REALLY makes you ponder

REALLY makes you ponder...



also tldr

>implying I read all that shit

full brain capacity usage in that post

Sup Forums is the 1st Amendment in action. it's your post, for example. are you a social outcast or whatever other nonsense the picture says?

really makes you think huh?

the reason the left doesn't like Sup Forums is because the left doesn't like free speech, because their BAD ideas do not hold up under scrutiny

tough shit ho, stay mad

still saging

>implying your average degenerate on this board has an attention long enough to read over a short passage

The fact that we fixate on our own degeneracy means we have a reason to force ourselves to improve. Blaming external factors alone means we can never elevate ourselves.

I skimmed it.
Pretty much utter strawman written by a wannabe victim with nothing of value to do with their time. They attempt to quantify chaos and fall well short.

>the alt-right are all dejected losers and failures
>while simultaneously being the most dangerous threat to the world of all time ever

Pray tell, what exactly is the "liberation" that this person speaks of?

>you can get banned for making fun of the moderators
>free speech

>being a social outcast makes your ideas wrong
>social value is equivalent to being right or having the "right" ideals

Obviously written by a woman, given how long it its

i stopped at Sup Forums
normies talking about this place on normiebook only leads to cancer here
i sages your thread OP

>implying years of reading text online haven't given us the ability to tell from a cursory glance whether it is something worth reading or not

the few surprising insights this post contains are not objectively morally wrong even though they're intended to be read as such

or, in other words, every liberal article ever

A lot of projection in this, it's clear that liberals still lack empathy and honest understanding of their opposition.

It's a special talent to write enormous paragraphs with no fucking substance.

Let's say it's all true, and there is a huge group of young white males with no place in society and are mad as hell about it. What are they supposed to do? Be thrilled about it? Support a society that rejects them?

This person diagnoses the cause and symptoms, but does understand that sufferer can create the cure for the condition. If our writer doesnt like their solutions; then perhaps he should offer some better ones because it doesn't get better from here.

>A lot of projection in this

Absolutely agree. My first thought.

It's funny, because the general attitude here is to look down upon 'normies'. We don't want to be normal, because being normal in our current society means being brainwashed and mediocre. We want to excel and better ourselves.

The poster says a lot more about himself and his social circles than he does about us. Especially with the lack of understanding of how the world works. The OP thinks that standards of beauty and attraction are somehow dictated by a 'patriarchy' rather than by millions of years of evolutionary instinct. That somehow a person wanting to cure himself of porn addiction, to get in better physical shape, to gain more social standing, all in order to acquire a mate is somehow oppressive. That what we should all be doing is being proud of our flaws and embrace his ideology, because THAT is how we will get a woman.

It all shows a fundamental lack of understanding of both himself and the world around him.

I'm amazed that they can use that many words to say
>"You just don't agree with me because you're a fucking loser."
I've never seen so much Saul Alinsky bullshit in one post, and this is actually what this person believes. That anyone who isn't a commie fucker like them is just a little dik wyte boi who mad cuz he caynt get duh poosy.


The best part is when they feign pity or sympathy for people who disagree with them
>You poor, poor fool. You haven't filled your head with marxist garbage given to you since the day you entered public school like I did.

You are all drones.
You have no individual traits or characteristics.
You share the same, malfunctioning brain cell.
You parrot the same simplistic lines.
You copy-paste the same autistic memes.
You align with the same fuck-witted ideologies.
You worship the same moronic messiahs.
You're the very, mindless automatons that you so wish to avoid becoming.

You have no opinions of your own.
You only parrot what you've been indoctrinated with.
Your neural pathways are irrevocably fucked in place.
You spurn logic, rationale and reason.
You espouse only that which re-enforces your existing prejudice.
You cannot be taught, edified or redeemed.
You do not want to be saved.
You live in a blissful Twilight Zone of absurdity.

You're the very chattels that demagogues rise to power on the kyphotic backs of.
You're the very pismires that are first to be trampled by the tyrannies you unwittingly canonise.
You're self-defeating, self-immolating, martyrs of ignorance.
You're the alcoholic, drug addict, sugar fiend, greed afflicted junkies.
You're the Fox News- / Brietbart- / InfoWars- / Kardashians-reared retardates.
You're the nonentity keyboard jockeys of inaction.
You're the bilious blowhards of impotence.
You're the cogs in the cycle of idiocy that enthrals you.

You're all self-haters.
You're unhappy.
You're discontented.
You're confused.
You're melancholic.
You're in denial.
You seek not solutions, only turmoil.
You want the world to burn, not thrive.

You deserve your fate.
You deserve subjugation by despots and dictators.
You deserve to be trodden on.
You deserve your evolutionary retardation
You deserve your imminent extinction.
You are bound to your condign fate.
Your passing will elicit no pathos.
You will not be remembered.

You're effectively brain-dead.

I find it interesting that the author keeps saying we don't consider other peoples perspectives and then they do the same thing

really fires up my neurons

not an argument