What would Trudeau's relationship with a president Trump be like?
What would Trudeau's relationship with a president Trump be like?
Like pinky and the brain.
Trump treats him like an idiot and ends up running both america and canada.
Trudeau letting Trump fuck his wife while he watched.
You know pinky was the genius right
It ends with Trump having a bangin' threesome with Melania and Trudeaus lady, naturally.
Like a dying swan with large breasts being trampled to death by a stallion with enormous bollocks
Is #Feminism letting your wife have sex with other men?
theyd probably get along pretty well, deep down neither of them give a fuck about anything
Go on
And holding her hair back as she goes down on him
Nothing. Justin feels bad for Trump. Trump doesn't think about Justin at all.
Trump would get along incredibly well with Trudeau's wife, which makes Trudeau feel jealous and aroused.
like this
Donald will hate and envy Justin for being a chad
Ummm, Yes, sorry Mr. Trump. Oh, I mean, President Trump. [Jaded laughter] I promise to keep an eye on the boarder like you ask. Oh, no Mr., I mean, President Trump, no more refugee's will be coming, I swear.
Just like how it would be between a cuck and a bull
He is going to be literally cucked by Trump.
My wife? [Brief paused] Why yes, President Trump, I can send her to the white house tonight for you. May I ask to come watch? Oh no, I should stay? Right, I have a country to, umm, yes, look after. How long will she need to stay down there? Our kids have an event to go to in Quebec for the scho- Oh.. So she shouldn't pack anything? Alright. I'll send her this evening along with the divorce papers. Right away, sir.
I'm secretly hoping for an American civil war, and the annexation of Canada. A Trump win works. Canadians are spineless imitators. A Trump presidency, if it revives the economy, will be followed by a Canadian conservative movement.
Trump will be railing his boipucci every night.
Trump would meet with him once, call him a limp-wristed faggot, and just keep on MAGAing.
The life of the average Canadian..its amazing that a pleb is allowed to run this country.
>What would Trudeau's relationship with a president Trump be like?
kek he wasnt aware XD
Hi? Mr- PRESIDENT Trump. Sir, excuse me I know you said I shouldn't- Oh? Well, you see, I was just wondering, it has been a month already, right? Our kids are miss- Right, I know you said you- well, Sir if you. Okay I understand. Mr. Presid- I mean, President Trump. Okay, yes, yes. Well [heavy sigh] no I have not done much about the economy in Canada, it's not fair that my wi- She told you what? No, I promised you I wouldn't accept anymore in and the boarder has been increased with agents. You know? Well I can explain why they pray four time- [Gasp] Do you mean it!? Alright, I will apologize publicly for you, please do not do that President Trump. I am so very sorry. Yes, yes, I will open up Alberta to more oil and beef trade. Please do no release that information, I promise. Goodby- [Hangs up phone and takes a deep bong hit] JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP FAMALAM
>"The first meeting with President Trump sent surprisingly well! We discussed many topics and I think we actually agree on many things. That being said, I'd like to announce that we're ceding the province of British Columbia in exchange for the island of Guam. It may seem a bit bold, but President Trump assured me this would be a great deal."
Trump won't win so why even waste time wondering?
Trudeau will be his prison wife
Trump shares his drink with Trudeau as an offer of good faith.
Trudeau is poisoned by DNC's attempt to kill off one of their staffers and instead of swapping out the water bottle the staffer mistook it for one of the meetings'.
780 reporting in
>who are you again?
you are spineless
>recording conflabulated
Trudeau tries to act like hes tough shit only have that shit shut down because Trump won't take any shit from that ski instructor.
Predictions because I already suspect CIA is trying to stir the pot using Dwight Ball.
>Trump demands CIA fund and arm Quebec Nationalists
>CIA starts causing divide between the East Coast and Mainland using "Toronto should not decide the fate of the entire nation rhetoric"
>Liberal Governments start shit and decide to create a Triumverate which will be the first in a Democratic nation which will block mainland laws.
>attempting to force the East Coast back into order, they are also blocked by a roudy Quebec
>with turmoil in the nation, Trump uses this advantage to attempt to Annex the Maritimes / hand the Maritimes back to Britain / create Maritimes Federation, and liberate Quebec.
>Trudeau learns that he has no power, and leftism isn't intimidating
>promptly stabs himself to death with a plastic spork
But KEK won't will this.
Nothing because he's a fucking beta cuck.
Surely there will be protesters to trigger when he makes his official visit to Ottawa
Trudeau will prep the bull Trump and watch him have his way with Canada.
Cuckdeaue will whimper and wet his pants whenever in The Presence.
I could see him coming out of a meeting with Trump in tears, and then posting a picture of himself crying on twitter saying how much of a bully Trump is.
When people ask Trump what he said to make Justin cry he shrugs his shoulders, and says "I don't think he has ever had a man sternly tell him no before"
I'm good with this
>BC is now S. Alaska
>in tears
One of Trudeau's ministers legitimately sobbed on camera after a failed negotiation. No joke. I'll try to find a source.
>“Canada is disappointed, I am personally very disappointed, I have worked very, very hard. We have decided to go back home. I am very, very sad, really. Tomorrow morning, I will be at home with my three children,” Freeland added, fighting back tears.
Well, "sob" might be too strong of a word, I suppose.
He'll lure Trump into deploying nuclear weapons against Ottawa, ensuring the greatest victory of all.
With our masters in Ottawa dead, Canada can finally proceed to split up.
Cascadia master race reporting. Come home Washington State and Oregon.
He'll probably speak the truth about feminism then drumpf will blow his shit.
So long as BC's shit weed stays in Leafland.
It going to be Kevin O'Leary and it will be great
If you don't let your enemies fuck your wife, you lose.
I assume he's not actually dumb, and just pretending.
I think.
Fuck you for going to facebook.
Trudeau would definitely be the bottom.
what's the truth about feminism?
Feminism does not hold the monopoly on human rights and equality. Go home you low energy cuck.
Trudeau taking Trump's gigantic schlong, more like.
God help us. We've come so far down the wrong road.
Something like this
Serious question, is Trudeau a fag? I watched him give a speech the other day and everything about him was feminine. He had a high pitched voice, and talked with a slight lisp. It's like his balls aren't working or something.
How did you leafs elect this 'guy'?
He has actually been pretty professional regarding Trump. He has refused to directly attack or condemn him knowing that he has to get along with our biggest ally even if he doesn't like the president. Still a cuck.
He'd be a bottom
>>does cucks
No, he's actually a retard. The pretending part is to pretending to care about all Canadians and being a tolerant person. In reality, he cares number 1 about himself, number 2 about Quebec and Ontario, and number 3 about the West. He's intolerant as shit if you are a fucking white male Christian (any one of the above is sufficient) and is a dictator on the inside.
Pic related
>number 2 about Quebec
Yeah, we're so important to him that he ships us a chuckfull of exported people and tell us to deal with them because the federal government has other shit to deal with (which is passing a pipeline through every single fucking provinces).
You're a fucking idiot if you expect a riot to breakout in Ottowa
Right, because pipelines are so much worse than shipping things via rail.
'Sti d'gang de morons.
How many oil spill happened this year through pipelines? How many trains exploded? If the company can't take care of a train, what makes you think they can take care of a nationwide pipeline?
there won't be a relationship
President Trump will not negotiate with terrorists
Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.
Annexation when?