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Two bombs weren't enough, I see...
So Canadians and Ozzies are just shitposting when they shill for Hillary?
Gee, I wonder why
You know how I know your map is bullshit?
>Brazil Draws
>Africa is a no show
>Asia is shows true colors
Ayyy. Fucking. Lmao.
Why is Chile so based?
>Middle East
Who would've thought
India wants a weak leader
Modi wants to export millions of Indians to the west because 90% of the population is too fucking dumb to use birth control
The Chinese want a globalist president who will continue outsourcing to them
>muzzies and surrender monkeys voted France blue
>cucks made Sweden blue
>drug lords and border hoppers made Mehico blue
Only thing i'm surprised by is Canadia.
Because Milton Friedman saved them before the commies could destroy them.
lmao france
Nuke continental Europe
checks out. bit confused about japan though
algeria is redpilled!!!!
yay my country did something good fuck all the other countries they're all faggots!
This is such an irrelevant post. You Trumptards should keep dreaming and start saying "President Clinton"
shameful desu
I expected this from nordic cucks and ukraine, but not you guys
No here in Australia all I see is Hillary signs and no trump signs and all my family is voting for her and so am I, Hillary for president!
check em!
Ok I understand China, but why would Japan and South Korea want Clinton? Furthermore why would Canada want Trump?
>Thinking the whole mid-east is a few countries
Saudi Arabia voted for their BFF but the rest aren't e.g Syria, Iraq
It's a vassal state tho, it's globalism personified and will shit itself once it stops being an attractive place to invest in.
typical france
Ffs my fucking traitor country
they (the asians) like quiet
they say "ooo trumpu no quietu so i no rike trumpu i rike hirari crinton!!!"
They are extremely cucked and feministic, I'm not sure why you expected something else.
Are they dumb or something?
Because she's run by Rothschild and Rothchilds runs all the countries.
Murica going red, Clinton BTFO
But I thought Asian culture had little respect for women outside of porn.
Although what with the happenings in South Korea, I'm seeing how they'd like Clinton. But then again, maybe now they'd completely distrust female politicians
Invasion of Eastern Asia when?
Fucking seriously?
Explain yourselves boludos.
>saudi arabia
Pic confirmed for legit.
Regardless, Japan deserves another nuke. They cherish whores like gods and treat animals like shit. They are not honorary aryans anymore. I hope Trump goes HeroShima round two on them.
>Brazil blue
Thanks (((globo)))
Can someone remind me what website this is?
> 7-1
Globo shits on both of them kek.
>it will shit itself
It's already happening, Brazilbro.
Why are my fellow Australians so stupid.
Hillary wins = WW3 starts and we get drafted into a war we don't even want to fight.
Trump wins = US economy crashes, we cut ties with US and strengthen ties with China.
The obvious choice for any Australian is to vote for Trump!
Well would you vote for somebody who has killed people? no I would not vote for shillary
I rarely watch Globo itself but Globo News is not covering the election but almost openly rooting for Hillary.
Hell, even people there are complaining:
Implying you won't be drowned by the flood of refugees before election date.
god damn french
I meant G1, I don't even watch TV tbqh.
Just cuck my shit up
>Ukraine proving to be subhuman once again
You clearly don't know how Australia works. We either turn back boats of refugees or keep them on prison islands away from Australia.
This is clearly wrong, in bongland it's nowhere near 50/50. trump is thought of as a retard by most people.
China and india have 29 and 55 electoral votes respectively so she has it in the bag.
Someone has started an anti-Trump campaign on our busses, two things about this is wierd:
1. Why the fuck does Denmark care about an American election where we have no vote.
2. The bus companies clearly stated they were against all political commercing on their busses, back when some Palestinean group tried to buy ad-space for their anti-Israel commercials.
Bloodthirsty capitalist pigs who conquered and enslaved peaceful tribes all over the world as part of their disgusting "empire" and criminally stripped underdeveloped nations of their natural resources. Responsible for much of the poverty in the third world today.
>Spain & Portugal
Similar as the UK, occasionally worse. Collapsed nations and brought disease, suffering, and rape to the people of South America and the Caribbean for shiny metal.
Uncivilized Nazi racist xenophobic pigs.
