If you were one of them

If you were a Lyoko warrior how would you have coped with it?
>Almost dying multiple times
>Balancing academics and saving the world
>Keeping a HUGE secret
>Internet is literally out to kill you
> And All those thots
Personally I don't think I could live a normal life after defeating xana, I'd have to see what else is out there.

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Rape girls in my class then RTTP so they forget it

There was something so sexy about that boarding school environment. No parents around, running around at all hours of the night on secret missions, sneaking into each others' dorm rooms with your exotic asian karate senpai and/or digital gf...

I wouldnt go to fucking school.

This is such a pet peeve of mine in any media where kids are trying to save the world. Like you got more important shit to do than go to poetry class or algebra. Devote all your time to making sure people dont die, go all in or dont bother.

I dont know if shows and books cant do this, because they need to send a "stay in school" message?

Animorphs is a particularly bad example of this shit.

I can't help but to think about the abridged series, it made for a more compelling story.


I agree, generally, but it kind of makes sense in this, because if they cut classes they'd be investigated and pulled away or the supercomputer would possibly be found out and fucked with and unleash the evil (operating, of course, under the premise that only the kids truly understand what needs to be done to keep XANA from wreaking havoc and any adult interference would just cause disaster)

I was referring another one, it got all the way to the finale and it had a good conclusion.

Wait there's an abridged series?

I'm too much of a pussy to deal with any of that. That's why I've never self inserted into any fanfic I've written or anything like that; I wouldn't be able to handle anything that happens to fictional characters.