Why are leftists so triggered by him?
Why are leftists so triggered by him?
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probably all the people being murdered
He kills dindus
He hurts drug dealer's feelings.
Because leftists are typically druggies and criminals, both of whom are open season with Duterte Harry in charge.
I'm a leftist I like seeing a SE Asian country stand up to American imperialism.
How long before the CIA stages coup and installs a new leader on the USA just straight invades the Philippines under some bullshit pretenses though
Because he recognizes the truth, not everyone can (or should be) saved.
He IS a leftist. Why do you blame the left on everything? Where do you think violence comes from? From shitting on the poor. Who makes us poor and blows up shit while they lie about it? The right.
After we deal with Lemnos
Leftists do tons of drugs so yeah they'll be buttblasted when a drugged meth head gets shot
Hello rob ford
He kills people over marijuana, leftists favorite thing.
>Muh human rights!
Even though he's following a leftists playbook.
Thanks anyways. We're in a zionist sandbox so nothing here matters
This, he's everything good about the left and non cucky like the right. I hope he starts a new wave similar to the old left but more pragmatist.
He literally is a leftist though.
But Duterte is a leftist.
Yeah, this is true. He's kinda leftist in terms of being anti corruption, and not tolerating the ultra rich taking advantage of the poor. But he's based in other ways. Drug dealers, junkies, pimps...they all take advantage of people and degrade society. He's also a nationalist. The leftist side of his policy is pretty good. It's old school leftist stuff, caring about the poor. I hope he wants to work with America again when trump is president.
I hate him
Well, Rob Ford was a guy who transcended left and right, too. He was right in terms of industry and shit, but helped the poor, too. And in his case, he might have been a crack head, but he seemed pretty fun. I'd invite him to a house party.
Trump or the terminator? Anyway durtute, or however you spell it, seems more fun than most pinoy types in the US. He likes motorcycles and guns, pussy, and killing people.
He's a subhuman monkey plant by the chinks
>china number1 meth producer
>sell meth to subhuman jungle gooks
>get monkey dictator to start "clean up"
>political rivals jailed
>usa alliance broken
>"philippines love china now"
flips are dumb as fuck and are the on the bottom end of the gook hierarchy. Even chinks refer to flips as smelly cunts "Chow hai"? They are dumb as fuck and i hope their chinese overlords ravage their country.
Chen, you need to go back
Dude, he died.
you are a fucking idiot.
probably has something to do with junkie genocide
I don't know. I can't imagine him being in a meeting with high up Chinese capitalist-commie party members.
He'd piss in the shark fin soup, chug all the endangered tiger penis wine, and then finger bang the prime minister's sister while screaming "No, you make ME shitty fake Nike shoes, and I'll sell the Americans bootleg star wars dvds!"
What's wrong with China t bh? They're much closer to us than US and actually listens to our president.
I just hope the Chinese perception regarding to us improves as the relationship can be a value to us in the future.
As a white I'd rate upstanding filos as being more human ( with souls ) than chinks.
Go suck maori cock, faggot
you know i was going to call you a fucking leaf, but the truth is state sponsored violence is pretty leftist so...maybe...?
well, i guess if you don't mind having all your fisheries and shipping controlled by the PRC, go right ahead dong-dang
>Duterte Harry
DUTerTey Harry i see what you did there XD hahahaha bases Philly's finally got some one to clean house !
>argues corruption is a right wing belief
Pure autism
I have no clue, probably because of the way he is dealing with issues.
Yeah, no shit. Didn't you notice I consistently referred to him in the past tense? But still, you're a leaf, and probably know more about him...people really liked him, right? Besides the media? God, that video where he was high on crack, talking about how he wanted to kill hulk hogan in the ring.. fucking amazing. I WISH he was still alive. If he was from Boston he could have been mayor or governor for decades. (Cuz he would have got good health care, and bought a liver & heart transplant combo every year.)
I cloned Dut Dut
I'm not triggered, I disagree. The issue of drug abuse could be dealt with more efficiently by non-violent measures such as decriminalization.
