So Robot Chicken just called all of you alt right douchebags

So Robot Chicken just called all of you alt right douchebags.


we are ;)

did they call us racist too? ;)

Jesus christ that show is still on tv?

the alt right is finished! what ever will flumpf do?

the fuck? who still watches robot chicken?


Just because I hate niggers and faggots, doesn't mean I'm altright

In the current year

They had a sketch with Pepe and Michigan J. Frog.

"You used to be a fun hilarious guy before you were co opted by those alt right shit buckets for their own nefarious purposes."

justice 4 world peace I will kill brett geldman I have spent the last 2 years tracking his habits and lifestyle soon I will strike

oh no let's hack adult swim now :D any Russians want to get on this for us???


kys nigger

It can be co opted by anybody. That's thing with memes like pepe and wojak. You'd think commies of all people would understand that.


Etf do commies have to do with robot chicken

Just because I hate racist ass hats doesn't make me an SJW.

>Robot Chicken

My first thought as well

(((Seth))) (((Green))) and (((Matthew))) (((Senreich)))

>He was raised Jewish and had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony.[4]
Its literally everyone in Hollywood, god daaamn

>alt right, hugely unpopular MDE show gets cancelled during its first season
>alt left Robot Chicken enjoying its 9th season on the air
Really makes you think.

They didn't literally say that did they.


Very brave and also fresh

Robot what?

I last watched that and Family Guy in about 2011

I want to fuck Halston Sage

Was that a new episode? I saw it as well and I couldn’t believe it.

Reminder that Family Guy made a implicit Sup Forums joke in like 2007

I'm black so that makes them racist

Oh no, the show created by the manlet ginger jew with puppets and le 80s nostalgia criticized anyone outside of left-center as "douchebags".
The inhumanity!

she's part of the tribe.

Someone actually watches robot chicken?

Godspeed user

What a jewface

pol is not tv

pepe remains pure here

Literally "I wonder who could be behind this post" .png


Yaaaaaaaaas Queeeen

is there any mainstream entertainment that isn't nakedly political now?
i just want some shelter from the fucking shills

Pretty close.

Anyone ITT that seen the skit?


The alt right are douchebags you mong

>"You used to be a fun hilarious guy before you were co opted by those alt right shit buckets for their own nefarious purposes."

The story of Sup Forums.

sometimes robot chicken is alright. Then a joke falls flat and you just kinda realize this is a show of Seth Green playing with his toys.

oh no

Who cares? Being right wing is counter-culture, while being a libtard is popular. We're the cool ones now.

>We're the cool ones now.

I think they might have used Pepe as a symbolic manifestation of Sup Forums itself. The comment wasn't about the frog. It was about Sup Forums and the entire chan culture. Seth used to steal jokes from Sup Forums during the early seasons of Robot Chicken.

literally why would anybody care

And still Pepe just jad a chance to be on this show because Sup Forums used him. Else nobody would even know he exists.

>robot chicken still exists
what the fuck

jesus h. christ

at one point normies and corporate culture did see chan stuff as fun and trendy is weird but the last one or two years has solidified it as dumb fat basement dwellers who should be thrown into a mental institution. watching the change to pure leprosy was weird. me and other went from mentioning posting here to never admitting it to anybody ever especially not at the office

They are afraid they are losing. They need to try and brainwash people somehow. By making their narrative mainstream.


Ya that sounds like something that ginger midget would do.

Sorry, but the right-wing is becoming increasingly exposed

joke's on you, i'm alt-left

Why is Sup Forums getting so much attention in the media lately?

Don't you mean Sup Forums?

>Caring about software entertainment

>Caring about the right-wing
The world isn't black and white. Fuck cuckservatives. There are a variety of political beliefs across the spectrum. Too bad we only focus on two.

they are genuinely afraid that they lost a political election because they lost the meme war.

