/bb/ Celebrity Big Brother

Final thread

Winner: Marissa
AFP: Ross

Survivor premiere Wednesday
BBCan 6 March 6 (if you watch that)

Other urls found in this thread:



thank you devin

Dr. Will backyard interview where?

that was absolute shit

>Taran won draft against Brent

First for Sid Vicious, proud father of Frank Eudy, for CBB2

>BBCan 6 March 6
Is it more like us or uk bb? It's been on for 6 seasons it must be somewhat ok

BBCan cast released yet?

well that was underwhelming

paul back for bb20 confirmed

can't stand bbcan
too many game breaking twists


I'm waiting for the main event

the pathetic ass kissing of marissa by the fandom


link if anyone wants


Hope this season of Survivor isn't rigged like last season's was.


NoNiggers for season 20. Email cbs now

>they scrapped oot2 for this

Just a reminder that meta ruined the season

We watch a show that's designed for women in their late 30s and 40s.

>Grodner's self insert won

Hmmmmm really makes me sleepy... zzzzz

what else am I supposed to watch to pick up milfs that like cats?

It has better houseguests that want to win, but it has some of the shittiest, most gamebreaking twists which is its schtick.
I'm not a fan of it after seasons 3, but it's whatever

Does Ross even believe that he beat Shannon and James for AFH?

It's still unfathomable to me

did you not watch this season? Ross believes whatever he wants, one of the most delusional, albeit good, players ever

can someone explain to me how someone in the FINAL 2 won AFP???

i couldve sworn that wasnt allowed because they already won money. im just as baffled as you

Where's Devin?

Yeah I called it game over that night. And pretty much expected this outcome

taran gets so lucky

It's always been a myth that the F2 were never eligible for AFP, truth is we've just never had a F2 that were America's favorites.

Oh yeah, you guys are right.

Ladies and gentlemen your BB celeb MVP

If that's true, then I guess people who say Ian and Dan actually got more AFH votes than Frank are BTFO tonight.

lol these retards on rhap are so dumb
James voted for Marissa because Ross said that he became a champion by winning Bowlerina HOH which James threw to him

Thread needs more Melissa Deni.

is this how liberals felt nov 8 2016

Wow what a fucking trash ending. The fat ugly bitch who didn't do shit somehow won against one of the top 2 players this season. Fuck Shannon I hope a bunch of elephants were poached while she was gone

It was only a "myth" until they could give it to Ross
If Marissa didn't win, and Ross did, she would have won AFP

couldn't have felt worse than this

wew nice i forgot that too

thread could use more, podcast could use less.

Ian got the 2nd most that year

I saw Frank support all over the BB Facebook page on that season. I wasn't surprised that he won.

Dan became pretty polarizing that season, Ian and Nicole are probably the two F2ers to ever come close at AFP too.

Nicole had some strong competition in her second season, Victor, James, Natalie...

someone post melissashuffle.webm

no because that actually mattered lol

Melissa just keeps bitching and talking about how SHE feels and how the episode made HER feel while the rest of them anaylze and talk about how the variables affected the games and the players

God she just fucking sucks. Then she goes on about how she was so frustrated that the jury was talking to each other. Like bitch chill the fuck out. Brent and Rob had to be like "No it was fine they did that, actually it was cool to see."

only posting mark, brandi, ross, and metta from here on out


chick last night kept doing that too and even mentioning how only her opinion matters. women suck in general

I mean from this season.

refer to my earlier comments about women

they cant help but be blinded by emotions and selfishness

i agree 100%
she did morning podcast once and it was so annoying - zero original thought, all just "i am so frustrated over ..." or "i like this ...", me, me, me
she is cute, but they should drop her

Based on the BB wiki:

>The America's Favorite Houseguest award was first introduced in Big Brother: All Stars.
>Originally, the prize was only limited to jury members in Big Brother All Stars, Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part, and Big Brother 10, where it was called the America's Choice Jury Prize.
>Since Big Brother 11, all houseguests have been eligible to win the prize (except those who have been expelled or walked from the game), and the name "Fan Favorite Award" was changed to "America's Favorite Houseguest".

That being said, Ross winning is 100% rigged, imo.

>Marissa wins
>James loses AFP
>Roman Reigns about to main event WrestleMania for the 4th year in a row

can tonight get any worse?

yes tiff maybe ross's terrible speeches made him want to not vote for him instead. your narrow mind is why you got evicted

i hope ross donates his $25k to some elephant riding tourist organization

I miss Kidwell...

ross is gonna get involved in the ivory trade
shannon just created a super villain

This is what I've been saying ever since she won that contest.

She ONLY won because of the SJW RHAP fans who kept complaining the LFC never had a girl.

That final 3 of that guy and the other girl were so much better than her. She only won because she's cute.

>the only America's vote in the game benefited ross
>also wins AFP

I'm not surprised

i couldn't even understand what marissa was saying. i seriously blanked out every time she started talking. ross's answers were decent.

>no James


I honestly fucking hate women so much. They shouldn't be allowed to do anything. They ruined this season of Big Brother as well

fuck that turncoat easily swayed pretty boy bitch, he's dead to me

He won the veto on his own though

Melissa is still cute tho

marissa didn't say anything because she didn't do anything. ross just flat out lied and pretended he didn't hurt any of their feelings or lie to any of them so they said fuck you to ross

Yeah, doing that contest was a fucking mistake and forced their hand in a wrong way. Should have just had people guest podcast and choose more professionally.

>unironically rooting for Ross or Marissa


>cody cast the vote for josh to win in bb19
>cody tweets out "#TeamMarissa" before jury votes
is he controlling BB still?

could not agree more

i dont think that meme means what you think it means

The jury talks to each other in every season. Are we sure she watches bb?

He's had good fortune all year

Does Ross honestly think Shannon is a better player than Kaysar?


Honestly I hope Ross calls Shannon out. She's such a fucking whiny bitch who should be ashamed of herself

At chess maybe

I'll miss you cunts

t. soyboy

>i dont think that meme means what you think it means

post reactions




And then Shannon should just say "give me my AFP prize money, faggot.".


honestly, drinking excessive coca cola has always been a very big turn off for me. i've noticed this in the past with other girls as well. they're just going to be burping with decaying teeth all the time.

Ross is a soyboy but at least he isn't a fucking woman

>people here were so sure chuck was voting Ross

what is that logic

>Ross is a soyboy
no, he's a fag

see you in the summer
im glad i took the heat for you this season, im in good company

rooted for either Ari or Mark, was out when Marissa won Final HOH
actually enjoying all the butthurt

>celebrity uses CBB as a platform to further career
>it isn't james

The AFP prize money she didn't deserve? People only liked her based on her pre-season hype. She isn't even entertaining as a character and ended up being a total dud. Literally threw a tantrum and ruined this season

drinking soda at all is a no-no, but yeah, coca cola especially because that shit is fucking disgusting.

damn thought for sure Paul was going to win this time.

CTE is a bitch