He's a modern day Hitler... Ohhhh, I get it. Still though, fuck this guy.
Asia for asians, mate. We just control a portion of that sea and Chinese ships just went home last day.
We can fish now and China can take Vietnam's portion of the sea as a compromise.
because they can't believe someone still behaves like him in 2016
>Duterte behaving like a sexist mysoginist
>triggered SJW type female journalist disrespectfully confronts and debates duterte about it
he's alright
the right tool for the job
but he'd better watch his back
>lefts hate him because he cusses, hurts their feelings and MUH HUMAN RIGHTS
>rights hates him because he's 'left' and MUH CHRISTIAN VALUES
I just see him as a Nationalist
>china number1 meth producer
citations, or is this just shit you made up by feels
Well at least I'm not dyslexic. Read my post again. I said "he's leftist in terms of being anti corruption. " Really, look again. Fuck, I might be stupid, but I can usually tell my right from my left . Especially when I fucking READ the words! (But no offense, I think we have the same view here, you just misread my comment)
Because he is Alpha.
His anti-drug shit is never going to work. The economic and educational divide in that country makes this shithole look like Utopia.
Now he is going to be China's whore as well.
I don't live there, so it's basically whatever though.
Can you seriously say that decriminalization will solve narcopolitics? I mean they won't decriminalize it in the first place since they can't have small timers have a share of the market.
i saw recently him saying that god literally spoke to him and told him not to use swear words at a press conference.
reminder that this man is schizophrenic and is running an entire country
Dude. God literally spoke to him. Does God speak to you? Okay then. Plus, the greatest bad movie comes from his country. "the killing of Satan".
Anyone else not give a shit about gook countries? Japan is honestly the only gook country I respect.
you're telling me an all powerful god turned a blind eye to all the horrors in the world to remind one man to be polite?
i like philliphines because their women are all nice or at least useful (nurses and aides) and for some reason although they are kind of weird in pure form they make the best race mixes
We thought we were winning the drug war.
They cannot wrap their heads around the fact that a brown person is doing something they don't agree with. It really scrambles their bobbies
They think mexicans like him give mexicans a bad name.
He enforces the law.
A lot of people that knew Rob Ford respected him, despite his addiction; he was also a really good mayor and cut a lot of stupid expenses (ex: city officials driving in limos, stupid shit like that)
He was a fairly good guy, RIP my dude
I can vouch for this. Their features look a lot cuter when they are mixed with white.
You know that woodrow wilson got us into world War 1. FDR got us in ww2. Truman got us in the Korean War. Kennedy and LBJ got us into Vietnam. You know what they had in common? They're all democrats
To be fair it's just the Phillipines.
Because he's a man of the people, by the people and for the people.
Soviets hate that shit. They only know slave/master dynamics.
Arguments to Duterte
>He's a chink plant
We're just being nice to them and we still push the Kalayaan Islands decision by the UN
We're trying to prevent a war here you dumfucks
If we're talking about allies Jaoan is probably our closest right now because Obama is a bitch who cant shut the fuck up
>Muh extrajudicial killings
Rumors say they're Americans killing out of the grid drug dealers and users which would be detrimental if killed by police
A druggie dead or surrendered a dag means that we're not going to be a shithole like Mexico
Besides the ones who complain are closested druggies or Soros' pawn
>Oh no we cut our ties with USA
No we aren't its just that the Obama administration is shit and won't shut the fuck up about the killings
We're just distancing ourselves because its election year
If Hillary wins we become neutral so nobody would attack us
If Trump wins we're with USA's side
They aren't. He's a leftist in charge of a leftist party.
Right hates him because he's a mudslime and a chink sympathizer. He screams dictator as it gets longer and worship his idol's idol Mao Zedong. Shits fucked up.
kinda weird how he uses executive policies to enact what he thinks will make society better without any afterthought
if he succeeds
Guess who's next
It's like French Jews watching the German Jews being cleaned out immediately pre-ww2
Literally his most disturbing side
"""""""drug dealers"""""""
aka anyone in the area that local authorities feel like killing because due process was thrown out the window
He wants to make the Philippines great again and thwart drug degeneracy. Good guy in my opinion desu.
