Give me a good reason for how abortion isn't murder and how it is beneficial for society
Give me a legitimate argument for abortions
>college girl gets pregnant
>can't abort
>drops out of school
>trapped in minimum wage jobs and welfare, her and the child are now a drain on society
Anything after the third month is absolutely immoral though
Prevents degenerate people from existing before they do.
It slows black breeding.
Kills a disproportionate amount of niggers and spics
And what happens before she gets pregnant? An unavoidable mishap?
Give the child up for adoption. Or, get her to not get pregnant in the first place by making premarital sex cultural taboo
If you kill them, they win.
Dead nigger babies
Says the leaf
whether it was avoidable or not is irrelevant when she is already pregnant
To do that you have to move beyond moral arguments and into practicality.
They are unwanted children, therefore are more often than not doomed to shitty unwanted lives.
Also certain people are drains on society. Better to kill them in the womb when such a person is detected than go through the rigmarole of keeping this lump of useless flesh alive.
It's bleak Darwinism, but that's how you go about logically justifying it.
Abortion IS murder, but that's not why it should be illegal. It should be illegal to stop whores from whoring around with no consequence.
Abortion is basically responsible for the massive dip in crime rates during the 90s. It suddenly dropped drastically 18 years after abortion was legalized, because hundreds of thousands of highly-likely criminals weren't born into horrible households that couldn't support them.
Should read Freakanomics about it if you haven't.
It kills minorities
>how is execution isn't murder
>how it is beneficial for society
You're advocating against abortions from a wrong point here lad.
The flip side of that is that the sexual revolution is responsible for the initial rise of it.
Majority of abortions go to low-income, minority mothers. It's preventing future strain on the system. Less future welfare recipients, less criminals, less future teen mothers exist because they were never even born
Abortion is bad.
Abortion is the modern day version of hoping to kill Messiah and/or Antichrist before they are born.
Herod tried killing living children in hopes of killing Messiah Jesus. Luciferians hope that abortion will prevent modern Messiah from ever being born, thus preventing Gods word and will.
I dont need to tell you this story wont end well....
> i can't refute your argument but there's a leaf in ur flag XD
Nice ad hominem faggot
Abortion isn't murder because fetuses are not people.
Making something illegal doesn't stop it from happening. what needs to be done is to cut food stamps/welfare from pregnant people. Once they see its in their own self interest not to have children their will be chage
>retard tier mistake to get pregnant
>welp this child is inconvenient for me, i guess i'll just kill it
>how it is beneficial for society
Nigger population control
It's less people that we have to worry about and idiots won't have 20 kids and collect welfare.
>how abortion isn't murder
An egg isn't a bird
A seed isn't a plant
An embryo isn't a person
> how it is beneficial for society
General explanation: Eugenics
More specific: Imagine the US with 15 million more blacks.
Be careful leaf. The logical underpinning of that stance also applies to already born babies in the first few months of life.
If they are white give it to the state make them into soldiers, if its niggers, abort and sterilize.
>The logical underpinning of that stance also applies to already born babies in the first few months of life
How so? An early term abortion is getting rid of something that doesn't have a brain or functioning nervous system.
>Give me a legitimate argument for abortions
To allow non-whites to self-deselect their genes.
Mental gymnastics.
Human life begins at conception. Exiting the birth canal is by comparison an arbitrary curiosity.
After having a baby, I am a firm believer that the child needs to be given up for adoption in every case.
There is literally no case for anyone to ever get an abortion.
The mother *never* recovers mentally.
All these fucking fem memers "my body my choice" are absolute idiots who have never been faced with an important choice in their goddamn lives, let alone abortion.
Maybe she was walking to her dorm one night and was raped, maybe she passed out at a party and some guy from /r9k/ saw his chance to see what a vagina felt like, maybe she was having consensual sex with her boyfriend/husband, and they didn't realize the condom had a hole in it, but they aren't in a financial situation to raise a child/afford visits to the doctor during pregnancy
Or maybe she made a stupid decision and thought that there was no harm in having unprotected sex just one time
I don't think abortions should be a regular thing, but I also don't think an accidental pregnancy is worth ruining lives over.
I guess I'd say with the exception of extreme cases like rape, or health of the mother (all verified by police report or doctors note) a woman should be able to get one abortion once every.....3 years? That seems fair to me, but then you run the risk of women who've made an honest mistake going to back alley places, which could get them killed along with their child.
So I guess our current system under roe vs wade is better, because we aren't putting the mother at risk, you know?
>Give me a good reason for how abortion isn't murder and how it is beneficial for society
- Removes retards and bastards conceived of rape and incest
That's about it.
It should be forbidden otherwise.
Because the argument is based on the fact that early foetuses are not conscious beings - just a "lump of human cells". The same applies to babies for several months after birth.
