Start talking to girl

>start talking to girl
>find out she cuts herself with razor blades
>it's really obvious she has a crush on me
>we talk for a few weeks because I feel bad for her and want to try and help her
>she seems to really like me
>starts cutting herself again
>I go off on her and explain a million different reasons why she shouldn't do that
>she says she's sorry and will never do it again
>fast forward to today
>she cut herself again
>I decide to completely break contact with her
>shes telling me how much she regrets doing it and that she's sorry and sad

there's no hope for her is there? Was I a fool for thinking I could save her?

how is this political?

oh fuck i posted this on the wrong board

mods please don't ban me

ur done m8. MOOOODSS

is she a white teenage girl? If not get rid of her anyways, she is bound to be a slut and single.

yeah she is

I don't know. I have no good answer. Do what you think is right, but don't allow yourself to be manipulated or taken advantage of.

I'd hate to say go to fucking reddit but go to /r/theredpill/ and read and judge her yourself. You have much more to learn.

i know she's crazy and I really shouldn't have gotten involved but damn i just felt bad for her

>there's no hope for her is there?


She's a woman retard. She's doing it because you noticed. If you ignored that shit she'd have stopped because women only do things for attention.

she was doing it before

just fucking help her goddamnit she needs it

Don't get involved with her. It's trouble waiting to happen.

>was I a fool?

Yeah, you definitely were. Don't beat yourself up about it though. Everybody makes mistakes. The important thing is that you use this as a learning experience so you don't do something stupid like this again in the future.

I already tried that but it seems my efforts were not enough since she went right back to doing it

>Thered Pill?
Don't post weird tranny stuff, homo.

give her one more chance, if she fucks it up cut the contact completely

I hate to be cynical. But people generally don't change. Even if she stopped cutting herself, she would find an equivalent thing to replace it.

I knew a girl who cut herself. She struggled hard to control it and finally got it mostly under control. But then she got into BDSM hard, decided that she was "polyamorous," and now seeks out guy after guy after guy to humiliate and punish her.

What's the difference, really?

i told her i would stop talking to her if she cut herself again and she acted sorry and a week later she started doing it again. If i give her another chance then I really don't think she'll stop

No, you just sound like a prick.
Demanding someone act in a way you want without trying to understand why they are in that situation.

I'm dating a cutter, it's literally an addiction like hard core drug use. She will stop if you love and nurture her though. It will be worth it in the long run, if you're into crazy women (she will be crazy about you)

Haha get fucked faggot. Anyways people that cut won't just stop because a friend tells them too. They are depressed and need psychiatric help. You are wasting your time with her. Depressed girls are crazy and are a ton of trouble. Don't fall for the wounded animal bullshit thinking you can nurse her back to health.

Do not stick dick in crazy.
Simple as that.

>talking to women
Haha we don't do that here bucko

Dude, don't do it. She's using you like a drug. If/when she gets better, she'll drop you like trash.

t. someone who has been there, done that


I've dated two cutters and both of them were fucking nuts. NEVER EVER date a cutter, there is no shorter answer.

No good will come out of damaged goods. You did the right thing Opee


It's good that you're trying to help, but you're fighting an uphill battle trying to fix her. She needs real help. Send her to Dr Schlomo and get her the good pills

Yo, are you a certified therapist? Have you studied psychology?
If no to these questions then you are not qualified to help her. And judging by your own admission of ignoring her. Younhave worsened the problem.
She needs concealing and possible medication. If you really care about her, this is the only answer

Tell her she's trash and deserves the pain she gets.

My buddy was starting to get depressed because all the women he got with would start getting suicidal after he left them
Don't let that happen to you brah. You can't help them

>find out she cuts herself with razor blades
This is where there story should have ended.

Cutters will pull you down into their hellhole of a world, you dont need that kind of crazy in your life. I hope you didnt fuck her, that would be bad news for you both.

>giving an attention whore attention

That was your first mistake.

Just fugg the cutter out of her.

If you're not the origin of her issue, then what makes you think you'll be the origin of her solution? You're not necessarily wrong to want to help her. But you are being autistic to think her solution is some easy thing, and all you have to do is threaten her to solve the problem.

Either make the decision to help her (as a friend), or make the decision to not worry about it anymore, and move on. But don't date her. And don't underestimate the depth of her psychological problems. Your threats are useless and unhelpful.




Yup that's right this is a gay board


You dont want to see shit like that.
Some girl was on Sup Forums posting pics and guys were egging her on.

Dude you should have got her admitted to the psych ward for a week or two. I know it sounds cruel but people like that aren't going to help themselves and need someone else to force them in the right direction.

Wtf, now /adv/ is raiding us?


Man, just tell her to go to a shrink. She obviously has deep seeded problems that she isn't able to handle. She probably got molested or something are you qualified to talk her through all that?

I've been there. is sadly accurate. You can't save her unless you're willing to commit to years of acting as a positive influence, and doing so will put some serious stress on your own ability to be well adjusted and happy.

These people really are psychic vampires, whether they meant to be or not, and they will absolutely suck the happiness out of you. If you're strong enough to handle it then sure, you could probably help her - I like to think I helped the girl I dated who was bipolar and a cutter. But it will be hard on you, especially if you start to really care about her.

That's Sup Forums. On
Sup Forums morals and sympathy goes in the trash.

>are you qualified
fuck this, bro. You shouldn't spend money so a shrink can tell her she's "ok".
Just wing it.
Modern Psychology doesn't even have any real science behind it.

OP for fuck's sake

Don't do this shit to us, if she keeps it up, don't

As someone who left a relationship with a cutter let me say..... it's not worth the chase. Don't say you weren't warned.