I don't know what his political alignment is, I just know he and his followers are a lot of knuckle dragging bottom of the barrel statists who think chimping out is an appropriate response to people buying and selling drugs.
It doesn't get any more subhuman than that
About God speaking to him, I think it's just another one of his rhetorical tactics to keep others in the dark and throw them off scene so they can't predict his next move.
start at
1hr 7 minutes
A reporter is asking if he will stop saying curse words and he was like:
"There is always a time."
"Superman, I can read your mind"
"There is always a time for everything, time to be foul-mouthed.."
>Starting at 1hr 8 mins:
"I dont want anyone reading my mind because I cannot strategize, it is all calibrated, it is all-timing, just watch out for one thing, in life, that's what I've learned: miscalculation"
So in essence, he needs to ensure that he knows what he is doing aka being one step ahead.
And it's effective so far.
Duterte's 'about-face' unsettles Xi.
>One social media post read, "Duterte changed his face as soon as he returned to the Philippines after securing money from China."
>At first glance, Duterte appeared disrespectful or even rude when pictured with Xi. But his appearance and big mouth mask may have masked some very shrewd political calculation.
>If the Philippine president took advantage of the timing, then he can claim to have gained the upper hand in diplomatic horse-trading.
>page 1
>page 2
Not only worked in China, but the US too.
>State Dept. baffled by Philippines 'separation' from U.S.,
Even Duterte's own staff didn't know what was going on and said she'd defere interpreting Duterte's statement
Boo boo. Why aren't leftists triggered by urban niggers? Or if we're talking specific leaders, Obama? He's been responsible for more needless death than Duterte, and Duterte's extrajudicial killings actually have a purpose. The real answer is that leftists will defend anything degenerate. Drug dealers, criminals and drug users are all best buds with leftists.
I'm kind of pissed that Japan hates us because of it. China is moving house; its not like Philippines would be getting anymore outside "help" after the slew of "donated" military equipment.
Because he hates America and American values.
Do you work for the cartels bro?
Why would someone who works for cartels support drug legalization?
It's not "leftists" who are being triggered by him. Anybody who is not a complete retard is triggered by him because he's a moron who thinks that drug use should be a capital crime and who is waging a campaign of extrajudicial violence.
>the FP is actually the BP for a change
This is the great disappointment of Duterte. He was supposed to retake your stolen territories, but instead of manning up and taking a boat out to the fishing grounds, he goes crawling to the Chinese and sucks their half-inch piddle-sticks in the hope that they will throw him a bone.
This. Get a warrant you gook fuck
>PH in charge of controlling EEZ
It took forever and a volcanic eruption to get American Troops in SBC and CRK.
because he is out of their reach.
he doesn't have to suffer their crying and bitching like the rest of us.
Maybe because he's a fucking psycho?
*American Troops away
So killing people over weed is fine because....leftists don't like it! You're fucked in the head.
leftists can't handle nationalist brown people. they literally don't know what to do about them.
Guy's a fucking retard and will die violently, like he deserves.
>t. conservative
Hahaha! Nah, I think it's because he's an absolute psycho.
except he did
chinese vessels are out of the territory
he even got billions of dollars worth of investments taken home
He's a leftist himself but in a commie separatist way
Jesus fuck Flips have the worst genes in the world....
China hasn't drop their claim
And he ask permits on to fish in our own waters
Acknowledging that's its thier
If we step out of line and defy china again thy will harrass us again
The chinks had no right to hold those territories in the first place. Their leaving was no victory, and all you got in return was the poisoned apple of Chinese investment.
then why don't leftists care about all the psycho communist leaning '-stan dictatorships in central asia?
Hague means nothing if you can't patrol your own EEZ.
Many of them probably do? If those dictatorships had the media coverage that this guy is getting maybe that'd be more apparent.
Duterte himself is a leftist. He's a democratic socialist.
>lefties are typically druggies and criminals
ebin meme