I can't give you an argument for why it isn't murder, but there are strong arguments to be made for the latter.
Look up freakanomics articles on the connection between abortions and lowering of the crime rate in inner cities.
There is definitely a societal benefit in culling babies that would either be raised by an unprepared mother or a shitty foster system.
Agreed. You should really be allowed to kill children for the first month or two of their lives. They're not people yet they just shit and eat and sleep and have no idea about anything
>Anything after the third month is absolutely immoral though
This is an absolutely arbitrary limit
Nothing significant occurs at the third trimester to merit a change in policy
The only reason you use this limiter is because its convenient to you
Absolutely revolting
Babies are aware though. More than a clump of cells without neurons are.
By giving women the ability to control birth before and after conception you allow women to not have kids when they choose not to have kids.
Abortion lowers crime rates by allowing the poorest and dumbest women to destroy their baby so it wont grow up into a criminal
Its socio-economic genocide (eugenics) and I support it.
>Young financially unstable girl gets pregnant
Would you rather have two young people fucked up not only their lives but also kids life? It's fine unfill end of 3rd month.
>inb4 they shouldn't made the mistake to begin with
But they did it, it happens people can be raterded. At least you can prevent more damage.
>also rape victims
Quality over quantity
Though I'm aware that many americans are not familiar with this concept
While I disagree, at least you are being consistent.
Revelation 20:15
I think we can all agree the baby was written in to, "the book of life" , the moment it was conceived.
I am against abortion, but I believe it is a decision best left up to the mother, father, doctor and last but not least God.
Too much government intervention on too many levels. It's so (((protocol))), we can't civilly conduct ourselves nor govern ourselves therefore (((they))) do it for us.
Doesn't Judaism discourage mourning the death of a baby if it is less than a month old?
Honest question. I read this in a book somewhere.
Assanine point of view
Nope. No more than a slug is. You will remember yourself your earliest memory. It will be (if you are really lucky) a year or two old, if that.
I actually agree with this, as long as it's done humanely. I think the social stigma of child murder would prevent it from happening too much, anyways
I don't use it because it's convenient to me, I use it because it gives the mother ample time to weigh the decision.
After three months she'll know whether she wants to keep it, put it up for adoption, or abort
You can't just go and tell people to adopt some kid. More to it with no abortions demand for adoptions will decrease yet there will be way more kids in need. As for cultural taboos, USSR had one and it failed miserably.
and where is the father?
this is what happens when you fuck niggers you stupid hedonist bitch
Meh, it's the property of the mother when it's in her womb the way I see it, and she can do with it what she sees fit. The seed donor has about zero to do with the decision. The only argument against it comes from the religious cult building protocols since every infant is a potential convert, I mean they aren't happy with forcing their own cultists to procreate and have 15 babies nooooo, it has to be everyone!
Back in the day, at the heights of the Roman empire, the alley ways were littered with baby carcasses for one reason or another. You start forcing these issues and closets and coat hangers start factoring in eventually.
It's not arbitrary you fucking idiot, the fetus develops a nervous system and can perceive pain
>No more than a slug is
Babies are able to recognize their mother and father pretty much the moment they are born. They can respond to visual cues and respond to sight and sound. Your use of memory is nonsense, otherwise I could kill you when you were you were blackout drunk because you were no different than a slug.
Not consciously. It's merely basic instinct. A plant turning toward the sun.
They are not properly conscious by any standard of measurement until a year old at the earliest.
Fuck abortionists
If you don't want to bear responsibility for your acts, shoot yourself in the head, i know the baby will also die, but at least the society will get rid of a human trash
I get so mad when someone says in my face "ITS NOT A BABY ITS A FETUS" fuck you your piece of shit baby killer
I argue you are not truly conscious and merely acting in a deterministic fashion based in instinct.
You cannot prove me wrong.
>Give me a good reason for how abortion isn't murder
You can murder person, you can't acquire personhood before birth.
Your life isn't getting ruined just because anticonception failed and it's massively used by shitskins keeping countries more human overall.
Even kid would figure this out.
because they are great and keep the nigger population in check.
What user said
Hillary is the queen of killing niggers, so if for some God awful reason she wins I can hold on to this
Also, people who say something like this "ITS NOT A BABY ITS A FETUS" always act so smug like they have some kind of moral high ground or something, fuck them
god just thinking about this makes me want punch someone's face
Myself right now?
Well that's getting into the more asinine aspects of philosophy.
If nothing else, I have the computational equipment necessary to make more complex actions than a rock falling down a hill under gravity. It may only be an illusion but it is what separates us from objects, at least from our perspective - being the one that matters.
>isn't murder
But it is. I mean semantics says it's not but there's no difference between stopping something from existing and killing it once it exists, if it was going to exist until you stopped it. So we might as well call it murder.
