Do you agree with Alyssa Moy?
>"Because it's not all about me. I love Sue for who she is as well as she loves me for who I am, we aren't just effectively two of the same person, the LAST person I'd want to marry would be anything like myself. Even if it would make me feel good for a short while if all I considered were my own, most superficial feelings, to elope with someone such as yourself; Sue, Franklin,Johnny and Benjamin aren't just my friends. They're my family. I love them so much they're like a part of me. I wouldn't think twice on anything that would make me lose them. I'm not their hostage, Alyssa. I'm a father."
It's not like Sue's a complete retard, jesus.
She doesn't reciprocate. The first thing she does in a crisis is to turn on him. I am not saying disagreeing, I am saying abandoning. She has done it in Civil War, she has done it in 1234. They are not a happy family, it is an appearaces marriage. Have you ever met a happy family in which the wife is always turning her back on the husband?
Because if all I wanted out of a partner was a perfect duplicate of my own personality, I'd date a mirror and jerk off to my own witty comments.
I specifically want a partner who *isn't* like me. Someone who can help expand my own horizons, someone I can hopefully help expand their own.
A friend, those I want to share interests with. A partner? I'd rather that person be my polar opposite than a mirror image.
Also, I guarantee you that Sue is a wild woman in the sack, it's the only thing that would be able to pull Reed away from his lab. As obsessive as he is with his work, there is no escaping that Sue's ass is irresistible.
one life is about eighty years. minus the twenty you spend growing up, that's sixty years to spend with as many people as you like
And yet the idiot chose a woman who secretly despises him morally
Calm down Sue-fag.
hey now, no need for kinkshaming
Quite the opposite. Reed deserves better. Or at least different.
One more day for Reed now.
she's not totally wrong
reed appreciates sue for her own interests
but it is great having a partner who is in sync with you. and there is also the atlantean elephant in the room, where she will go to namor when family problems are happening instead of facing them at first, (eventually she will)
if it was anybody else, it's a fail marriage that is staying together for the kids but ultimately i can only assume reed's dick is 100% stronger than fentanyl and sue will never truly leave
No I think you've got some weird love/hate relationship with Sue and Namor. You're always talking about them.
>i can only assume reed's dick is 100% stronger than fentanyl
he's not called Mister Fantastic for nothing you know
I have no problem with her staying with Namor. It is the weird need for the marriage to continue that bothers me. It humiliates Reed, which is a self insert for many people.
Both characters would be happier with the end of this marriage. and divorce could make the FF more interesting to modern readers. Some times couples divorce, no one is forced to live an unhappy marriage.
Reed's dick is a canon fantasdick.
>can reach every nook and cranny
>and reed knows every nook and cranny
>because Gynecology is a science
>She has done it in Civil War, she has done it in 1234
Yes, Sue has been quite the shitty wife in shitty comics.
It's not the characters' problem if the writers can write them properly.
Characters are somewhat independent of the writers. when a caracter personality trace manifests itself too much, it is more then individual writers choices.
Do Lois Lane and Black Canary turn their back on their husbands so easily?
Never engage with that retard. He's a fucking sperg with a vendetta against two fictional characters. His mental gymnastics are entertaining at first but then become exhausting.
>She has done it in Civil War, she has done it in 1234
Civil War was her leaving because Reed was using her and the kids to justify his support for violently rounding up unregistered heroes and tossing them into the Negative Zone without trial. 1234 is literally Doom manipulating reality.
Reminder that an already married Sue once left Reed for Namor
Reminder that Namor said to her face that he was going to cause Reed's death just to fuck her and she didn't get angry (oddly, she seemed aroused)
Reminder that Sue was making out with Namo behind Reed's back when he got stuck in the Negative Zone (they weren't even in a bad phase at the time, she was already the mother of his children and did it just because)
Reminder that Sue masturbated Namor in Civil War
Reminder that no one ever called her out on any of that
Reminder that FantasticFags will defend everything as part of a healthy relationship because they are the cuckest fanbase
>Civil War was her leaving because Reed was using her and the kids to justify his support for violently rounding up unregistered heroes
Can a marriage survive something like this? It would never be the same
Maybe both Reed and Sue are bad for each other and should divorce right now.
I don't consider them character traits if they come from shitty writers or shitty stories.
Osborn fucking Gwen is still canon and hasn't been contradicted, do you consider that in-character for Gwen too?
I'm assuming you're the same jackass who accused that other user
After that first instance of public embarassement you come again for more? I'm not that Sue-fag, nobody but your autistic ass knows who that is, stop posting.
>popular fictional characters don't influence reality
>ficitional unhealthy marriages (with a humiliated husband) won't reinforce nerds' misoginy
>Reminder that Sue masturbated Namor in Civil War
A lot of these things didn't actually happen.
