Doctor Who General /who/

t. Damian Ruhland edition

Overdosed on soy:

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Ooh, that's a bit unfortunate.

Can I get a rundown? Guessing a tardisposter?

Yeah he's a TARDISposting admin who admitted to browsing /who/ a while back, while also saying he hated Moffat.

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

hey I'm new

what is TARDISposting

RTDfag Doctor Who meme group on Facebook.


Would a Jackson Lake "Doctor" and Rosita story qualify for this?


I still don't know who this person is
how does he trigger /who/?



Anybody good at photoshop ?

Does anybody know how to change last word that's on this guy shirt so it says 'Jodie' instead of 'Jesus'. Thanks ! ;-D

t. Damian Ruhland



Nice. Always thought it would be interesting to see the first time they met, maybe dig into what "Cybershades" are and where they come from.


was the TV Movie shot on tape or film? because if it was film then we could get a kino restoration on blu-ray like Spearhead From Space but knowing both the BBC and Fox it was probably shot on tape

They already released a blu ray and it was shitty
So I don't think it was on film

It was shot on film but the special effects were done on video. If they wanted to do a film release they'd have to redo the special effects, and that's not happening.

90's TV movie on Fox? Sounds like video to me.

The Time Monster really just keeps on giving



Americans BTFO

It was on film.
This is correct.

I'm so fucking bored, /who/.

well there have been lots of awful blu-rays of movies shot on film that look like shit because of bad transfers but were re-released later and look great

oh, why can't they just release it with a HD scan of the film and leave the special effects the same? It's not like they'd look any worse than they do, and Doctor Who is known for having dated CGI. Most people who'd buy it would probably be happier with the quality of the non-CGI scenes than be upset over the CGI being as bad as it was originally

run u clever lad and remEMBAAAAAAAH

Go to bed Nilso.

>It's not like they'd look any worse than they do
They would. 480p effects next to 480p picture looks very, very different than 480p effects next to 1080p picture. They would not work with the HD footage. All the CGI and compositing and mastering would have to be redone and the BBC has no real financial motivation for doing that especially when the TVM DVD sells fine as is.

>t. Nilso

Doctor Who fans literally watch lost episodes that are just stills poorly matched to audio, I doubt they would care about SD special effects in 1080p picture

TVM Criterion release when?

tee hee

They're asking for the link, someone tell them to google "doctor who Sup Forums" to find it

link them the secret trip discord

Can't, you have to join tardis posting to be able to post a comment

is cats around?

Is he a member? I unironically wanna see what happens when they come here

It is not going to happen. The tape cannot be upscaled and you're underestimating how bad it would look. Recons are ancillary releases and often done by third parties like Loose Cannon; the BBC wouldn't release a TVM bluray with such an ugly contrast between the effects and the film. The final master is a video transfer. It's unlikely Universal retained the effects assets. They would have to be recreated and recomposited from scratch for a HD transfer. Which I'd love to happen, and it's not unheard of (Star Trek the Next Gen got this treatment, which did turn out quite expensive), but I don't see any real motivation for the BBC to do it.

The more salient thing to be complaining about the TVM release anyway is that the American DVD is at 25fps, 4% faster than it should be (you can really hear this is McGann's voice) and not even pitch corrected. Related: the S1-S4 bluray sets have the audio slowed and consequently pitch-lowered 4% lower than it should be since it's all slowed down from the UK 25fps (wouldn't have been done on the bluray) to 24fps.

They tried to organise a "mass raid", which I can only imagine how pathetic it would be.

he's posted screencaps of himself as an account called chad boyelin-miles

I love /who/ baby
And if it's quite all right
I need /who/ baby
To warm the lonely night
I love /who/ baby

>he literally mentions "the writing™"


What do they even mean by raid, how can you raid a website? All I can think of is they come here and spam shit, which would actually be a nice change of pace, especially in hiatus time.

blessed webm

coming here and spamming shit is exactly what a raid is
it's like the time tumblr thought raiding Sup Forums with gay porn and gore was a good idea, only to find out that nobody even realized a raid was happening since that's exactly what Sup Forums is on a normal day

hehe I love u all frens

based apu poster

Kek, so they're gonna come and post shit on a shitposting thread, then go back to FB and get likes. It's certainly a decent bit of banter.

oh wow, is there a comparsion video for the S1-4 bluray issue?

Cookies and some apple juice
Cherry jeeps, apple coupes

Any other information about the Target novelizations? Tempted to buy but if they're just watered down versions of the episodes, then theres no point really

are there any /who/ apu edits

Apparently future incarnations of the doctor are mentioned and one of them is a bald black woman and another is a gender fluid kid. According to Jenny Whatsherface who wrote The Christmas Invasion anyway. She said so at Gallifrey One

here's one for Jodie Haven't watched this but it seems like one. It's really quite annoying. They should have released the UK blurays at 1080i50 and the US ones at 1080i60, but I guess they really wanted to be able to sell "full 1080p" so down to 24fps it went, and down 4% it went as well. The audio is higher quality for what it's worth's slower, and lower. Honestly I think the visual quality upgrade isn't as big of a deal as it's sold as either, it's only 720x576 upscaled to 1920x1080, it looks nothing like the specials>S5>onwards native HD, and everyone moving and talking slower and lower is maddening when you start noticing it. Some of RTD's weirder choices like the cum lens and odd lighting of S1 arguably work better on DVD too.

Jodie and the other nuwho doctors are also mentioned. This takes place in the Rose adaptation

>odd lighting of s1
Explain? With examples preferably

>Some of RTD's weirder choices like the cum lens and odd lighting of S1 arguably work better on DVD too.
What was he thinking?


hey missy yo so fine!M7ojiAQZ!KkOHu3Ivrjz7LNudqO1p5Q


directed by David Lynch

wow what a set of Chronicles

Oh god the ROTC/TATS shot triggers me so hard, when it was night time but they had spotlights shone on the actors

post kino


took 11 years for nuWho to get the Cybermen right

>that TVM speedup
God damn that's annoying. Where can I get the properly-sped version?

someone needs to upload this to youtube with Bah Bah Biker over it ASAFP

Who has the Moffkino grid?


I love how these are legitimately kino shots

weren't a lot of the directors the same in the Moff era as in RTD?
what made it so better?
>pancake joke
>immediately followed by a pie joke

There were more new directors than there were reused. Hettie MacDonald, Douglas McKinnon, Charles Palmer are exceptions. Probably others.

>Moffat dropped the shit ones from the RTD era and kept the decent ones


loss is not inherently funny and low quality references like this do not make anyone laugh

I've been watching NuWho since 2005 and I can barely watch the RTD seasons anymore, they're just so corny compared to Moffat; i wonder how the Moffat era will hold up against Chibnall?

I just rewatched Series 5 recently and it holds up insanely well, The Eleventh Hour in particular has aged beautifully
why did I make this

Yeah, compared to Rose which... hasn't...

Doesn't mean it's bad tho.

Doctor, I'm Mickey. Uuuh you don't get to bring my girlfriend

Fun fact Michelle Gomez was born November 23rd

>the horn synced up with their arm movements at 0:15
holy fuck my sides

yeah it's not aged well, the only RTD-era episodes that have aged like wine are the Moffat episodes and Midnight/Turn Left. They're still enjoyable though.

what? you guys don't like the flourescant blue TARDIS lights

I'm gonna be fucking sick

>Missy asks the Doctor for a book on smashing the patriarchy

I was rewatching The Stolen Earth/Journey's End recently and I was like hooooo boy.