I love super and the throw back story references ie; the evil containment wave. But I can't help but feel they're gonna hard reset after this arc with how its going.
Heard a rumor about a movie about the origin of saiyans
I hope they stop this new style of world building they're doing (reminds me of One piece)
Mfw when dragon ball super introduces all these new characters just to erase them from all
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying DB movies are ever canon
New ones are canon
>this arc
This is the end of dragon ball super, 2 episodes left and it's over for good.
they'll all be wished back my dude. the whole point of introducing them was to create more dlc for future video games anyway
goku is obviously going to win, and restore all the universes with his wish; that will set the table for season 2
Source confirming this arc is the last? It’s probably been the best overall but it still sucks.
Thats what they say in all the youtube vids that talk about it.
>season 2
they're on ep 189 also jiren or frieza will win. the whole overarcing theme has been the heroes accepting that they wont always be able to win. they've lost against every adversary so far in the series (except maybe jelly vegeta)
it has something to do with the company buying domain names like they did for the other recent movies suggesting that the series will end and move on to just be a series of films every few years