Isn't she a genius as well? Not Reed levels but pretty much as smart as the smartest person in the real world would be?
He's talking about the civil war edit that mightygodking.
Millar's interview to "Wizard" when Civil War was being published.
Oh, really?
>Lee's Fantastic Four
>Morrison's 1234
>Byrne's The Sub-Marine
>Civil War
Millar said that she "polished his seashell" in an interview for Wizard during the event.
Jeez not that smart but I'm pretty sure she has an 8 year degree
Sue should be with Namor.
Wizard interviews don't count.
Why did writers push Sue/Namor shit, anyway?
I mean, look. He is the guy that tried to kill her husband and only brother dozens of times. He is the guy that tried to destroy New York another dozen of times. Why the fuck does she has a crush on him? Doesn't she know better than that?
I know that Namorfags like to meme that "he is too sexy and she can't resist", but seriously, it doesn't make sense,
It was probably a way to sell the "Marvel heroes are flawed humans" bullcrap, but "wanting to get fucked by the guy who tries to kill her family" goes way beyond "flawed" straight into "deeply retarded".
How childish to assert that someone being into the same shit as you is the basis of a good marriage.
Word of God unless denied by an editor or someone higher up or denied in comic.
You can always ignore it but that's how it works.
Worked out for fred west.
Not in Marvel. With Marvel canon is what the writers currently remember at the present moment.
>Word of God unless denied by an editor
That it's not in the actual books already proves it was denied by an editor. Source material ends at the pages printed. After the fact commentary is just author interpretation but in no way official.
>Punching reality this much
Why can't you accept that Sue masturbated Namor? Making out with him behind Reed's back for no reason is okay, but masturbating him to win a war is too much?
>Why can't you accept that Sue masturbated Namor?
Because it canonically didn't happen?
Well, you and Millar (aka "Civil War" writer) clearly disagree.
Well Marvel itself says that Millar is wrong.
He wrote the comic so if he says it happened then it happened. That's how Word of God works. The only counter is if it's denied by an editor or if he later denies it.
If it means anything it doesn't really matter. It's just a minor thing that nobody really knows about and many people assume Sue has done more with Namor anyway.
Did Marvel release a statement saying that Sue never masturbated Namor and Millar is a liar? I would like to see that.
They should also release a statement saying that Sue attitudes are completely normal to any marriage
Millar should always be ignored, though.
>Did Marvel release a statement saying that Sue never masturbated Namor and Millar is a liar? I would like to see that.
They don't have to because they simply never released a comic where that happened.
Millars fanfiction isn't real.
>Why did writers push Sue/Namor shit, anyway?
Tradition. It's been a thing since the earliest Lee/Kirby days. You might ask well ask "why does Ben angst about being a rock monster?"
Fuck you Quesadilla, at least i find solace Marvel retired the F4 before they shit them beyond repair.
>Millars fanfiction isn't real.
You can't say that about "Civil War", user. The precious MCU even has a movie based on that.
Also, if Sue didn't masturbate Namor, why did she join the battle? We didn't see what convinced him, we only saw Sue going to Atlantis, Namor refusing to help at first and trying to get lovey-dovey with her... and then he joins the battle.
At least "she masturbated him" is a straight answer. "She did lovey-dovey stuff with him" imply worse.
Until a page is made and published where Sue manhandles his fishman cock then it's never never happened.
Your unwillingness to accept that is cute, I will give you that.
Sue already proved that she is not above making out with Namor behind Reed's back. Do you really think that "masturbate him to win a war" is morally worse than what she already did?
So what you're saying is that Word of God is wank.
Everyone should have an unwillingness to not accept outright lies and fabrications user. Until such a page is produced there's nothing else to say about the subject.
> Do you really think that "masturbate him to win a war" is morally worse than what she already did?
Why did you ignore this part, user/
I'm saying the word of Millar is wank.
Because it's irrelevant.
Because he's talking about memes.
But its is relevant.
You refuse to accept that Sue masturbated Namor to make him join her side in "Civil War" to protect Reed's waifu, when canon has proven that she isn't above this kind of thing.
Mary Jane was a good wife. sue is not. I ended the wrong marriage. Meme me into editor's office again and I will bring MJ back and divorce the FF.
>Tradition. It's been a thing since the earliest Lee/Kirby days.
Why did Lee do that to begin with?
Why keep this "tradition"?
"So this is how married women behave? And the man does nothing to break free? I hate women and I will never get married."
>You refuse to accept that Sue masturbated Namor to make him
No I refuse to accept something that never happened. And your rationalization for it doesn't suddenly make it happen and become fact.
>Why did Lee do that to begin with?
Reed and Sue weren't married yet and it made the fights with Namor more dramatic.
>Why keep this "tradition"?
