is coke redpilled? Helps you work harder and increase your confidence so you can help procreate more of the white race.
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is coke redpilled? Helps you work harder and increase your confidence so you can help procreate more of the white race.
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Probably the only drug I'd be really excited for them to legalize. Actually get some pharma grade shit.
same dude
>is coke redpilled
lmao enjoy fucking up your brain chemistry, retards
t. ruined brain from this shit
No its not it's degenerate as fuck. A really good time till you're out. Then you're just an asshole.
Also, isn't that shit like hundreds of dollars a gram down under the fuck you doing straya no coke is worth that price tag
Stupid thread
Coke isn't a workhard drug, that's adderall
Shittiest stimulant there is
Well, its actually awesome but the duration and price you pay for it makes it the shittiest
Adderal is 100x better for productivity
Coke is peasant tier. Adderall is where it's at.
Nothing comes close.
i shiggy diggy
Also gave me first and only offense. Under a gram and a felony. Be careful, friends.
Anyone who's done coke knows that getting it up is a fucking chore.
No because either your going to
>not have kids because of distractions around coke
>have kids be a shit dad
>not have kids because you died
>have a few kids then die and have them grow up to be shitheads
Fuck that
lol these are the people posting here
felon druggies
Unless you're rich as fuck with connections to pure it's one of the most degenerate drugs there is
nigga just drink coffee
degenerate retard
enjoy your addiction
Clean for 2 years. I was never a "druggie". I had friends who liked to party and coke and alcohol go together very well.
I don't think coke is, no.
I do think psychadellics, however, are inherently red-pilled, even weed.
Anything that can get you to think outside the box will do.
>all these buttmad "non-degenerate" kiddos
obviously haven't done coke. Dont post here if you havent done amphets (I know coke is different) and Im not talking about your adhd meds
No you fuckhead. Most drugs are great at first. Then you become a tweaked out, mentally disabled piece of human trash. What goes up must come down.
adhd meds are pretty good with high doses (100 mgs or over)
>waking up from a coke night and being ok with your actions and words from the night before
alcohol doesnt even compare to the post regret you get from coke.
its a drug for shallow thinking people
Its good for like 30 minutes then it sucks. Get some amphetamines for some real productive drugs
coke is one-up manship on tap and I fucken really dislike one-up manship, unless it's cheesy banter.
I hate faggots who one-up to "feel better" about themselves, that's some gay shit rite there.
wait you got a felony for a gram?
did you go to prison?
does this mean you are no gunz?
if yes, that's fucked up senpai, even if coke is degenerate.
I swear to god I would give anything for the ability to reach through the interweb machine and smack the fuck out of some of these idiots
Drugs are degenerate. Drugs only suffice to keep you in the bluepilled dreamworld. Fuck all drugs.
My cousin worked as an EMT for awhile and got called to respond to a situation where a guy had shot at his girlfriend disappeared into the forest.
They busted in and found a table full of coke and guns but no sign of the dude. Apparantly he has snorted so much he climbed his neighbors house and jumped off the ceiling 2 stories(3 really because the house was on a hill) and had a compound fracture in his leg.
The dumbass then heard the sirens and had the ability to get up and run with his shin physically sticking out of his skin into the forest. They found him after 2 hours and had to drag his ass out of there about a quarter mile because life star couldnt land nearby.
He was admitted to UTMC for about 2ish weeks and then went to prison. Moral of the story coke is pretty based.
so buying crack drug dealer niggers is redpilled now?
Coke would be worth it if it lasted 3 times as long or was 3 times cheaper. Clean shit is nice but I'm not loaded so it's a rip off. At least ketamine has meaningful experiences.
The great emperor Duterte would be ashamed and have your ass killed!
Sounds like meth dude.
>o, isn't that shit like hundreds of dollars a gram down
no wonder cartels are swimming in money,
>Being complicit in the deaths of countless people as a result of the drug trade
>Having to re-up at least every 20 minutes to keep up the feeling
>Waking up and realizing that you talked way too much about things you probably should not have shared
>Thinking all of your shitty ideas are actually brilliant
If you're looking to work longer, more effectively, without a huge crash at the end, and for significantly cheaper, then be a big boy and get yourself a prescription for adderall. The side effects of that are just losing 40% of your personality and debilitating yourself as a person by ((("needing"))) it to be productive. But judging by the music video you shared, you probably just do coke casually with your bros and think you're the shit.
No. Cocaine is the opposite of red-pilled.
P.S. Make sure to take out cash in the middle of the day, so mommy and daddy don't get suspicious when they review your bank activity.
gotta do prescription drugs and glue though. I was thinking of doing some nitrous oxide myself.
That shits legal
Yes, it is, belive me ;)
>Redpilled drug
You'd be thinking of LSD my friend
I would be broke within the hour
Fuck all non americans who dont indulge in self pleasure
It is a redpilled drug
Donald and his circle of friends sniff it by the truckload so you know it's good shit
It's a shame he is unable to come to terms with his policies regarding drugs and his own addiction to coke
Why are all aussies obsessed with coke?
They ask me here for coke, when I was in Peru, when I was in Mexico, when I was in Spain and ran into Aussies.
Seems all strayans do is travel the world to find coke. It's a 15-20 min high that sobers you up when you're stupid drunk, purely a degenerate drug for nightclub scum.
As a man whose done his fair share while drinking, No. It's degenerate as fuck. It causes some people to act and do things they WOULD never do normally. The community I was hanging out in recently was full of people doing coke, and many of (((them))) were utter two faced pieces of shit. Psychedelics and marijuana are about as redpilled as it gets drug wise, other drugs are fun but degenerate as fuckall
Yeah it does sound more like meth, but coke can fuck you up pretty bad too if you do enough.
From where do you think they get their dopamine rush when they aren't doing shitposting binges?
>is coke redpilled?
Total slide and bait thread but I'll bite in hopes of changing some people's opinions.
If you are honestly asking this question then I hope, with every last fiber of my soul, that you are a young and stupidly inexperienced idiot who still has time within their lifespan to make the right choices to correct their path in this world. Cocaine (and all drugs for that matter) is a simple and easy route to guaranteeing social and genetic degeneracy and is purposefully pushed onto society with the end goal being the destruction of sociological norms. This degradation does and will always lead to the dissociation of the societies youth from the societies base.
The acceptance of drug use is the acceptance of social failure and the acceptance of extra-societal dominance; namely the Jewish subversion of the societies morals and values.
Learn who dominates you before it is too late.
>i need external substances to muh mummi and daddi prublumz
Coke is degenerate. Extremely degenerate.