Why does pol vote againist their own economic intrests?
Is it racism? Apparently it is because I don't see why on earth anyone would want to see taxes for the rich cut from 35% to 15%. A lot of uneducated white trash on this board.
Why does pol vote againist their own economic intrests?
Is it racism? Apparently it is because I don't see why on earth anyone would want to see taxes for the rich cut from 35% to 15%. A lot of uneducated white trash on this board.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is it racism
mostly yes
>calls pol racist
>immediately uses the phrase "uneducated white trash"
Racism works both ways, bud.
America would look like Sweden if it wasn't for all theses dumb stupid old white voting for trickle down economics. As a white young person I can't wait for all white people to die out.
But he is also cutting my taxes from 20% to 0
only the corporate tax will go down to 15%, the top tax rate will come down from 40% to 33%. And by the way, why is one group doing good 'against my interests'? It's not, it just benefits them more then me.
It's a vote against my economic interest or a vote against my actual existence. For some reason I'd rather live.
Less taxes is not a good thing fagoot. GOP cut taxes from 90% to 10% in 1920 and guess what happened? 1929 crash.
Why do you deserve any of that money at all? What have you contributed to humanity? Fact is the rich people have all the money, cut taxes and they'll more than likely spend that extra money on making more which means more jobs. If you tax them for your "fair share" they'll just keep their money over seas and not recycle it into our economy. It's like you fags are retarded, we had this same conflict 200 years ago and then America was born. What the fuck even is a "fair share"?
what is with all these SJWs and cucks doing on this board I thought this was Sup Forums not tumblr
Read some Milton Friedman, Mises, or Henry Hazlitt. It's not my fucking job to educate you on economics.
>Looking like Sweden
>A good thing
Either bait or retarded leftcuck.
interesting strategy, ctr
It's not the first time in history a big-talker who is clueless about politics is running for leadership in the US. Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected to become the governor of California - he promised to fix the massive debt California was suffering from at the time.
This was a huge mistake - his lack of experience in politics ended up making him TRIPLE the debt. it was so bad, that at one point, the GDP of california was the same as the GDP of kazakhstan.
That is why you should not vote for trump, and vote for someone who actually knows what he is talking about. trump's lack of experience will make the debt even worse and cause a recession. you might lose your job.
You are all drones.
You have no individual traits or characteristics.
You share the same, malfunctioning brain cell.
You parrot the same simplistic lines.
You copy-paste the same autistic memes.
You align with the same fuck-witted ideologies.
You worship the same moronic messiahs.
You're the very, mindless automatons that you so wish to avoid becoming.
You have no opinions of your own.
You only parrot what you've been indoctrinated with.
Your neural pathways are irrevocably fucked in place.
You spurn logic, rationale and reason.
You espouse only that which re-enforces your existing prejudice.
You cannot be taught, edified or redeemed.
You do not want to be saved.
You live in a blissful Twilight Zone of absurdity.
You're the very chattels that demagogues rise to power on the kyphotic backs of.
You're the very pismires that are first to be trampled by the tyrannies you unwittingly canonise.
You're self-defeating, self-immolating, martyrs of ignorance.
You're the alcoholic, drug addict, sugar fiend, greed afflicted junkies.
You're the Fox News- / Brietbart- / InfoWars- / Kardashians-reared retardates.
You're the nonentity keyboard jockeys of inaction.
You're the bilious blowhards of impotence.
You're the cogs in the cycle of idiocy that enthrals you.
You're all self-haters.
You're unhappy.
You're discontented.
You're confused.
You're melancholic.
You're in denial.
You seek not solutions, only turmoil.
You want the world to burn, not thrive.
You deserve your fate.
You deserve subjugation by despots and dictators.
You deserve to be trodden on.
You deserve your evolutionary retardation
You deserve your imminent extinction.
You are bound to your condign fate.
Your passing will elicit no pathos.
You will not be remembered.
You're effectively brain-dead.
>these people worked all their life to accumulate great wealth
>so they should have to pay exponentially higher taxes so that people who will do nothing with their lives can become gender studies drop-outs without paying a dime
You forgot your proxy Shlomo
Trump is only against the economic interests of people who are on welfare and do not want to have a job. The problem with your argument is that you assume everyone is also a worthless drain on society like you, this is in fact not true.
Taxes for everyone would be cut you utter retard.
So that the wealthy don't leave and take their means of production (potential and actual) with them you idiot.
Lower taxes = industry
Oh look, another leftist cuck whose understanding of politics consists of shouting das raycis.
There are two possible outcomes if trump wins:
>The world burns
We are fine with either of those.
If shillary wins, it will just be more of the same corruption.
>as a white person
Shlomo pls
so I'll asume, if you've read Friedman, that he would consider Trumps trade policies a complete disaster.
wowza! i had no idea that it was in my best economic interest to let illegal immigrants overrun the country and ensure democrats rule the political sphere for generations to come, because immigrants reliably vote for big government democrats in every single election, and for obvious reasons (gibmedats!)
This should explain it for you.