Status quo is god in comics.
>No I refuse to accept something that never happened.
as opposed to everything else in comics that actually did happen?
What is your argument? Everything that has been written and published unless otherwise stated or retconed has happened. There isn't a page of her giving Namor a tug-job, thus it never happened.
>Reed and Sue weren't married yet
But now they are! Why keep this.
Mary Jane stopped being a loose party-girl once she got married, why can't Sue stop lusting after a villain?
And even if they weren't married, why did she want a guy that wants to kill Reed and destroy New York? Was she dumb?
Reed isn't the greatest of husbands, especially when written by Stan. He's neglectful and negging.
Aren't Reed, Sue, Franklin and Veronica in heaven recreating the universes?
if I had it I'd post that image from that lovecraftian horror comic by Alan more with that chick hacking off the creature from the blacked lagoon
Okay, but "my boyfriend is neglectful, that's why I'm lusting after the guy that wants to kill him, my brother, my friend and destroy New York" hardly does Sue any favors.
Did Lee think that this "flaw" would make Sue a better character?
Not only that, user, but if she thinks that, why does she stays with him? why not breaking up
Because the writing for female characters wasn't that good?
Isn't right now a moment to make ammends? Past writign influence today's writing. There is only one way to end the trend.
It's pretty realistic desu
"Characters should be role models" isn't good writing.
Characters should be fully developed. Having Sue be a trophy wife that Namor is envious of Reed for is not a fully developed character.
Sue was a developed character. She loves Reed, but his idiosyncrasies frustrate her and leave her lonely, so she swoons a bit over the hot bad boy under the sea. This stuff happens in romance fiction all the time.
Would you just fuck off? We get it, divorce makes your eurocock hard, go away.
why does (((Marvel))) hate everything that makes the west a great place to live in.
first it was Christianity, then white men and now not even depictions of happy marriages are safe
I was honestly expecting a better answer than "Sue is shit because she is written like shit".
Marvel has always pushed the Fantastic Four as the comics greatest family, and Fantastic Four fans seem to agree. How do they cope with the fact that the matriarch of said family lusts after the villain that wants to destroy her family and the city she leaves in and protects? She doesn't even have a reason better than "I find him charming".
Do Fantastic Four fans accept that Sue, one of the pillars of the F4, is written like shit? They just go with that?
But WHY she has to choose between "neglectful husband" or "guy that wants to kill my family"? How do you see that as "good writing" you fucking retard?
She likes being mistreated just a bit. Her Malice persona didn't spring up out of nowhere. Additionally, T'Challa also got her heart beating pretty quickly once.
>She likes being mistreated just a bit.
"I will kill your family" goes beyond kinky.
Just accept that Sue is a retarded woman.
Maybe you should try reading the comics and stop taking secondhand information as fact.
>Sue was a developed character.
...not really.
I'll take your word for it since you gave such a compelling argument.
Recommend me the issues where it is explained why Sue can lust after the guy that tried to kill her family multiple times and still be the best wife in comics.
Looking forward.
Namor doesn't really mean it, at least that's what she tells herself.
She was as developed as the other three.
I don't see you bitching about Namor being friends with other superheroes.
The namor/sue thing has been dead for 40 years.
The original Kirby/lee story where Sue was kidnapped by Namor, where she denied his advances.
>at least that's what she tells herself.
Then she is a retarded woman.
>I don't see you bitching about Namor being friends with other superheroes.
1 - Namor isn't trying to kill, let's say, Dr. Strange family just to put his dick on him.
2 - Strange isn't lusting after Namor despite that fact.
If that was happening with Strange, he would be as retarded as Susan, and Strange isn't supposed to be "Marvel's greatest wife".
Millar was doing that 10 years ago.
Oh, so the story where she is KIDNAPPED by Namor explains why she lusts after him, even if he tries to kill her brother and husband?
That doesn't sound bad at all.
Are you intentionally being stupid user? This discussion is so shit because you want everything spoonfed to you and then you ignore the information because it doesn't fit your misconceptions.
Mark Millar wasn't a fantastic four writer and wizard interviews are not canon.
Look up death of the author.
JK Rowling also wants to say Hermione was black. Her books say differently and describe her as white.
If it's not written then it's just interpretation.
>Mark Millar wasn't a fantastic four
Uh, yeah he was. #554-569
Ultimate F4 #1-5, 21-32
Why are you so assblasted, user?
I believe in you! You said that the story where Namor kidnaps Sue explains why she can lust after the guy that wants to kill her husband, brother and friend and STILL be Marvel's greatest wife. If you said so, I totally believe.
Civil war isn't a fantastic four comic.
user he gave an example of Sue telling Namor to eat shit. Please start using a name if you insist on being retarded on such a regular basis so I can filter you and all your retarded posts.