shameless selfbump you fucks
Here's another one.. It's buffering like hell, but interesting.
About fucking time. "No criminal evidence was found" my ass Killary.
is FBI user here
Bump for support on taking the disgusting tyrant down.
Poppy's butthurt face, lmaffo
theres no need to be afraid
>the look on the woman's face when she's trying to listen to the guy but her producers are screaming in her ear "CUT HIM OFF!!!"
Based fbi user what is the chance that huma will turn state evidence against hrc? Do you think her life or wieners life is in danger? Who will be hurt by c.f. investigation?
>Bump for support on taking the disgusting tyrant down.
What are the chances if she's forced to withdraw from the run that King Bongo declares himself president for life?
I am. I have 15 minutes. Send me $500 to my PayPal if you want another 15.
sent ;)
Somebody fill me in
who is this?
Everything is happening on levels we weren't prepared for.
I regret that I can only get so erect.
drama queens hoping for some drama to fill some void in their sad life.
Lol idk
>2016 US election: the post
Really stimulated my cerebrum
>$0.02 has been deposited to your account
Happening Level: Not sure any of us will wake up alive tomorrow.
This stream is boring af.
I thought something was happening?
keep on correcting that record
FBI user if you're on Sup Forums right now, and not executing search warrants, kill yourself