on $8 a hour when you want the latest iphone on release day bling and live above your means.

read an economics book. minimum wage is a meme.

Yes it is. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Where are all the dead millennials unable to live on minimum wage?

Underrated pic

Stop importing hordes of uneducated people willing to work for table scraps and wages will rise as Americans refuse to do garbage jobs for third world pay.

Then work two jobs. Work 80 hours a week. Suck dicks in a back alley. Or just die. No one will miss you.

If you genuinely believe that you deserve a comfortable life in exchange for flipping burgers, you are scum.

In their parents' house


If I can survive 2.5$/h you can survive 8$/h otherwise you're pampered pussy.

Living requires food water air and shelter. All easily obtained with less than 8 per HR


It's just like taking pills for itchy skin when you have a poison ivy infection.
Doesn't solve the problem, just a symptom of it.

Underrated comment


You need to change your definition of "live on," to mean what it's supposed to mean, which means "can survive on," regardless of quality of life. And then if you're not satisfied with that standard, fucking do something about it. Damn.

Lol, right? We're starving in droves. Accidentally bought a xbox instead of some damn food.


If you are on the national living wage with a college degree. Then you are fucking degenerate.

Then do what everybody else does. Learn a skill, make yourself more valuable. Mcjobs were never intended to support a family.
Or of course you could always support Trump. When he cuts off the supply of cheap brown labor, the minimum wage will rise because of the iron clad law of supply and demand.

I support a $15 minimum wage. Not because I agree with anything stupid leftists say, but because I have maximum keks when they get what they want, and they all lose their jobs to robots or just have all their workload heaped on the handful left over.

Wasn't there some american university where the students were getting a pickle up their asses about having a $15 minimum wage, and the university gave in and immediately fired as much staff as possible?

>1 post by this ID
Nevermind, thought you wanted to have an actual discussion. As usual, OPs a fag.

No one is going to read past that.
Good luck, have a nice night. Oh and also, your source is a Facebook meme. Don't post here with garbage information or expect every one to shit on you.

>applying to retail and fast food when you already wasted 50 grand of your parents' money
Lemayoing at your life

Or, maybe you are wrong and ANYONE is worth at least $15 an hour.

Doesn't happen in other countries, what is special about the USA? Does 'exceptionalism' mean 'exceptionally underpaid'?

true... if you work 80 hours a week, it is fine

>Mcjobs were never intended to support a family.
why not?

really why is it so terrible that everyone have a living wage?

Really fires my neurons

When I was in high school I pushed carts at a busy ass sam's club, then I got a job in retail and eventually became a manager. Then I quit and became a delivery driver (tips are the fucking shit) then I quit that job because I wanted to work with my hands. Got a labor job making less money but I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more, and eventually got into electrical work. A minimum wage job shouldn't be your end goal. It's a starting point to move up from. Yes, minimum wage does need an increase, but not to $15. A full time job at $15 an hour is $28,880 per year before taxes. Most jobs are not worth that to an employer, and if automation is possible in that field, overhead costs will drop dramatically by replacing workers with automated systems, kiosks, etc. Hell, I don't even make that much yet because I'm an electrical apprentice. If I can kill myself working with wiring and some shithead makes more than I do now because of some new laws put into place why should I do electrical work? I can just get the easiest job I can think of and make more than I do now. Say bye bye to your working class people because they can make the same money doing a job that is a hell of a lot easier and requires little to no training.

This is not true. Migrants often do work NO local wants to do.

How many people do you pay $15 an hour to?

Trust me, the nigger in customer service who couldn't get right even if it tried is not worth employment, let alone 15 shekels an hour

As opposed to having a sub-survival life from flipping burgers, cause that is so acceptable.

>leftists in charge of economy

Lol OP is gone. Might as well have useful conversation.
The minimum wage is on the ballot here. From 8 to 12. The local uni says it will have to cut half it's student work force, if it passes. Janitors, mail, ground crew, tutors, gym staff, teaching aids, all postings are going to be halved.

But to play devil's advocate; Seattle is doing fine after some growing pains.