>Venezuela. Bolivia, Chile
LMAO, literally worthless, banana-republic, communist totalitarian failed states. Probably very uneducated. No wonder they love Drumpf!
>Russian and post-Soviet states
Literally America-hating Ruskies. Need I say more?
And yet you still get hoardes of them. Must be the promising urge from plethoras of shitposting and dank memes.
Wtf I hate Ukraine now.
I wonder what wouldn't exist without British colonisation
Argentina confirmed not white.
Please invade us.
Why the fuck are faggot
Indians voting for Lady Mc Death!!!
At least we can still eat a ham sandwich on our balconies.
>Peru is blue
im so so so so SO FUCKING sorry burger bros, please help us get rid of the leftist vermin that infects my country
i want that wall too
Global suffering and animosity towards the West in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East?
time travel
I apologize
India and China benefit big league from completely open trade and globalization.
Don't cuck yourself Poland, you are
time travel
what can be worse than be on the wrong side of history CTR what could be worse suciided or death by our hands for your traitorous behavior
What the fuck? I've never heard about any of these stories. Jokes aside, are the sources legit? This is powerful material.
Our papers and media are ruled by kikes...That explain it all, i guess..I would vote the Duck btw
clearly the graph says otherwise
I want to move to Australia so I can vote in US elections.
It was the first result from googling 'denmark muslim'.
The site itself is probably the result of locking up a bunch of islamophoes in a room to make up a bunch of stories.
Give me three sources?
>ni una menos (movimiento feminista)
>nunca mas
>los de derecha son gorilas
>decada ganada
>la kampora
>viva los pibes
>el che Guevara
>los ladrones también son personas y tienen sus derechos (tienen mas que nosotros)
>ahora el gobierno propuso tomar en cuenta las proposiciones de leyes (solamente de carácter social/humanitario) de un grupo de pendejos de 16 años (mayormente mujeres que apoyan los movimientos feministas y chicos que recibieron "bulling" en la escuela [nu-males])
>de paso quieren que voten a partir de los 16 años, total a esa edad son unos retrasados de mierda y mas que seguro que voten por la izquierda
>bla bla bla mas mierda de izquierda
There is nothing left to say, 12 fucking years of Korruption and "freedom". It will take some time to get in the right way.
Too much years of cancerous lefty governments but well not everybody here thnks clinton should win, It doesn't surprise me either.
I would have voted for trump, what it really surprise me is Japan.
WTF JAPAN? I thought you hated lefty kind of movements.
Every day you remain in America, you condone your colonial conquest.
That's the source of your guilt.
>My friends and I are all voting remain, so there's no way Leave will win
Yeah, I read it more thorough and they don't really mention which towns this has happend in. However, some of it (a lot of it) holds up. People don't want to live in ghettoes cause of muslim gangs. Muslim gangs are the only people in Denmark who has weapons. Muslims inhabitates most of north-west Copenhagen. Muslims have been widespread in all of the towns near Copenhagen, so a lot of the towns has ghettos where criminal activity occurs way to often. The town I live in is also troubled by crime. There are people being shot each year only 300 meters from my window, refugees sleeps on the train station, gangs are threatning people on the street.. A lot on that site is actually true.
All articles on Trump in Swedish media is negative. For example in todays news we have;
>trump uses charity money to renovate fountains at his hotel
>trump supported arrested for election fraud
>trump degrade woman on stage
>trumps body language changes revealed
>DoJ says have warned FBI about Clinton emails
>this is the america 2020 run by madam president
So not surprised by the map.
I apologise too fo...
Nah, forget it, still I would have voted for trump, fucking lefty shithole of a cancerous country that this fuckin 12 years made of it.
Why I am not surprised? Those countries are all well known for being full of effeminate assholes.
sic semper tyrannis
more like POORtutrump
That is bullshit and you know it.
Uhh, projecting much? This is my country. My people were here long before the white man came.
It must be the world's largest copper reserves.
>my country
>before the white man came
What is a country?
It's okay, we will kick the leftists into the dirt, we will save you after we save ourselves, so, SOON PerWOOOO bro.
>Iran: red
>Saudi Arabia: blue
Really says it all desu
>Iraq I mean
S-sorry guys.
As long as the wall is paid by the narcs I'm ok with it.