Obama had better propaganda but with Hillary being old and in the way she couldn't beat the Trump train led by a few creative shitposters and some russian shills. Its not like people love Trump she was just so terrible.

The Democrats want to be able to control the narrative so they push twitter and reddit since they can't control Sup Forums it turns on people for no reason.

Oh no, a show made by a bunch of faggy libs insulted the right. What ever will I do? I'm so surprised by that!

that's apu apustaja not pepe

>What ever will I do?
Nothing, like you always do.

Biggest Mandela effect here.

I find it pretty ironic Sup Forums has had more influence than any corporate website like Twitter or Facebook on the internet and both in culture. Quite amazing but I guess it is mainly due to the whole anonymity thing. That's definitely a factor.

Sup Forums users as a population punch above our weight class
we have a disproportionate impact on the rest of the web compared to our side

What? Through time, from 2007?

what was it?


That’s right, comrade. Drumpflets are social rejects and virgins. We are the cool ones now.

a better look at him

The weird looking guy clapping like an autist at Rick Astley aired a month or two after Rickrolling first started on Sup Forums, months before normalfags started with it.

Whew rickrolling predates my career. I guess I'm not oldfag enough to get that one.

People really over estimate both Russia and Sup Forums's impact. For one thing just electing a President from the opposite party is pretty common, maybe with the idea a change is needed. For another Clinton was another legacy, people soured on those after W. Obama, Trump, Sanders were all seen as "new" and "outsiders" though they really weren't, but branding. Studies have shown that both parties only ever respond to or address the concerns of their donors for decades, so people are not wrong when they think politicians don't care about them and don't do the jobs taxpayer money is technically paying them to do at all. Where they're wrong is thinking any of these presidential candidates will be different. If you're not a billionaire you do not matter and they don't give a shit. The only thing that would change that is nearly all Americans actually voting and being extremely informed, educated, engaged, avoid partisan confirmation bias and irrational emotion as best posdible, actually holding all politicians at all levels very accountable and getting involved. That's not going to happen. More likely in the future for some multitrillionaire to someday get crazyshit pet projects like "let's nuke Texas because I just feel like it" to happen because money talks and sanity isn't required. Zuckerberg is our future.

>Implying you were here prior to 2014

No it didn't. It aired a month or two before.

Why would you bother with this.


Hmm okay

>a month or two before
Are you honestly trying to claim that the Family Guy skit aired before /b started Rickrolling? Question, do you know what duckrolling is?

>tfw cant remember exactly when i came here but i know it was for /fit/

Mightve been 2013? Maybe when Zyzz died.

so lemme guess. WB frog had kids, the budweiser frogs and the fuckup autistic kid pepe.

No one actually likes MDE, it's just a few faggots spamming their shitty youtube show.


>We're the cool ones now.

Yes, that's what I'm claiming. And yeah I know what duckrolling is, what does that have to do with this?

Can we skip this bullshit already? I'm not going to waste my short time on this earth arguing about a family guy episode.

Meet the Quagmires air date: 20 May 2007

>According to Sup Forums founder m00t, the “rickroll” phenomenon began on Sup Forums (video games) circa May 2007

They did not create that whole fucking scene in less than a month. Fuck, man.


>They did not create that whole fucking scene in less than a month.

Sorry, I'm giving that too much credit. The Family Guy staff would've had to have made that scene in a couple of days.

Progressive liberals have become the new evangelicals so they're causing a fuss on the way out while pretending to be pious and still relevant. Sup Forums is the strongest hub of counter-culture, and therefore the source of evil to them.

Nah it's his cousin. WB frog comes home for thanksgiving,

>glares at Pepe
>WB Frog: "Hello Pepe"
>pepe glares
>Pepe: "how about that election, huh?"

my sincere condolences, nobody deserves that, #metoo

>We're the cool ones now.

>slight chuckle
alright that at least has potential. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I just expected autistic screeching.

Look up when the first GTAIV trailer came out.