Can Star Wars be saved?

Will Solo flop?

Other urls found in this thread:

Enough of her nonsense. This girl needs her holes stretched.

Which ones?

>the prequels sucked partly because you knew what was going to happen the whole 9 hours you spent watching them
>Disney thinks it's a good idea to spam prequels

What did they mean by this?

I call shotgun on her fudge maker

As long as I get the urethra we're good.

Consumerist Whore

>Will Solo flop?
Depends on how much those reshoots cost. Shooting a movie twice is usually pretty cheap, right?

cute hat


Of course it can. Just split IX into two parts. There I saved it. You are welcome!

I want to hug her

nothing to do with why the prequels sucked

Star Wars could be saved, but it won't be

whatʻs the female equivalent of soyboy? soygirl?

There is no equivalent because it's a stupid meme based on fake science. Soy contains estrogen-like chemicals that don't actually affect people in the way they think it does.


she probably smells lol

Gonk origins film when?

>stereotypes aren't based on reality

Is Jenny a real person, or a CUTEcorporate consumerist experiment designed to enthrall autists and soyboys to generate sales for shitty pop culture "products"?

She reminds of someone from icarly.

Star Wars can be saved but they won't. Nobody there cares about the OT, SW is just a license to print money. I hope Solo flops and starts wearing things down

The only gonk I care about is in Dawn of the Dead

No it can't. The first two movies of the ST were bad, R1 was serviceable and Solo is going to be a pile of shit, and this is all after the PT already wore down public enthusiasm.

Solo's going to go down super hard too because it's about one of the few OT characters that hasn't yet been raped. People love Harrison's Han Solo. Women love him. They won't love this new one.

I wanna smell her bathroom after she takes a dairy shit I bet it smells like a zoo lads

damn does she spend all her patreonbux on plush toys

She writes them off as a business expense.

>Jenny unironically defending the worst parts of Latt Jedi

What do you call someone that's fallen from grace? There must be a jap word for "disgraced waifu" or somethong

What did you expect? I don't think she has an identity outside of this?

So she jerked off Max Landis, right?

No. Max Landis jerked her off

Women can't be soy, nor can they do a soy face

Max landis

All I wanted was to hold her hand throughout a day a Disneyland. Not anymore.

They sent her to the premier... even people in the professional arena can't resist that level of seduction or want to wind up on the Mouse's bad side (and she's just a lowly YouTube Star Wars fangirl).


Do fetal alcohol bitches have smooth anuses and vags too or just in places that make them look inhuman?

I'd still give her a guided tour through DisneySEA in Tokyo Disneyland while buying ridiculous stuffed animals for children, but she's a total roastie now.

I need a blowjob from her like right fraking now!

have some standards, my dude.

Who takes all these pictures?
Is it her mom or her bf or just a girlfriend?

She looks like sam. I'd plow the shit out of jennette mccurdy.

TurboTax said she could so it’s fine

She sets a 3 second timer then runs

this dude knows whats up


>wanting to stretch the hole of anyone with soyface
Yeesh. Get SOME standards.

>I'd plow 'er

the prequels look like kubrick movies compared to latest shit wars films, rouge one gets a pass cause the characters were interesting, but the actually star wars movies are a example of nepotism and white male guilty on film, when lucas was making the prequels he was trying to tell a story, all Disney wants to do is push toys and ideology


Why does she look like a humanized porg?

Is that not Jennette? I'm 99% sure it is.

>Why does she look like a humanized porg?
>corporate consumerist experiment

>He wants Jenny to be his Valentine

I want to platonically cuddle her.

Do you realize how much you need to write off to match the standard deduction? It's up to $9,350 now.

That's a lot of fucking Star Wars Merch.

Rogue One killed my childhood

Do you realize how much autism you need to calculate tax deductions for a joke?

That's a lot of fucking Reddit spacing too.

Disney will make double sure to tell the critics that if they give the movie anything less than 3 stars that their free press screening passes will be taken away. Nobody fucks with the mouse's bottom line.

The trailer makes it feel like Bladerunner, which is weird because I feel a Solo movie should be a fun adventure flick. Like The Mummy.

The image of $9,000 worth of porgs was funny to me.

Me too, man.
do you think she has Star Wars themed sex toys?

To me Rogue One is the "inoffensive" Star Wars movie that everyone pretended TFA was. It's just a high-budget fan film; it fits itself in between the real movies, doesn't change anything about them, uses some of the mainline characters but not too much, and is generally respectful of the originals. The story didn't need it, and its mere existence over-emphasizes things that didn't need emphasizing, but that's just the nature of fanfiction. It doesn't overstep itself and kinda gives you something new in being a gritty no-Jedi war movie (except for a few eye-rolling fight scenes on the kyber crystal planet).

Can't say the same for TFA/TLJ.

She looks like the female version of jazz

what happened to her face?

What's the rundown on this kid again?

>entire board obsesses over a 5/10 looking bitch
>meanwhile all the 5/10 guys are lonely

Her mom is about to die and she’s selling all of her Pokémon cards.
Also, last October she thought she found a lesbian lover. Guess how that turned out.

I think people on Sup Forums are so desperate they realize they could never get with an attractive girl so they condition themselves to like more common looking girls, but they still can't even get those in real life so they just post them on an anonymous image board all day.

She must have re-purposed a lightsaber

You make it sound like she benefits from perverts making anonymous lewd comments.

Someone should pay her to stick a lightsaber toy up her ass and webm the video for Sup Forums enjoyment.

I'm getting too old for this.


>I haven't done blow since, oh, before you were born

lol is this real?

She looks like she’s all of ten years old in that photo.

The more you see someone the more attracted to them you CAN become.
Which is bolstered by the fact that one person is always making these Jenny threads.

Who is she?

It’s not entirely from soy but you’re both a brainlet and a science denier if you think that estrogen mimics aren’t having an effect on the population.

I want to punch her face bloody


Why? Why even make the effort to be that annoying? Yeah that tranny is gross, but come on.

>Why? Why even make the effort to be that annoying?
Not me, but I imagine it's this:

>check 'em hand pose
>good grip
>slightly translucent shirt
>short shorts
>neon socks
oof, hold me Sup Forums she's not that great, bros. let it go

No bully!

This chick isn’t even a 5/10.


Doesn't shotgun mean someone would be in there beside you?

Is this Lena Paul

>those eyes

She looks like she has some sort of disease or fetal alcohol syndrome.

>ywn Lead Jenny around by a leash, tugging at her dog collar as she crawls behind you.

> ywn Tie her to her giant Porg and spank her.

(and that's a good thing!)

I want to set a red hot iron on her face while she sleeps

A Cute!

lol this image can go with any meme

Disney properties are irredeemable.

I wish they were trying to sell toys, we wouldn't get those shit ass ship designs.

Superior Who-fu.

shes ok. i fell in love with her based on the joke a the end of the creepypasta video.