>Was I a fool for thinking I could save her?
>Anonymous (ID: MJLQXgg2) 10/29/16(Sat)23:15:51 No.95165796▶
BUTSEXX user, it's her only hope.

As good as it feels you'll learn that it's not worth the investment with these people.

>after he left them
Well well

She's obviously just doing it for attention, retard.

>I want to talk to him again
>But I have no reason to...
>I know!
>"I cut myself again :("

All you have to do is not react whenever she cuts herself and she'll stop.


You can't save everyone. Sometimes you can't save anyone.

You aren't a hero bro, none of us are.

I know it's the man in you saying that you have to save the woman: it's a god damn biological instinct for Christ's sake. But some people are so self-destructive that you have to admit to yourself when it's not worth trying anymore.

Don't put yourself through it. You did the right thing.

Theyre a lot better equipped to handle situations like hers than some random guy off the street. They know how to find out the root of the problem and find solutions. OP would be fumbling around in the dark with this chick and she'd drive him nuts.

>emotionally investing in a strange woman's mental health
Kys yourself numale trash

Rough sex dude, really beat on her and choke her out. Only cure. Either you hurt her or she does it herself.

If you look at every action a woman takes as some way to get attention it suddenly all makes sense. It's liberating actually.

You are fucking up but not in the way you think. Jus saying don't do it won't do shit. You need the WHY of it, confront her about why she does it, don't make her feel like there is something wrong with her cause that won't help shit. Try to fill what void she has or get her away from what induces it. Of course this is only if you care about and love her.

I have a close situation where the woman I love will go into moods where she emotionaly shuts down and it takes an hour or more to get her out of it. But what kind of person would I be to abandon someone I love and who loves me just because of that. It all depends on your level or morals and love for the person. I would honestly never abandon her unless she betrayed me or actually willingly wanted to hurt or abuse me. Now see you on r9k

This is actually probably true. But you'd run the risk of her turning you in for domestic abuse one day when she's mad at you.

We were military so it was pretty hard to not leave relationships

This is the only post that matters, OP.

A depressed girl who cuts herself is literally my fucking dream. I want a girl with no self-esteem who will be completely reliant on me.

This is just self-centered to the point of absurdity. She's not cutting to gain a particular person's attention. She's cutting because she's a wet, hot mess.

She was cutting before she knew OP.
She was cutting when she knew OP.
She'll be cutting after OP leaves.

>tfw in this situation
>decided to help her because pussy was fire and im confident af
>2 years later and I've gained weight and feel trapped
>know for a fact that she will kill herself if I leave
>my life is an endless trial of trying to motivate her and get her to feel better

Take the advice here bros. NEVER stick your Dick in crazy

Pussy is still fire if there's any redeeming qualities to this situation

Make her get multiple orgasm and tell her next time she feels like cutting up herself to call you to make her orgasm again.

You move her self mutilation problems to pervert problems.

It's not just op she'll continue cutting so long as anyone gives her attention for it.

Well this user here , is correct.

If you really want to get through to someone you have to see what triggered her to cut herself like that.

It takes time and a psychologist probably has the skill to take that kind of information out of her.

Been there, done that. There's nothing you can do. Please stop now before you make the same mistakes I did thinking I could help. We broke up a long time ago, but she finally apologized now in 2016. We first met in 2006. That's 10 fucking years Sup Forumsro!!!! You wanna wait 10 years to hear her say you were right? Didn't fucking think so. Run dude.

How is it your responsibility if she decides to kill herself? Stop wasting your time on a failed relationship. If she kills herself then so be it.

I started dating a cutter. She doesnt cut anymore. Shes really pretty, white, reads redpillwomen on reddit, hates feminism/SJWs/Hillary. Amazing in bed. Smart and capable of paying for all her own needs.

She was cutting because she was unhappy with where she was in life, identified the source of the cutting, fixed it. Instead of just saying "dont do it" figure out why she wants to, what feeling leads to it and then address that issue. Sometimes really good people have shitty fucked up families, doesnt mean they are a lost cause in the least, as long as they are motivated to change and realize the examples they saw growing up are examples of what NOT to do.

OP should raise his standards and look for girls that he doesn't feel like he has to save

Give up if you wanna survive. Also:

My ex cut my name into her arm after I broke up with her... stay away.

Because she loves me and i can't. I wish I could man up and leave but I wouldn't be able to live with myself after she does what I know shell do. She has too much baggage and im basically the only thing keeping her alive.

Which is why I have to reiterate this advice for this thread: Don't stick your Johnson in crazy bitches. Pussy is tight and wonderful but its not worth it bros

Maybe she's managed to convince you that she will kill herself if you leave, but I doubt she actually will. If she does it will be one of those suicide-attempts-for-attention things like swallowing a bottle of pills. If you are seriously concerned explain the situation to a hospital and have her committed.

If that was the case I would've left already. I know her too well and her situation to think she's bluffing; she's serious

But I do appreciate the advice, I wish this situation on no one

If you stick around, every time she wants something she'll make you think she might hurt herself. You'll be more trapped the longer you stick around.

Someone so selfish to hold suicide over your neck deserves no pity. The same for anyone who threatens suicide or makes physical examples of it. It's always for attention or recognition.

You idiot. She cares more about herself than you if she's doing this to you. Grow up and let her die. It is for the good of you both.

Don't reply, I won't read it.

whoops this is for you

That's how these sick cunts work, OP how about you find a girl that has two feet planted on the ground?

Fuck her and then leave her to kill herself

It's what God wants

Fucking kek. Yes I do want to see shit like that, it's funny.

>tfw to intelligent to have morals

>oh fuck i posted this on the wrong board
You're from /r9k/ aren't you?

Please listen to us Sup Forumsro, you're lucky you got any real help in the first place here on Sup Forums. So fucking run and don't look back...