However, it's a murder that I'm fine with.
We need to implement eugenics controls and procedures soon. Overcrowding and the resultant pollution and poverty and overdemand of a limited supply is damaging humanity. When human longevity is increased massively by means of gene therapy or other methods, we will need to severely cut reproduction rates, and when we can create designer babies to be stronger and smarter we are going to need as a society to get comfortable with treating humans like products to an extent. It's an extremely difficult conversation to start, and abortions being societally accepted is a vital stepping stone, an enabler if you will, a groundwork already laid to make the extensive repro controls and eugenics programs more palatable to the public. That's one big reason they should be legal now.
Too many kids up for adoption. They grow up shitty anyway. Kinda like having full Animal Shelters.
If you outlaw abortions then people will either go to mexico to get abortions or self abort, which creates a public health crisis similar to prohibition.
Fuck outta here. Just because you ain't getting any.
If you outlaw murdering then people will either go to mexico to murder, which creates a public crisis similar to prohibition.
>I have the computational equipment necessary to make more complex actions than a rock falling down a hill under gravity
As does a newborn. An embryo doesn't.
I can't say it isn't murder. But it is a good way to control nigger and spic over-breeding.
so then you go back to when having casual sex was frowned upon retard
Wouldn't the third trimester be at the start of the seventh month?
Murder might as well be legal in 7-1istan. How's that working for you?
Slows niggers from breeding. Do you really want to pay for Tyrone and his twenty kids?
>tfw first to give the proper answer.
my body my choice
literally irrefutable
No they don't. Not in any kind of adult relatable way. They have more than newly combined games sure, but that's on a gradient - a gradient that does not stop when they leave the vagina.
By the same logic, a teenager is worthless as their brain has not reached maturity until their early 20s.
She tripped and fell into a puddle of cum did she?
It is murder, no doubt
>not understanding the beauty of this particular eugenics program?
Yeesh, mate.
Your country is in the same way as mine electing commies like Obama and now Shillary, just a matter of time
It's not your body. It is another human's residing within yours.
Unless by that same token, men should not be press ganged into a life of servitude by the courts in order to bankroll yourself and your spawn.
because it is the only thing keeping the black population from rising above 15%
less poor people
Well I believe that abortion is murder but I can provide a few ways in which it benefits our society and a way that it might possibly be incredibly detrimental to our species.
The majority of people who get abortions are low income single parent families that normally would stay in that economic bracket. Their children would have a higher propensity for crime and thus be a detriment to society.
However I maintain that the majority of our species are morons and once every 100 years humanity is gifted with someone who will change the way in which we live forever. But if we accidentally abort that one person then we will just toil away in the mud.
if only we'd stop feeding them too.
this could easily be the best nation on Earth
abortion kills off niggers so the white man can rule over them.
If you support the death penalty or accept war then the loss of life shouldn't be a real issue to you. If you worry about white genocide, look at the jews, they're a relatively small cultural group and yet have more control over the world than any other race. A child born to a family who can't raise it properly is beyond pointless, we should stress quality over quantity.
There is a strong correlation between increase in abortion and a drop in the crime rate.
The causality is fairly logical, abortions are performed by mothers who do not want the children, if children are born to mothers who do not want them they grow up more likely to be criminals than those born to mothers who do want them.
Also I'm basically talking about black people.
>because it is the only thing keeping the black population from rising above 15%
even without abortion niggers have obesity, drugs, crime, stupidity, and a ton of diseases keeping them down.
>Give me a good reason for how abortion isn't murder and how it is beneficial for society
Its a moral issue not a legal one.
Laws of the civil kind are meat to keep order in society by stopping the lowest common denominator of people who would do them if it weren't illegal.
Legally fetuses are not people so they hold less rights than a corporate entity.
Laws don't and can't dictate morals and its incredibly dumb and foolish to think so since people will just do shit behind scenes anyway.
I believe abortion is wrong but fuck big government and moral fags trying to force peoples hand instead of leading and and teaching people into makeing this a better world where people willing choose to not have them instead of doing so.
and sorry science and language exist.
You should stop reveling in the irony of your stupdity for hating the world and how it works for not conforming to your fagity ass feelings queer.
>No they don't.
Moving limbs is more complex than a rock falling under gravity.
>By the same logic, a teenager is worthless as their brain has not reached maturity until their early 20s.
No, because the logic is an embryo doesn't even have a fucking brain. You're correct the gradient doesn't have a clearly marked change upon birth, but to compare something with a functioning brain to something that has no brain and call them the same is as retarded as saying all humans are equal. You're just ignoring obvious blatant differences because you don't want to cede the argument.
it certainly helps though. they have the highest abortion rates in the country.
sauce me my dude
Proven to lower crime
Niggers nr1 aborters per capita