he seems like a good FBI director. he was being flamed by the right, now he's getting flamed by the left. do you think he regrets what he just did?
Do you think he regrets "re-opening" the case publically?
I think he is going to get mysterious circumstanced..
No, I have a feeling that what they found is so bad that he had no choice but to make this decision. DOJ most likely won't move on it and it will lead to a revolution once the info is released to the public. The Clintons will end up taking the whole system down with them
Comey is barely keeping a lid on the FBI that's quietly revolting, refusing to destroy evidence, coming forward calling bullshit, etc. This discovery involved NYPD and he had no way to keep them in line.
He's not stupid, his hand was forced. It feels like something big is coming down the pipe. Podesta 19 was big too, because it exposed the CF. Even NRO, cuck headquarters is turning on her now:
Which means they see the writing on the wall. The hate Trump.
It's not what they found it's the emails of themselves coordinating with Hillary that they found ou twikileaks now has
So they have to throw someone under the bus now to preemptively show they weren't taking sides
He was being fisted while Lynch was taking the 5th.
He doesn't give a shit. The FBI historically has had more power than any political party. Presidents were outright afraid of J. Edgar Hoover when he was running the bureau.
They found those devices weeks/months ago and have been pressuring for a warrant since.
Refusal after refusal for a warrant has led them to go public and notify the senate of new information and violate the "60 day rule."
Now the senate knows, the media knows, and the public knows instead of all this shit happening behind the scenes and swept under the rug post-election.
his hand was forced, he is tied to Clinton and the foundation
that squeeky clean image shit is just that, bullshit
He should go to prison for this shit
He probably had no choice.
My guess is they found something
so bad, that he couldn't ignore what
ever it was.
more on comey, pic related
No. He knows which way the wind is blowing. If he'd sat on this and Trump wins in a landslide he'll head to the gallows with the rest.
Honestly, it seems as though every single cockroach in existence is crawling out of the woodwork this month to try to stop Hillary (and fail). Sad that the head of the FBI would be one. Hope he gets lynched over this shit. This election is a fucking disaster. It shows what subhumans Americans truly are.
Huma better run. Surely she's going to be the sacrificial lamb. No honor among thieves
His previous Hillary-email debacle statement had a total word count of 2322.
Search 2322 in a Gematria calculator.
i think i have a pic of that saved...looking
A "Casino" style cleanup of the Clinton Foundation is going to happen on Shillary's command
*sips tea*
t. CNN
shoo shoo gematriafags
Digits confirm it. Wouldn't be a surprise tho
This is why he did it
Oct 27th letter, he is royally fucked now and is trying to save his freedom.
the real question is: Was this Comey's plan all along?
he might be feeling suicidal
Read this letter nigger the whole fucking thing. Comey got served by chaffetz and ordered to hand over all coms amd cps pertaining to clinton and co and donating to his wife for conflict of interest. He is fucked.
Kek only speaks through me. Witness thy digits
>Help me! Hillary Clinton is holding my family hostage
this letter
these digits
why are there so many fucking negroes
usa really s 57% white
because white people are literally paying them to sit around doing nothing but have babies.
3/4ths of the nigger population is on gibs.
naw yall just of drama queens spinning the truth in your head to better line up with shit that make yall feel better.
All yall queers to fucking emotional and think and precive mainly with your feelings like a bunch of gay aids having niggers i swear.
Comey was obviously threatened by the right to get back in line. At this point, he needs to come clean and publish exactly what he found otherwise, it's just innuendo .... but that is what the right loves best.
>Chaffetz sells Comey on delusions of grandeur to go against DoJ
>Comey sends letter hoping to start Hillary shitstorm
>People figure out that he's going nothing right now
>Now coming out that the relevant staff haven't even looked at it to find out what's there
>Comey looks like a fucking idiot and a partisan hack at the same time
>Hillary gets to tell FBI to put up or shut up on emails
He's pretty much fucked himself trying to be some big man and it's hilarious.
He will when he's found with three shots to the back of the head in an apparent suicide.
kek wills it
Affirmative Action.
As I said in the last three threads about this, it's about time to call it quits on this indefensible American practice of awarding significant posts to campaign donors. We are the only country that sends a used car salesman who does not speak a word of the language to be ambassador to a country. Comey is not an FBI man, he is a lawyer who was forced down onto the FBI. Let's have the guy that runs the FBI actually be from the FBI.
it's probably just concern trolling anyway
I wonder if this is Comey putting pressure on the DoJ as a response to the pressure they might have put on him in July.
I suspect that the emails were from Assange. Assange reviewed them, said holy shit if this gets out WW. So he sent them to Comey with an ultimatum, release or we will, if you release it can be limited to the Clinton's. Both Kim and Assange really only want to take out the Clinton's, not the entire government/world. So Comey and Obama are probably in on it which explains why he immediately dropped Hillary events - he wants distance. Not sure what Lynch's problem is but she may be more loyal (or blackmailed on the plane) to the Clinton's than Obama.
Good fellas scene was better.
Well, he's damned if he does or he's damned if doesn't. He should have recommended her prosecution in the first place.