Uh, guys..? The Attorney General just pleaded the 5th. What the fuck?
Lynch Pleads the 5th Qhen Questioned About Iran Deal
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Americans are so retarded with thee plead the fifth
Here in Britain you would be forced to answer the question
the 5th amendment is sacred goy
but that 2nd amendment needs to go!
>Not bribing Lynch with food
>A women
>In charge
You've done this to yourselves Burgers
the whole bill of rights is sacred, fuck off with that anti-5th shit.
she should have plead the fifth when she got asked if speeding was illegal
they should rename her Loretta Lunch
The fifth exists so that you don't implicate yourself in a separate crime by answering said question. It's kind of neat imo.
If the cops ask you where you were at 5PM last night and you wanna tell the truth, you might not want to say
>I was at the local crackhouse snorting rails of cocaine
>"I, uh, d-don't want to answer th--"
>Loretta Lunch
would kek again
>i'm speeding
>did I break the law?
>and be careful with your answer, my father was a highway patrolman and you're under oath
>you would have to ask the patrolman
That man externally REEEEE'D at her.
>Be British
>Kill 5 people and sodomize a child
>Tell court I am a muslim immgrant from the Congo and do not understand UK law
>Court gives me 15k lbs and a home in North Britain
>sends me on the way
>The fifth exists so that you don't implicate yourself in a separate crime by answering said question
So you admit your constitution is designed to protect criminals
Hahahaha nigger tier nation
You deserve to be prosecuted for all crimes you have commited
Pleading the fifth protects no one but criminals.
That and it is really easy to get honest people to contradict themselves.
Also if you cant refuse to talk to the cops thata fucked up.
She was just trolling them at that point.
That was quintessential sassy black woman time. She felt the entire thing was absurd and she was nah uh no you don't who do you think you be talking to? I don't play dat kind uh shit in my house an I ain't playing yo games
it's designed to protect FREE CITIZENS
No one cares
We voted for Brexit. We are immune to criticism now
brexit never happened m8
You don't need to plead the fifth of you haven't committed a crime
>We voted Brexit
>6 months later
>Nothings fucking happened
>Brits are happy and an even more liberal PM has been chosen
We voted for it. That's all that matters
I couldn't give less of a fuck if it doesent happen
The bragging rights of the vote on pol are all I care about
Can't wait for Hillary to win though. Never have to deal with yanks on pol ever again. You will be driven out
why do people complain that the country talks to much about what they do or plan to do , but then whine like fucking babys when they do such a fucking thing?
fuck i hate yall role playing drama queens i swear, ya hypocritical assholes
She knows a noose is being made for her. Comey called their bluff. She is real. Treason charges for all.
Yeah I don't care about brexit as thing. Just as moment when pol won a vote.
That's exactly why we have the fifth amendment, Bong.
Because dragging someone in front of a court to answer for crimes they didn't commit in hopes of implicating them was a serious, serious fucking problem in Britain circa 18th century.
Retards just re-interpret it to mean "It means I don't have to answer for anything if I commit a crime :^)" which it doesn't actually mean.
is that a shoop ??
I've only seen her as a talking head. I had no IDEA what was happening with the cankels.
They are practically drooping over her shoes.
We are where voting all the republicans out next month
>be free and law abiding citizen
>frequent colonial patriotism board
>bunch of shit monarchists are going around trying to publicly shame and financially ruin all patriots
>get asked what you were doing on the night of the 29th
>t. Criminal
>you don't need to be angry about government agencies watching your computers if you aren't commiting a crime
See what I did there, you fat hambone pile of dogshit? Yeah? You stupid fucking American riding on a scoot-scoot. Yeah? You're so fucking fat.
Are you a cuck?
Do you fuck
duck? You fat fuck.
I support mass surveillance.
Your point is moot.
>You don't need to plead the fifth of you haven't committed a crime
Start reading.
tl;dr: Yes, you do need to plead the fifth if you have not committed a crime. Because your words can still be used to implicate you on an unrelated, theoretical crime which may not have even happened.
The point of trials is to put you in prison.
why allow a nigger woman into the government for any reason?
People who can't verbally defend themselves well deserve jail
Try again freedom faghot
Yanks are Sup Forums you fucking retard.
We make up a good 70%+ of the user base.
>I support mass surveillance.
have a pity (You)
The only reason to put someone like that in such a high profile position is to have someone easy to bribe.
That vile niggress is one of the slimiest, SJW lapdogs in the US govt. right now. If I were president Trump, I would exile her to Haiti.
>pleading the fifth as representative of a division of the US government
How long until Congress starts passing through shady laws where the public text of them just says "WE PLEAD DA FIF"?
>be 13 years old
>horrible speaking skills and not fully understanding law
>say something that can be twisted
>thrown in jail because "you deserve it"
>People who can't verbally defend themselves well deserve jail
ft. retarded statist.
How far do you want this logic to go?
>People who cannot afford an excellent lawyer deserve jail
>People who are blamed for crimes deserve jail
>People who are unpopular deserve jail
Where does this line of stupidity end?
Funny how brits are the only ones who've won a major national vote eh?
Mcain. LOST
Romney. LOST
Paul. LOST
Rand. LOST
>t. peasant
Children are above the law
Children can't be jailed or charged with any crime
Boy, we sure missed out there.
Not a shop. She is a fucking whale... but good at hiding it under professional clothes
bongs don't get freedom. ask why they can't own knives.