Yes, he would. And in fact, I agree. But that doesn't change the fact that his assertion that low taxes are bad for the economy is horseshit.
>Why does pol vote againist their own economic interests?
Obama gave the banks an $800 billion bailout (just like Bush did) then used quantitative easing to drive down the value of the dollar making it easier for the rich to pay off their debts and simultaneously cutting the buying power of every working class citizen. He also spent a trillion dollars on a stimulus that was focused entirely on corporate subsidies while giving next to nothing to the working class. Meanwhile his solution to fix healthcare was to mandate that poor people be forced to buy insurance they can't afford.
Please explain to me how any of that is in the interest of the common man?
Trump wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.
Hillary Clinton would rather increase current wages for shitty jobs that aren't worth it.
I hope US law has her entire extended mafia crime family is imprisoned or executed for their treason and selling out to the petrokikes.
sure, but friedman was more against unecessary government spending than taxes per se.
A flat tax would hurt the poorest.
> I don't see why on earth anyone would want to see taxes for the rich cut from 35% to 15%
I don't see why on earth anyone would believe your shit when you obviously haven't done your part on reading his positions.
>More than $225,000: 33%
Oh lord 2% decrease in taxes for the rich with a 100% decrease for anyone making under 25k/year making their effective income tax 0%.
Get fucked son you literally have no idea what you're talking about because you haven't even researched the candidate.
>againist their own economic intrests
[citation needed]
Clinton is free trade and open borders. Laissez-Faire as fuck!
this right here is why Trump is winning. Fuck this self righteous, sanctimonius bullshit.
Here's a brief poli sci lesson for you leftist cunts.
Rational actors as defined in political science are defined by their ability to rank order their preferences.
Not all of us are Jews who value money above all else. This will come as a shocker to you, but there are people out there who believe in things other than the almighty dollar. To these people, a few extra thousand dollars a year in government subsidies aren't worth giving up the things they value, like freedom, privacy, and dignity.
Just because you'd sell your daughter to a camel jockey for a pack of newports doesn't mean the rest of us subscribe to your nihilistic, money driven world view. Money is nice, but it doesn't remove that government jackboot from my throat does it?
thank god for old people i like my white women unraped
They are trash
Its like you want small business to die. And you say others vote against their interests
>Is it racism?
Mostly yes all you shit skinned fucks can go die in a bonfire and when the flames reach high enough the white cucks will follow.
Because Trump gives us hope.
>Le economic interests meme
Oh yea cause my pay check is far better spent on a crack whore and her brood of 8 niglets
My taxes will be cut by one $500/month under Trump. That's in my best interest.
Go away, hershel. No one wants you...
Taxes are just too high man. I was planning to open a business recently and literally most of the planning I was doing was about how to minimise tax, or evade it entirely.
It's nuts.
I mean for once leftists, try to look at it from the perspective of an entrepreneur instead of a wage cuck. You come with with a brilliant idea, take out a loan, put your own capital at risk, essentially risking your financial freedom for the next decade or so...
So that the government can swoop in taking 0 risk and somehow be entitled to 20-30% of what you earn?
And that money is just spent on buying bombs to give to terrorists so they can overthrow Assad for the Saudi Jews.
Small buisness owner here get a really good accountant. Thousands of dollars paid = tens of thousands saved and yes i go to great lengths using every tax write off i can think of.
>cut from 35% to 15%
not even trying tbqhf
Hillary is against the poor people's interests.
Trump wants to lower the taxes for businesses so they at least pay a low tax.
Hillary wants loopholes for her friends and Wallstreet so they pay 0% tax.
Can you pls remove yourself from the gene pool?
If you want to live in a 3rd world country that bad you can always move to mexico, you know ?
He's going to ensure no taxes for anybody that makes less than 25k a year.
You should be estatic OP
>I don't see why on earth anyone would want to see taxes for the rich cut from 35% to 15%.
Because I think people should be able to keep what they make instead of being coerced by the state into subsidizing the inept and the lazy.
Sweden is fucked in its own way, but it's nowhere near as corrupt as the American system.
The Clinton Foundation is literally a higher level of Lobbyism.
Corruption to the core, and sworn to do favours to evil countries like Saudi Arabia, just because they donated a ton of money.
And half of America is perfectly okay with this, because they have been brainwashed to think it's racist to uphold the borders of your nation.
>implying Trump's tax plan is passed word for word by Congress
Is anyone literally this stupid?
you have good common sense OP.
Trump wants to increase revenue in things like healthcare, border security, infrastructure, school vouchers, and entitlements for senior citizens. This is fine except that he also want to cuts taxes. Hilary wants to cut taxes for middle class and increase taxes of the rich. Trump in other hand wants to decrease corporate tax by half.
where are the real conservatives? this opposes conservative values. increase spending while reducing taxes is beyond irresponsible.
>rich people only use their money to make more jobs
> n- no they would never jew their money and sp- spend it on luxury goods while the rest sits in m- mutual f- f- funds!
>Hillary wants to cut taxes for middle class
I'm not on welfare, neckbeard. You should try it sometime.