Its to distract us from the Happening

>why not
Because it's unskilled labor.
Want better pay? Don't be a lazy nigger and apply yourself. If you have nothing of value to offer you have nobody to blame but yourself.

liberal arts majors end up doing that

I guess the majority of humans on Earth making less than a dollar a day are all dead then? If you want more than $8 an hour then maybe you should learn to do something a trained monkey couldn't do. If you can be replaced by literally any human on the planet, you haven't earned $15 an hour. Meanwhile, at $8 an hour, you're living better than the vast majority of the current population of Earth, and literally everbody who live 100 or more years ago.

Hmm.... let's raise minimum wage! That will totally elevate the lower class closer to the middle class and won't bring the middle class down further towards the lower class while the elite hold an even bigger monopoly!

Maybe the cashier at walmart should have some ambition instead of sitting down and making 18$ an hour for doing minimum work.

I started off minimum wage and decided I'd only go up with every job afterward. Second job I made 15$ an hour; now I'm up to 36$ an hour and 8 hours guaranteed time and a half per week with only a 2 year degree; which I paid for with my previous work experience.

Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of asking for "gimmes" or the country will fail. People who are 35 shouldn't be making less money than myself at 23 unless they are failures.

This mother fucking this, I want so many people to lose their jobs and cry because they got what they wanted.

OP is long gone. Slide thread. Just sage.

tt knows what's up.


The problem is that the higher paying jobs aren't there. Raising the minimum wage is placing a bandaid on a gaping wound. When people cry about minimum wage, what they are saying is that they want a job that pays them a living wage. A lot of fully qualified people cannot get higher paying jobs because some baby boomer fucks refuses to retire, or the company just laid off a ton of people to increase profits.

My former employer said she would have to let 4-5 employees go if Bernie sanders won (this was when he was relevant and talking about the $15 minimum wage). This was at a place with roughly 15 employees.

>People cannot go on making starvation wages.
I agree, they should start doing something of value to someone.

Fucking intel jew.

Tell my something about that logo;
Why is the "for" sideways?
From a distance, it looks alot like saying "fight ISIS".

And that's good, unless people read your title first, in which case, they automatically read the "for".

When you look at the logo, it subliminally tells you "Fight [for] isis".

Fuck you, subliminal jew.

Luring the poor into jewish tricks and traps with a thread promising them sheckels.

also checked

I can't wait to increase my rentals to $2000/mo per apartment. This will be great for people like me, raise that price floor. Do it please.

My last paycheck was $290 and I'm feeling fine

Why don't you people raise yourself to be more than minimum?

Have you interacted with a human before? There are some people out there who aren't worth the oxygen they're breathing.

Furthermore if we're all worth 15 an hour, that means 15 an hour is worthless.

Thread will keep itself alive for all the ninnys who don't read the thread. But by all means, add nothing to the conversation and promote a shit thread that has no facts in it.

People who work for eight dollars an hour don't have the same needs as regular people. They know how to be poor and they like, otherwise they would figure out how to make more. Just giving them a raise hurts them more than helps them because it encourages them to spend money of frivolous and harmful things they don't need.

Holy fuck, why hasn't anyone thought of that

I have to interject and say that rent is the largest problem where I live. After the housing bubble collapsed, people bought up large amounts of housing for low prices and rent them out now for higher than what a mortgage would cost. (Florida fag here, we got hit the worst by the housing collapse) Rent prices are artificially high here. Since most people lost their homes, most houses were bought up by real estate companies and rich people. People mostly just rent now since houses for sale are usually shitty foreclosures with massive amounts of renovations needed.

Landlord #1 has his house going for $1200 a month, landlord #2 has an exact replica and rents his out for $1225 because housing is in demand third behind water and food. Landlord #1 sees this and raises his to $1250, etc. These houses aren't worth shit yet they're being rented out for 30% higher than what a mortgage would cost.

God, any sort of decent apartment where I live costs $1100+. The same apartment I am paying $1,200 for right now went for $800 in 2005. It is fucking bullshit, man.