Trump won't win and even if he did
You still came 2nd
It was infuriating because he was one of the last ones to go - like 4 hours into the thing, and his point was she never outright answered a question the entire time so he went full blown obvious mode - there is literally no way that isn't breaking the law, whether you'll get a ticket, whether you'll actually get convicted of speeding, etc etc. He was simply asking "i broke the law. did i break the law?" and she refused to answer a simple fucking question, as Attorney General, the highest ranking LEO in America.
I admit, I understood his frustration, and everyone else's who was tired of her wasting time and not answering question. Jason Chaffetz, Jim Jordan, rowdy gowdy, and a few others.
Here, fuck I have timestamps from the best ones.
Skip to the following times:
Mr. Forbes from Virginia
Jim Jordan from Ohio
Mr. Chaffetz from Utah
Gowdy getting Rowdy
Mr. Collins from Georgia
All people who carry weapons must be jailed
Mugging and robbery need to have sharia law punishments
Let's try this again:
>Where were you on the night of the 29th?
>Give answer
>Not the answer the judge wanted
>Hold this man for perjury until he answers the way I want him to
>You are now essentially in prison for a pseudo-crime because the answer you gave wasn't the answer the judge wanted.
That's another reason the 5th exists. If the answer isn't what the jury or judge wants, you can pass on having to answer the question.
PS: If you really want to know why this came about, it came about because the above scenario is a common tactic in britbongistan, even to this day.
"Is that what a thousand years of the English judicial system comes down to? No smoke without fire?"
>People who can't verbally defend themselves well against people who spend their entire lives learning how to use rhetoric deserve jail
Not in the US lmao
Children can be tried as adults in America
the purpose is to make it impossible to force confessions of crimes
you wouldn't undersatnd it filthy brit
that's why we declared independence
You're a bad troll, and should stop posting on this board all together.
Go back to Sup Forums
>*Blows dust off of ancient_meme.jpg*
FBI user was right, the whole governments in on it
Not called Americucks for no reason.
We should have aborted that country at birth.
trips of lies.
we normal non important people dont get to use the 5th
only THEY use it
The first rational post in this thread
All the butthurt Americans are funny
Most transparent administration in history
Here's a great video outlining the importance of the 5th amendment and keeping your mouth shut with police, long but worth the watch
Basically, you need to be able to say nothing as even DOUBT being cast on something you DID say can be enough to lock you away for crimes you didn't do
>Uh, guys..? The Attorney General just pleaded the 5th. What the fuck?
These scumbag motherfuckers need to be tried for treason. I want America back goddamnit.
and it never happend.
your rulers told you, "hey you voted for this..WELL FUCK YOU GOY WE ARE DOING SOMETHING ELSE"
your response was "ok master"
dead empire with a muslim mayor
nigga that some dumb ass borderline nigga logic
Get some self self esteem and think better of your fucking self ya nerd
If they bring her in front of a congressional hearing she can't plead the fifth. What a cunt.
And you get spied on in bathrooms and jailed for having an arsenal of kitchen knives. Just because you hate freedom doesn't mean we do.
>that gif
Muh dick
We only care about the vote
Not the actual brexit
Do you know what you're fucking saying? You're embarrassing all of the other Brits that actually fucking want freedom from their EU slavers.
That's fucking gowdy. Who is the retard that fucked that up?
Indeed. Usually embodied now in particular commissions and tribunals that have the power to compel witnesses to produce incriminating information.
Further afield you have 'special warnings' for the average accused. If you've ever seen The Bill, the standard special warning is that 'you do not have to say anything, but anything that you do not say could harm your case if you later rely on it in court'. The idea being that an inference can be drawn that any alibi/excuse not given in police interview that you later rely on is not a truthful alibi/excuse.
That's actually more significant than it might seem. It's a reversal of the onus of proof, where an accused is expected to instantly produce an account to dismiss a charge against him or her. You are now, effectively, guilty (upon being charged) until you prove yourself innocent.
She's already the worst Attorney General in history. Nothing she says or does can hurt her rep at this point.
All I wanted was brexit memes
Shouldn't she be instantly fucking fired for that? That's equivalent to her admitting she committed a crime, and while you can't arrest her on it you sure as fuck can remove her from a position of power over the justice system for it.
You can never know if you committed a crime in the modern era because there are so many laws. The Fifth Amendment is a good idea because if you find yourself under the gun the authorities will use any means they can to incriminate you, even if it's a load of bullshit based on some faggot obscure law.
They can also twist statements against you that would make you guilty to a jury even if you are in truth NOT GUILTY.
In Britain you can also get arrested for calling someone a nigger so everything balances out.
>that gif
wtf is that gif and why have you saved it?!
>Why did I watch the whole thing...
this shit is why people hate black politicians
You only plead the 5th if you know what you may say may be incriminating.
It's an admission of guilt.
Yeah so you fags need to suck a confession through the dick of the criminal. Nice fucking job. Oh, who am kidding trying to reason with a country with no legal core and """""precedents""""" being main sourse of legislation.
the founding fathers were whites which means their all racist so they needed cover for being nazis.
So you need the amendment to protect yourself from cucked government which you cherrypick each 4 years, right?
Essentially an admission of guilt.
Nigger user doesn't actually know what the fifth is for.
The fifth is for people who haven't received legal counsel yet and or aren't intelligent enough to speak for themselves..
With that being said, it can be used by anyone at anytime which sucks because it helps criminals avoid be prosecuted properly.
sauce user? google has nothing.
the whole rwds thing can't happen soon enough