Is it kino?
It's fantastic.
Yes obviously.
It feels like the worlds forgetting it too quickly.
It's a great movie, but please leave the Sup Forums memes on Sup Forums.
Why do you think so?
I'd have to give the movie a rewatch to give you a really in-depth answer, but from what I remember it had a good balance of its humors, never too dark but never overly goofy, and managed to balance being a western and being a cartoon very well. I thought Rango's character arc was really good too. Clint Eastwood doesn't hurt either.
"Kino" is just a way to say that something looks intersting, but is shit on every other aspect.
So no, its not kino, it can be fantastic as this user pointed out it can be a great movie like this other one said
The last time Hollywood made a good western.
Great animation and art style, great cinematography, great (albeit cliched) story, fantastic characters and one of the best villains in not just animation but possibly westerns.
Simply put it's a film that wasn't just a great work of animation but a great western and an absolute love letter to the nearly forgotten genre. As far as I can tell or remember we've only gotten two truly great westerns in the 2000's: The True Grit reboot and this film right here.
It's a very good film. Probably my favourite Western. The one complaint I have with it is the way the mayor wears his shirt. Every time I watch it, every scene with him in it, it's in the back of my mind.
I thought kino meant a classic filled with lazy tropes being pulled off ok
Doesn't Kino mean when something is epically cinematic because Rango sure is.
we probably fell into a meme buzzword trap, but yeah, rango is fucking great
you know it's not actually Clint Eastwood as Clint Eastwood, right
It's good, so no.
Good movie. It has its issues, but I honestly think it's one of the best animated films we got out of this decade.
I think I had seen like three animated movies before it with the plot of humans stealing water that it was just meh.
Also that one reptile chick that was the only character with creepy human lips reminded me of that Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers short.
All the other characters looked really good though.
The humans weren't stealing the water. The animals were leeching off Vegas for decades. The Mayor just turned the shut off valve to artificially induce drought.
Rattlesnake Jake is one of my all time favorite antagonists ever.
Sup Forums here, I just want to clear something up since there seems to be confusion.
Kino simultaneously means something that is genuinely really good that you like, and something really bad that you like.
Basically if you like it, it's Kino. For example "Avatar the Last Airbender is Kino" or "Night of the Were Ed is Kino"
Kino can also be used as a suffix, to denote the reason or way something is Kino. For example "Raven is grey ass Kino" or "Is Rugrats baby Kino?"
Actually it's just a multi-stage permuation of cinema, like kek is for lol.
It's cinema > cine > kino
You're a newfag.
It's retarded either way and Sup Forums needs to fuck off and/or die
No Kino is German for a cinema or movie theater, it's not a word Sup Forums invented.
I'm talking about modern usage, you know the usable kind?
Also Kino is German for film, it isn't a linguistical corruption of Cine like Lol > Lul > Lel > Kek
You're the newfag, newfag.
I'm aware, i just mean that's the course it went, after people started discussing 'levels' of cinema. If you say it though, you're new. It's a bad meme.
It was rather forgettable, wasn't it? It's not a bad movie by any means, just not something that stays with you.
i didn't like Rango. but honestly if there was a sequel or spinoff starring the rattlesnake villain, i'd probably watch it
Hell yeah, could've done without the psychedelic living cactus' but whatever.
>gets called out
>moves goalposts of newness
It's clear i've been here for at least a reasonable amount of time, I only crossboarded culture to clarify a mistake a few anons were making.
Also, Rango is certified Kinography.
Kino was created on TV as ironic mockery of things that look flashy, but are shit on every other way. Snydercucks them showed up from reddit, and thought that it was a complement.
It's one of the very few animated films that deserved the Oscar it won. It's not "Kino", the movie was just a very great film that everyone could enjoy, especially those that love westerns.
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